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Messages - Jan-Erik Lärka

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
Setup & Installation / Re: How to? python, pip and language tool
« on: June 12, 2024, 06:30:58 pm »
I'm not familiar with python, it's something-linux, so I need your help to grasp what to do.

Setup & Installation / How to? python, pip and language tool
« on: June 11, 2024, 08:28:55 pm »
i have a need to run something that can translate text and the tools provided now all seem to use python and require pip etc.

One can use a standard OS/2 command prompt an run the command as Python 3.7 and onward comes with an ensurepip module.
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
it seem to install version 23, but another run, upgrade it to version 24.

Am aware that it may not know how to handle ArcaOS and OS/2, but it may be possible to iron out some things.

How can one install a downloadable AI tool, translation tool etc. ?
I wouldn't mind a tool to just select what to install.

Example of google translator, but the others seem to have similar issues as seen below.

[C:\usr\lib\python3.9\site-packages]python pip install googletrans
WARNING: The directory 'd:/home/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned
 or is not writable by the current user. The cache has been disabled. Check the
permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you should
use sudo's -H flag.

Collecting googletrans
  Downloading googletrans-3.0.0.tar.gz (17 kB)
  Installing build dependencies ... error
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error

  pip subprocess to install build dependencies did not run successfully.
  exit code: 2

  [1 lines of output]
  C:\USR\BIN/python.exe: can't open file 'C:/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/C:/
usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
  [end of output]

 note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem wit
h pip.
error: subprocess-exited-with-error

pip subprocess to install build dependencies did not run successfully.
exit code: 2

See above for output.

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with


Applications / Re: A thought remote 2 local
« on: May 26, 2024, 12:00:15 pm »
Hi Jan-Erik,

Similiar to Application As a Service (AAS)?

Perhaps it is that to start with, but turn into individual real native executables as it evolve, leveling out demand on many servers.

Applications / A thought remote 2 local
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:37:41 am »
I would like to discuss something I've thought about for some time.
Do try to keep an open mind as you read it, with portions/combinations of virutal machine, rdp, citrix, odin, compiler, pathremapper etc.

Imagine that we have an OS but yet no current major applications for it.

If we could get one application that run "remotely" or in a virtual environment on another os, that would in the initial release send over bitmaps of the applicaiton window.
On the client side (on our OS) we would have an application that draw the application window on our desktop.
The client handle clipboard, send mouse and keyboard input to the server that start and run the application.
Nothing fancy, this is basiclly VNC today, but without a fully visible desktop.

The next release of the server would send over the resources (dialogs, bitmaps/images etc.)
The next release of the local client use local look and feel for those resources when applicable.

The server should then in small steps take over and act as sandbox to the application on the server.
Send drawing commands through the server instead of capturing images of the window. The server need to return that the drawing operation as "completed successfully" right away to not stall execution, while transferring the information to the client, thus use some asyncronious mechanism.
The client should take over drawing as much as possible.

The server determine portions of the execution that doesn't rely on external libraries (dll:s and system calls) as those should be possible to hand over to the client to store as executable code.

The server determine portions of the execution that rely on system calls and hand those over to the client to call versions available on our OS, compile locally and store as executable code.

I guess that the trickier parts emerge at this point, as the server handle external libraries that depend on each other and recreate/interpret (a 64-bit like odin) send it over to compile locally to our client OS and save as library.

Depending on the server OS, hard coded system paths and delimiters ( / instead of our \ ) may need special attention or subsystem support to not cause headache.

This is also the point when simple applications should be able to run on their on, locally on our until now "client" OS, without server and thus no longar as "client". The more libraries that can be translated the more applications will run, but the hateful exact version numbering problem that seem to be in fashion instead of "improve what you got" may be difficult to overcome.

Someone may have to buy portions of tech from IBM or ... to be able to accelerate hardware graphics.

Programming / Re: Rexx dll for UniAud
« on: January 01, 2024, 09:52:07 pm »
Includes updated source code, .hlp and .inf file, .ico, adjusted .dll, buildlevel help script, updated script to test features of the library, debug script/executable, watcom gui project file etc.

This build is for use and not so much debugging as the previous ones.

If you want to debug it:
Rebuild the .dll yourself (Targets->Target Options->Use Development Switches) to see the source code in watcom gui debugger (wdw). Use of dbg.cmd to start wdw and break as the library load (Break->On Image Load...) to step through each row in the code.

Happy New Year,

I use OpenWatcom 2.0 Beta 3, a specific build that work well, as it didn't introduce problems as a later one does..., to build support libraries in C/C++ (see post about rexx library for Uniaud).
I do like the visual/gui debugger and come up with ways to debug those libraries and spot problems.

VisualAge v4 visual development was a disappointment.

DrDialog is however my choice to create gui stuff, as one otherwise need to invent new wheels over and over again.
VX-Rexx seem more powerful, but writing SOM code for must be a daunting task and the image control lack so much compared to DrDialog.

There's a lack of a grid control (no, not ValueSet, grrrr) and additional controls to use for the whole os.

