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Messages - Martin Iturbide

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 330
Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« on: Today at 04:28:21 pm »

What graphical changes in ArcaOS 5.1.1 do you think it can be listed in the OS2World wiki as a screenshot?. Now that ArcaOS has XWP 1.0.17 (from 1.0.15) I have the following:

Please, people with ArcaOS 5.1.1 in Spanish, German and Russian are welcome to post their screenshot for the wiki.

What else produced a visual change in 5.1.1 that deserve a screenshot?  (Compared to 5.1.0)


Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 18, 2025, 06:19:48 pm »
Thanks for the feedback.

Try changing Chrome/83.0.4103.122 to Chrome/108.0.5359.181

I had tried with the same results. I guess that you only need to change the settings on the "User Agent" and press apply, like the attached picture.

I will be trying Qt6 next.


Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 18, 2025, 03:56:48 pm »

Today I was trying Dooble (Qt5) with Element (chat program). In the past it used to load (good or bad), but now it says the software it is incompatible.
- link:

I thought it was something about the App, I visited their chat, and they told me that it may be something wrong on the React component of Dooble. But at that moment I tried Dooble for Windows to see if has the same issue and it don't. It loads Element without any issue and without any warning.

Is it something that we are missing on our port, something qtwebengine?


Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« on: February 18, 2025, 02:06:30 pm »

Any first impressions about ArcaOS 5.1.1 ?

Here it works fine in my VirtualBox VM (7.1.6 - Windows Host). I did a clean install and I can not find any new issue.

OSNews posted something about it:


Applications / