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Messages - Remy

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Applications / Re: ArcaOS 5.0 on VirtualBox
« on: May 17, 2017, 10:26:24 pm »
How to enable SMP mode ?

Setup & Installation / Re: NIFS for Intel NICS
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:54:04 pm »
Current sold intel NICS only has USB3, no USB2 How do you plan to make these USB3 working ?
There is no OS/2 USB3 driver yet. 


Check what you have in your libpath ( config.sys )
If you have a \usr\lib at beginning of the libpath=, you can use it to simplify future product installation ...

Setup & Installation / Re: Video drivers
« on: April 21, 2016, 09:45:30 pm »

Setup & Installation / Re: Video drivers
« on: April 21, 2016, 10:48:15 am »
If you google lenovo 't42 os2 warp video driver' you get to


Then, remove selected OS and set it to "pick an OS" and add into third field " OS/2 ".
You have ATI mobility 7500 video driver for T42

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: April 12, 2016, 10:52:01 pm »
After a lot of work and taking account reported problems and end user whishes,

AVxCAT V1.4.0 (major update and added compatibility with ffmpeg 1.2.1, 2.1.5, v3 up to v3.0.1 r2) is now available on my web site.  See the "changelog.Readme" under AVxCAT page.

Thanks to those having reported found issue and having done tests as well to Dave and Gian Filippo having worked hard on ffmpeg.

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:55:41 am »
Some news.

After a lot of changes and code re-write since last beta and many tests with some new ffmpeg 3.0.1 build, all test seems to pass now as well as added vp9 (ogg or opus) and libtheora and more available options as well.

* Thanks to Dave and Gian Filippo having worked together with me resulting into finding source of some problems and new enabled codec support ( e.g. libopus with vp9 )           
I hope to publish the updated AVxCAT build very soon (docs to update etc...) with new added compatibility like ffmpeg v3.0.1 r2 (hobbes) and preserving ffmpeg backlevel support ( more ffmpeg version can be available on the disk now ) 
The new comming build will be a big major update


Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: April 01, 2016, 06:36:48 pm »
Hi !

A few news.
I could do a few test with a basic ffmpeg 3.0.1 build and found several things.
This build required me to install several dlls and freetyp6.dll why v3.0 build didn't request it when running it in line mode cmd.

I had some changes to do on AVxCAT for compatibility and more should be done in next days
(e.g. crop like croptop cropbottom and pad functions have changed since v3.0 and uses now -filter option)
Currently, I could well convert video files and saw v3.0.1 allowing a few more fps than 2.1.5 ( nice )

Curious, I tried again the v3.0 (refered as n3.0 after having changed dlls for 3.0.1 and n3.0 works now !
I search which dll was the culprit making no return into the pipe for drdialog and it is " freetype6.dll "  <<

As soon my code is changed and some tests could be done, I'll post a message about next available beta build

Update: first test are promizing

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: March 31, 2016, 12:43:27 pm »

Hi Dave,
The problem I reported several weeks ago is always present and it is not possible to make this build compatible with AVxCAT until a well working pipe process with drdialog using RXU.dll (required).

It is very ease test, create a single drdialog, load rxutils and rxu and run ffmpeg from under drdialog using a named rxqueue (pipe) with FIFO option.

From all changes I could read under this build, resolving this issue should made it work with AVxCAT   

OK, I built trunk and it worked fine with AVxCAT excepting H264 where I had some unrecognized commands. I guess something was screwed with my tree.
I'll download the 3.0.1 tarball and build and upload that.

Great news.... thanks
Waiting on it for tests

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: March 31, 2016, 12:34:37 pm »
Just try AVxCat

Only convert a mp4 to a wmv and that worked.
Maybe they are working on it, however syntax has changed a lot of times, release by release. My logs attempting to convert into wmv, the same you did, in this case here works right only SVN-r25157 and 2.1.5.

Note: ffmpeg 1.2.1 was not supported by AVxCAT despite the pipe function works well.

As soon, version 3.0 didn't return expected information, the correct syntax can not be generated like it is with 2.1.5
V3.0.1 seems to resolve v3.0 issue and this is a very good news  :)


Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: March 31, 2016, 01:11:48 am »
Hi TeLLie,

Good with ffmpeg v3.0.1  :D
Could you please provide me with this 3.0.1 build ?

( I see a bug I'll resolve - ffmpeg debug-log should be enabled and not disabled )   

Can you please tell me more about your environment ?

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:50:25 pm »

It works without using pipe fonction ( command line mode ) but not throught AVxCAT
I see that the wrong version is displaied which tells me PIPE didn't return required information out of FFMPEG.

I could read some information on FFMPEG development that they changed how pipe is working !
It would be nice having a FFMPEG V3 build with a well working (like under all prévious build) pipe function
Remember, all previous ffmpeg build up to 2.1.5 are well working with pipe under drdialog and using rxu.dll.

Hi Dave,
The problem I reported several weeks ago is always present and it is not possible to make this build compatible with AVxCAT until a well working pipe process with drdialog using RXU.dll (required).

It is very ease test, create a single drdialog, load rxutils and rxu and run ffmpeg from under drdialog using a named rxqueue (pipe) with FIFO option.

From all changes I could read under this build, resolving this issue should made it work with AVxCAT   

PS: I see a character size problem (V1, V2, Both) under this dialog I will resolve under next build.

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: March 30, 2016, 07:51:00 pm »
I'll give it a try to check compatibility.
Hi Remy and Dave, it seems quite compatible with latest releases (no tested deeply but works quite well).
Thanks for your efforts!


It is strange it works for you... 
Can you please post the result of your AVxCAT parameters dialog ?
Do you have V3.0.0 listed or v2.1.5 ?

I checked for compatibility but I could not get pipe results from any direct command issued from under drdialog with ffmpeg v3 build !
This is the first ffmpeg builf not returning messages into the pipe command issued from under AVxCAT !
Without a working pipe, conversion will not work.     

I checked my environment and installed Dlls and all are ok.
Until this issue is found and corrected, ffmpeg v3 is currently falgged as not compatible.

Applications / Re: AVxCAT 1.4 alpha
« on: March 29, 2016, 01:05:45 pm »
I've uploaded FFmpeg v3.0 to Hobbes,
Remy, do you want to update AVxCAT to support it.  Also let me know if there is anything I missed as v3.0.1 will be released shortly.

Thanks Dave,
I'll give it a try to check compatibility.

Programming / Re: REXX help - check to see if file is present.
« on: March 15, 2016, 08:23:00 pm »

First be sure only have '\' and no '/'. You can use a translate(string,'\','/') to be sure all '/' are '\'
Then, you can have a look on lastpos()
e.g. lp = lastpos('\',string')

with string = E:\Projects\eJava\eJava-008, lp = 18

followed by a substr() function
e.g. path=substr(string,1,lp-1)

Or all together :

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