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Messages - Remy

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Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 23, 2016, 05:49:33 pm »
Hi Dariusz,

I changed several parts of the internal filemanager and corrected some other issue I found (e.g. drop down list for presets incorrect after prévious update).

File manager should be faster and of course better ( I hope )
I no more see the unstability issue I could find previously. I hope it is fine for you too now.
( No special debug entries added )

note: I used wrc.exe this time (it's ok)


Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 22, 2016, 05:06:57 pm »
Nice, I will give it a try.

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 21, 2016, 11:20:57 pm »
It looks like drdialog is only compatible with an older version...  :(

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:03:08 am »
Drdialog uses an old rc.exe, I tried a newer one but this one will not work with drdialog.
Any suggestion about a newer compatible rc.exe to use with drdialog ?

FFmpeg v3 (not under os/2 yet)

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 20, 2016, 08:44:42 pm »
I'm going to increase the number of selectable CPU from max 4 to 6   ( auto should take all 6 CPUs )
Currently, I implemented the after user cmd option in addition to the pre user cmd option
I'l already working on the internal filemanager code and could reduce some processes (making it faster) but some kind of action under it always gives some unstability (but less than before)... Working more on it   

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 20, 2016, 08:34:16 pm »
...How many files do you have under the path you open through internal filemanager ? What is your path name where ?...
Not many files, about 6 files that match the filter extension...but about 18 files in total in that directory...the path name I've used is "G:\tmp\camtest"

From a process perspective here is what PSTAT returns:


Sure, not a lot of files...

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 20, 2016, 08:30:59 pm »
This sounds like a simple smp problem and perhaps can be fixed by marking avxcat.exe as MPUNSAFE. At least it would be worth trying. I believe the syntax is
Code: [Select]
markexe MPUNSAFE avxcat.exe

Tried that already...same result...the only thing that seems to work is running 'setproc' utility...not sure who wrote that...but you can find it on Hobbes here =>

Here is something else I noticed. When I start up either PSI or Remy's app I see libc06b4.dll showing up in Theseus...but that is a DLL that is quite old and is "retired" both apps still pull it in, my DLL details are:

 2-01-05  10:21a    562710           0  libc06b4.dll

...and here is the full list of all libcxxx DLLs:

10-27-03   5:13p    230785         124  libc04.dll
 4-14-04   4:37p    356330           0  libc05.dll
10-26-14   8:17p     48179           0  libc06.dll
10-26-14   8:17p     48179           0  libc061.dll
10-26-14   8:17p    157161           0  libc062.dll
10-26-14   8:17p    157161           0  libc063.dll
10-26-14   8:17p    157213           0  libc064.dll
 8-11-08   5:53a   1353252         124  libc064x.dll
10-26-14   8:17p    157213           0  libc065.dll
10-26-14   8:16p   1361666           0  libc066.dll
 2-01-05  10:21a    562710           0  libc06b4.dll
12-30-11  11:08a    114176           0  libcbeta
 2-01-05  10:21a    562710           0  libcbeta.dll

So maybe some sort of DLL conflict where one of these is not SMP-safe?

I build the program under drdialog using rexx.

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:58:00 am »
Hi Remy!!! on please...

- Corrected some code when clicking on files ( a proc was called 2 times )
- Added option under parameters to see LOCAL or USED drives ( was set to USED drives by default )
- Included code to check existing of a file called "owncmd.txt' under avxcat path into which some user os2 commands could be added ( do not include single quotes because avxcat will add single quotes at start and end of each included cmd line. these commands are put/issued prior the ffmpeg exe.  e.g.   CLS ...

OK, so I had closed all my front-end apps before testing, in case it might freeze my amazement and excillaration the Open File dialog box popped up and off I went picking files. Great...I shut-down the app, re-booted, re-tried the test to confirm the behaviour and ran straight into the same old freeze problem...why???

Well, I start up a few apps by default during system boot, one of them is PSI (IM client), through additional testing I found out that if I kill PSI before starting your app, it will open up the File dialog box fine. If on the other hand I leave PSI up and running the old behaviour persists and even the very 1st File attempt will lock things up.

Knowing this I tested further.

This time, having opened the File dialog once I wanted to rule out multiple File pick options, and here is where I ultimately got stuck. Even with PSI not running, attempting to open the File dialog for the second time will freeze the app. The LOCAL/USED drive settings did not seem to make a difference here.

One more test remains, and that is the "owncmd.txt" file approach...but as best as I can tell this only allows me to execute a "pre" command, is there a "post" command option as well? To avoid the freeze I effectively need to run in a single-core mode while using the app and only switch to all-cores when ffmpeg is actually running, then back to single-core only.

How many files do you have under the path you open through internal filemanager ?
What is your path name where ?

I found a unstability issue and may rewrite several part of the code for the internal filemanager...   

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 19, 2016, 11:03:53 am »
Thanks for your test.

Could you please provide me some information about your environnement ( ECS V? OS2 v?, number of drives etc ... )
( use my email option from my web site for confidentiality )

I'll add some debug messages in a special build

* Yes, this build has "pre" command support only. I'll add "post" cmd as well into next build ( using the same owncmd file but identifying each command by a special character ( may be: B for before and A for after ... I'll tell you as soon it is ready )


Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 18, 2016, 03:43:12 pm »
Hi Dariusz,

Please give a try to this new alpha build

- Corrected some code when clicking on files ( a proc was called 2 times )
- Added option under parameters to see LOCAL or USED drives ( was set to USED drives by default )
- Included code to check existing of a file called "owncmd.txt' under avxcat path into which some user os2 commands could be added ( do not include single quotes because avxcat will add single quotes at start and end of each included cmd line. these commands are put/issued prior the ffmpeg exe.  e.g.   CLS


Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:00:36 pm »
thanks for your explanation.
Let me have a look and I'll add an option into an other build for test   

Note: R26099 never worked in multi thread under my system while the latest yes.

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: February 16, 2016, 04:07:39 pm »
Strange !
I do not see why OS2 command issued at file open time is hunging your system...
About long process, older ffmpeg was single thread only while the latest one I suggested to give it  try is multi-thread and under my system which has 4 enabled CPU core ( I also tried it using the 4 additional virtual core ), it works well and conversion is mutch faster with the latest ffmpeg suggested build.

I'll return into my code and check what could make you system not responding ...   
no other user reported this kind of problem.


Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: January 11, 2016, 12:37:11 pm »
Any feedback received yet  :-[ .


Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: January 02, 2016, 08:53:08 pm »
Hi Remy,
sorry, I did not see the readme.file the first time I tried.
I downloaded the files missing acording to the readme but I am not able to do any conversion all the same. What I noticed: When setting the ffmpeg full path in the parameters pointing to the version you recommend and then adding a file the time/file (s) line in the main window is empty. I do see the filename and the size. If I change back to another version of ffmpeg I see the filename, size and the time/file value


Did you put all Dll's into a dll patth ( e.g. c:\ecs\dll ?
It looks like ffmpeg didn't find the required dll's.

I suggest you to unlock current DLL's if older version exist and rename them before copying new DLL's into the libpath.

Please use the email link on my site to provide more details about how you installed ffmpeg and avxcat and your avxcat parameters.
Best regards,

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: January 01, 2016, 07:52:19 pm »
Hi Holger,

Happy new year to you too and to all OS2WORLD users.

Yes, please read the readme file from ffmpeg. You have to get some additional dll's to make it work.


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