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Topics - mauro

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Applications / eCo software runtime packages
« on: December 13, 2024, 11:30:26 am »
Hi all, just read the Arca NOAE announcement about it.
Said that I have both ArcaOS 5.0 and OS2 4.52 guest installed in Virtualbox Windows11 and personalized as per my needs (Guest Additions, Dooble QT5, VLC, AVXCat, Lucide, OpenJDK, Openoffice exc....) do you think is recommandable to install those runtimes without causing any conflict on what already installed/configured?
Thank you

Setup & Installation / getting chkdsk fix errors on C (Vm Virtualbox)
« on: January 13, 2024, 12:35:36 pm »
Hi, if I run chkdsk on C:\  from inside a OS2 open session, then the prompt warns that no fix actions will be possible as the disk remains in read-only mode, and that is fully understandable.
Could you suggest a way to make a chkdsk scanning that could fix the corrupted-bad sectors, that I guess could be performed from an external installation media, which I don't own  (I used a first-boot Warp 4.52 .vdi image to be directly imported in Virtualbox).
Thank you

Hi all, I'm finding this issue: my previous DFSee installation was the evaluation one, now asking for a valid key to run. I've found on the eCSoft/2 pages this version defined free-open source and installed it replacing the expired one, providing its uninstallation before.
In the new situation, running the object DFSOS2 returns an error window in the middle of a command-prompt window (see image). Also trying to start the RUN DFSee object returns same error alert, not specifying anything else than "IBMS506$ device does not recognize the command", which I cannot translate in something useful.
Is anyone aware of what can be done to run this DFSee ?
Thank you much

Hi all, I have this weirdness since I installed the Guest Additions time ago. Not the official Oracle ones which never worked causing system trap, but the Valery Sedletski version, the 218r that resulted successfully installable in the VM 
see topic,1905.0.html

the mouse pointer has a defective behavior when the pointer changes shape -ie. from arrow to hand- passing over a gadget; it leaves persistent "object shadows" in the place where it changed shape, that can be wiped away by moving any opened window on it.
See example image here.

Can someone tell if it's a graphic driver or a mouse driver issue?
Thank you

Applications / hints for python upgrade
« on: November 19, 2023, 09:12:58 am »
Hi all, Python upgrade which should be a prerequisite for QT5 installation, cause error messages on my attempt and remains undone under ANPM operation.
Guess the point is, as learned here time ago, by one side the i686 platform of some packages causing incompatibility for this task vs pentium 4 version, and on the other side ANPM itself (best say YUM) which prevents modifications of its Python files needed to run.
Posts about it have been written here but non easy to retrieve the one describing the final steps to solve.
Is ther a wiki-how or procedure description I can go through ?
Something I could remember there were specific YUM commands to use in a window instead of ANPM application.
Thank you 

Applications / ANPM disables netlabs-experimental repository URL
« on: November 17, 2023, 07:01:36 pm »
Hi all , since a couple of days as in the subject ANPM 1.1.02 does not connect on the Netlabs experimental repository URL$releasever/$basearch/
"not recognized - disabled".
The other one for Netlab Stable is ok
Temporary outage?
Thank you

General Discussion / ArcaOS 5.0 free to use?
« on: November 04, 2023, 06:42:23 pm »
apparently, everybody can download the ISO of Arcaos 5.0 from here:


and after that -guess- install and use it.

is that legally allowed ?
Sounds new to me.

Moderator's Note: I had removed the link to avoid problems. Martin.