Programming / Re: Rexx dll for UniAud
« on: December 27, 2023, 09:44:21 pm »
Rebuild that should display Card with number in stem and PCM play and record in the stem as well.
Bldlevel incremented and icon adjusted.

Programming / Re: Rexx dll for UniAud
« on: December 27, 2023, 06:21:44 pm »
Description updated and included below
Hopefully more accurate and understandable this time.

Programming / Rexx dll for UniAud
« on: December 27, 2023, 12:09:49 pm »

Here's a library to be used with rexx, designed to have the functionality of unimix.exe
The included script demonstrate what it can do, read it to see what it does.
The script doesn't contain an interactive mode as later versions of unimix do, but instead use a stem array to list and set values that you should find useful.

Use and test the script and library at your own risk, it is provided "AS IS". It is your own fault if you break something with it!

No further documentation, information or source code about the library is included in this package.

I do invite you to improve it! :)


I want to see memory managed better, so that more memory is available to the system. Modern computers seen to have less memory available to OS/2 than 15 year old computers. Virtual Box offers 3.5 GB, better than any hardware ArcaOS that I have. The RAM disk in ArcaOS is admirable. I'd like to see it extended so that programs had some access to it more directly than file i/o to the RAM drive.

Modern applications seem to be designed to use up a lot of memory, something that follow over and can't be avoided when ported to this platform.
Wouldn't mind if someone could do magic how ArcaOS/2 use memory and pass on to applications.


I think you misunderstood my point. The hardware is taking more and more memory from the 32-bit address space. Of the 4 GB available, 2 GB or less remains on most recent systems. By comparison, Virtual Box leaves OS/2 nearly the entire 4 GB space.

You are right, though, about memory-hungry programs. I don't know how much longer one Chrome browser tab will fit into 32-bit address space.
What hardware itself use up can't be used by the OS anyway, so we need some redesign of how the system handle and manage memory.
Modern hardware come with a lot of ram, something ArcaOS/2 presently can't make use of either, that is not something for each application or devleoper to sort out. Each application should just have to be assigned a "virtual" address range (from 0 to ...) that the OS translate into real memory space.
I let someone else with more knowledge think about how to do it, but the problem has to be addressed.

I would like to see modern WiFi on ArcaOS. The WiFi needs to come on automatically. if it can't connect to the last known access point, then it needs to find one from the previously used points. If it can't find one of those, then it can allow the user to do something.

David A started to work on a driver arcitecture to be able to port drivers from FreeBSD for this or something like that, right? Didn't seem to be easy, but a basic driver for a certain chipset would be intreseting to see.
I haven't seen if there where progress, or if bumps in the road has appeared.

A bigger matter than the driver is to manage connecting to access points and managing security. David had commented that the network driver was done.
Focused on the way ArcaOS/2 behave to connect to access points and handle security is of course the next step.

Where are those drivers for wifi?
I've only seen drivers for ethernet.

I would like to see modern WiFi on ArcaOS. The WiFi needs to come on automatically. if it can't connect to the last known access point, then it needs to find one from the previously used points. If it can't find one of those, then it can allow the user to do something.

David A started to work on a driver arcitecture to be able to port drivers from FreeBSD for this or something like that, right? Didn't seem to be easy, but a basic driver for a certain chipset would be intreseting to see.
I haven't seen if there where progress, or if bumps in the road has appeared.

I want to see memory managed better, so that more memory is available to the system. Modern computers seen to have less memory available to OS/2 than 15 year old computers. Virtual Box offers 3.5 GB, better than any hardware ArcaOS that I have. The RAM disk in ArcaOS is admirable. I'd like to see it extended so that programs had some access to it more directly than file i/o to the RAM drive.

Modern applications seem to be designed to use up a lot of memory, something that follow over and can't be avoided when ported to this platform.
Wouldn't mind if someone could do magic how ArcaOS/2 use memory and pass on to applications.


MesaGL for OS/2 look nice in BilliardGL for example, try it out if you haven't.

There is even comparison applications provided as what it can do better than OpenGL v.1.0 and OpenGL v1.1 Gold.

Even the "old" MesaGL we have should cover most of what one would need as most later additions should take care of nifty things (yet not always important) and possibly performance improvements.


Applications / Re: 3D solid modelling in OS/2 with Irit and GuiIrit
« on: September 02, 2023, 03:48:14 pm »
Hi Jan-Erik

Can you please share with me the script or command that you use to run Sweet Home 3D 7.1 ?
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.


Code: [Select]
java -Dcom.eteks.sweethome3d.no3D=true -jar "SweetHome3D-7.1.jar"

Applications / Re: Java applications
« on: August 09, 2023, 08:53:26 pm »
Any idea if SmartCVS 7.1.7 (last reported on OS/2) will run with OpenJDK 1.6 ?

Downloadd it and started it with a double click on smartcvs.jar, no extra parameters required.
Ohhh, I've got my little script that set things up regarding finding and starting the java executable, but that is just about it.

-Xmx512m -Dsmartsvn.checkIncompatibleJava=false -jar "lib\smartsvn.jar"

-Xmx512m -Dsmartgit.checkIncompatibleJava=false -jar "lib\smartgit.jar"

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