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Messages - Neil Waldhauer

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 73
Programming / Re: VisualAge C++ 3.6.5 (+ Fix2) - WarpIn or RPM?
« on: October 24, 2024, 10:46:05 pm »
While I don't know about VAC 3.6, I know you should use the one from OS/2 for VAC 3.08.

This is almost certainly incorrect. Over the years I've seen numerous warning that installing VACPP would backlevel SOM unless you took steps to prevent it. In any case, v3.65 (which doesn't include an IDE) makes no use of SOM, so it isn't even needed for this package.

The only "valid" version of SOM.DLL is the one in CP2/AOS5.x:  size= 92,009  timestamp= 99/06/30 16:33:04

That is why I recommend the one from OS/2 rather than the one from VAC.

Programming / Re: VisualAge C++ 3.6.5 (+ Fix2) - WarpIn or RPM?
« on: October 24, 2024, 03:28:34 am »
While I don't know about VAC 3.6, I know you should use the one from OS/2 for VAC 3.08.

By the way, what is the legal status of Visual Age C++?

Hardware / Re: Troubleshooting GenMAC/GENMU
« on: October 17, 2024, 03:04:45 am »
I used the 5100 a long time ago. In every computer that had a 5100, I had to power up the computer with the card off, then turn it on. On my computers, a WiFi LED would light up if the 5100 was going to work.

Now, a travel router attached to an Ethernet port does so much more, I've abandoned the 5100 for my own use.

I have opened a thread on the VirtualBox forum, and have received some advice

They say it's much better to use file sharing. To me, that means using SAMBA server to share OS/2 virtual hard disk. That way, the native browser, word processor, etc can use the OS/2 storage and my OS/2 programs can get at the resulting files.

Shared folders would be easier to use, but making them work fully seems to be difficult. Both versions of the OS/2 Additions are open source. The one Valery created is on Netlabs, and the Oracle is presumably available from Oracle.

Using VBoxAddtions-os2-x86-5.0.51.r217, I found the following

I can drag and drop files. If I do, it moves rather than copies files. If a file conflict, it behaves correctly.

Resulting file dates are garbage. Copying a file results in the file in the shared directory with a file date in 2099.

Creating a folder on a shared drive results in a Folder with unusable permissions. You must return to Linux and set the group permissions to read+write to use the folder from OS/2. Dates are screwed up as listed above for files.

Deleting files and folders works.

Lots of warning that extended attributes are not supported.

copying from command line works, even if overwriting, but file dates are still wrong. Both directions seem to work.

Internet / Re: HTTPS server?
« on: October 04, 2024, 03:50:29 pm »
I used to run Websphere 1 with Lotus Go. The lack of documentation for OS/2 made it difficult. Supporting https is probably possible. Finding out how to do it might be pretty hard. Would a 20 year-old https still be compatible with today's web browsers?

With a current apache port from Paul, why would you look at anything else?

Programming / Re: Classic, Regina, Object and Open Object Rexx
« on: October 03, 2024, 03:48:33 pm »
NetRexx is an implementation of Rexx that runs on a Java virtual machine. The powerful thing about it is that it can access many Java libraries. If you prefer Rexx, but want to write Java programs, NetRexx may be useful.

Hardware / Is this WiFi supported?
« on: October 01, 2024, 05:44:19 pm »
I have a USB Wifi dongle.

ID 0bda:c820 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.  (lsusb output attached)

How can I tell if it has a driver under ArcaOS?

Host system: Red Hat 9.4 (same behavior also under Windows 11)
I installed the extension pack, and my ArcaOS 5.1 guest system. I shared my home directory.

I can copy files from the shared folder. I can edit files with Lotus SmartSuite (I can save the changes.)

I cannot copy (control drag in WPS) files to the shared folder. When I try the system gives error Sys0266: The specified file was not copied. A file with the new name exists in the shared folder, but it has 0 bytes. (see attachment for error message)

I can move (drag in WPS) a file to the shared folder. If that file already exists in the shared folder, then I get Sys0266 error, otherwise the move succeeds.

Events / Re: Warpstock 2024: Coming? Not Coming? Why?
« on: September 11, 2024, 04:12:33 pm »
I try to make it to most Warpstock events, but this year, I'm unable to attend. It is a significant amount to time and money to attend Warpstock -- airfare, hotel, etc.

I think the attraction is to have a bunch of OS/2 users in one room. There is also some sense of announcements and future plans, but that has dwindled over the years.

I helped to put on some virtual Warpstocks, but the limitations of our platform constrain that to an insufficiently engaging experience. I also run BayWarp, a local OS/2 user group that also struggles to find attendees.

Virtualization / Re: 64-bit job control in OS/2, via AToF
« on: September 05, 2024, 03:41:04 pm »
I think you should focus more on extending the basic API of OS/2 to 64 bits.

Think about the task of moving 8 GB of memory around a 64-bit memory space.

I'll remind people there is an Apache OpenOffice port available here:

This thread has drifted way off-topic. Maybe an admin could break it up?

I think it might be interesting to create a 64-bit host program to act as a helper for OS/2. Then some commands could be routed to the 64-bit host, while maintaining the original OS/2 in good condition. Essentially, a 64-bit API could be interpreted by the host. Data would flow between the host and OS/2 with some inter-process communication yet to be determined.

There is still the difficulty of switching between 64-bit and 32-bit operation by the CPU, but at least some 64-bit operations could be fit into existing OS/2.

My understanding is that 3.0 is Windows-only. Is that incorrect?

No idea, really. CA Realizer 1.0 predates OS/2 2.0, so certainly 16-bit. CA realizer 3.0 is 1996, so it seems to me the Windows code for 3.0 is likely a port of the OS/2. I'll bet the Windows version runs fine in Odin.

CA Realizer 3.0 is 32-bit, and CA Realizer 1.0 is 16-bit. I don't know about version 2.0. If you were targeting OS/2 1.x, 2 GB might still be too large. When I ran OS/2 1.x, an 80 MB drive was "huge".

Networking / Re: NetDrive error message
« on: July 31, 2024, 03:24:07 am »
Thank you!

All that was wrong was /A:1 on the UniAud32.Sys line when it wasn't needed. I suppose the error message could have been more helpful, but I removed /A:1, and sound works and I don't see any error message.

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