Applications / pdf plugin for Lucide missing after Poppler upgrade
« on: March 22, 2023, 07:27:15 pm »
Hi all, after some time I went back on Lucide 1.41 RC_4 to open some pdf files. answer is "can't find the proper plugin for this document".
Comparing this with an installation of Lucide still working with pdf, on another virtual machine late in software updates, I can see that the plugin missing is lupplr .
Also seen that Lucide still supporting pdf works with Poppler 0.59.0 and have learned that lupplr comes from there.
The not working one goes with the last Poppler update 0.90.1-1.
If try to install the latest Lucide 1.51 wpi package found on Ecosoft, at the begining of installation already warns that can't find Poppler 0.59.0, therefore it won't handle pdf.
If I try to downgrade Poppler 0.90.1 back to 0.59.0 on ANPM, it alerts that is not possible due to the Poppler-qt / qt5 version linked to same 0.90.1 .
What could I do?  If not possible having back a working PDF plugin for Lucide I guest have to dismiss it, can you suggest a good/smart PDF reader (or also more than a just a reader) ?
Thank you

Web applications / Mypal68 -win32 browser- could ever run under Odin ?
« on: March 13, 2023, 10:07:17 am »
Hi recently discovered this beta under development for those one still using Windows XP.
I shortly tested it in XP environment, seems to be a valid one although still beta, using the engine of Firefox Quantum (version 68).
Curious to have a try in Warp 4.52 Odin -you never know....
Does not run, first it claimed a dbghelp.dll wich I the provided and placed under Odin\System32 folder, as in XP is Windows\System32.
But same, given PE mypal.exe command in OS2 terminal window, does not start, not giving answers.
Do you think it will never run ?

Hi all, I'm having issues with Avxcat when trying to open a multimedia file.  Since it begins to scan for all available drives in the system, it closes the selection window with a system error alert as some drives are inoperative (not ready) like in my case D and F  but however present in the drives list.  I wish to exclude them from the list so that Avxcat can go on to target a multimedia file.
Can you suggest how to ?
Thank you

Mail-News / tip for running Seamonkey Email window standalone
« on: June 03, 2022, 06:10:09 pm »
Hi, believe many of you already know this feature, I discovered it myself and find somehow useful to be shared here.
There's a way to open a Seamonkey email instance window directly like a standalone email client with no need to begin from the browser window.
Running the command
seamonkey -mail
from inside the seamonkey working directory will do the job.
At this point I can set a .cmd script file containing such command to be executed with a mouse doubleclick.
And, of course, creating its shadow copy on the desktop and choosing the proper icon for it, will provide an immediate application handling, separating email from the browser one, both available when wanted.

Internet / Seamonkey dependencies installation p4 specific
« on: May 30, 2022, 07:30:53 pm »
Hi, hope all of you are going well.
I've began to install Seamonkey Dave's latest version (pentium4) on my vm machines.
Everything is going well, want to tell this first of all  :).
Till now I succeeded, but must go on with others, the situation is that all of the package dependencies already present are in the original installation mode i686 platform.  If I give the suggested command:

yum install libstdc++6 nspr nss libicu pixman cairo pango fontconfig freetype libkai libvpx libjpeg-turbo libpng zlib bzip2 hunspell libcx

the task goes in error probably because recently the preferred ANPM platform has been setted into pentium 4 and that yum install command does not automatically replace the existing  i686 package.
If I transform one-by-one from i686 to pentium4 on ANPM panel, it goes well and at the end Seamonkey works.  But it takes time.  Could anyone please suggest a corrispondent command line to state that those packages need to be replaced by their pentium 4 versions?

Thank you

Internet / simple browser does not handle URL by domain name
« on: May 15, 2022, 07:12:08 pm »
This is just happening to my installed QT5 Simple Browser. In same system I can run meantime both Firefox 45.9 and Dooble not having issue in this. If I put a valid IP address in simple browser, it opens the page; but "Page not found" if I put the URL string.
Simple browser has not settings to look for any change attempt.

Internet / Dooble Browser rendering - missing characters
« on: May 08, 2022, 01:25:32 pm »
hi all, can someone tell why both Dooble and Simple Browser miss some character when displaying the page, see for example the main page of La Repubblica (attached image) where only four characters of the paper headname are visible ?
Thank you

Applications / anpm - yum permission denied ?
« on: April 27, 2022, 09:24:41 pm »
Sorry, How can I fix this ? (see error message image).
First time it happens, cannot update LIBC p4

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