« on: June 19, 2013, 05:32:18 pm »
I think I determined the origin of the POPUPLOG from DMISL...
If I delete a FOLDER object from the workplace shell, it goes into the trashcan (I use Kai Sommerfeld's TrashCan 2.7.1). When I empty the trashcan (right click, choose 'Empty'), the POPUPLOG is created and trash is emptied. This is 100% repeatable when using the OS4 kernel (and never happens with the OS/2 kernel). If I then delete another folder object, then empty the trashcan no popuplog is created, but the trashcan doesn't empty and eventually (1 - 2 minutes) the WPS hangs. This may be what caused my original hang. Deleting files works fine, it is only folders that cause this.
Another example: if I delete multiple folders, then empty the trashcan, the POPUPLOG is created, one folder is erased, but the others remain in the trashcan and eventually the WPS hangs.