Hi Steve,
yes I saw that you have come up with a replacement (the exact reason was that forked processes would not properly call the path rewriter DLL):
https://trac.netlabs.org/libc/ticket/190https://trac.netlabs.org/libc/ticket/360But even with prewrite.dll, when booting to a commandline, any Unix style app will hang, at least on my system.
The moment you call "PrfOpenProfile" will lead to a hang when you execute this from a boot commandline. Running without any prewrite hook dll will also lead to a hang but can be terminated via Ctrl-C.
@Pete: Note that I said "booted to a commandline" and not "booted to the desktop and using a commandline". This is as completely different pair of shoes as in the latter case, you have a fully working Presentation Manager environment.
Just give me some time of trial and error and I see where I end up.
@Steve: as a side question, can I assume that our gcc port has "__cdecl" as the standard calling convention ? Or would that be "__syscall" ? I assume the former but I am not sure.