« on: February 11, 2021, 09:24:08 pm »
sorry again for the late reply.
meanwhile i installed/updated all the relevant rmp-packages.
running your scropt i get now a positive result. is says:
device 'genesys:libusb:001:001' is a Canon Lide 210 flatbed scanner.
the debug log says some dlls are missing: v4l1.dll, qcam1.dll, pint1.dll, mu_usb21.dll, mustek1.dll, hpsj5s1.dll, den_net1.dll, coscan31.dll,arus48u1.dll
are these files imprtant for me in any way? if so, where can i find them?
Maybe the missing of these dll lead to a problem with not beeing able to ioen the lighttavle folder and also the OCR tool.
though my scanner does not appear in the program a an option to choose, it works when i choose "lide 60"
followed some hint i found here in an other thread, i copied scanner.dat to scanner.ini. with the use of an ini-editor i copied the application Canon Lide 60 and named it Canon Lide 210. Now i can see my scanner on the display...
thanks for your help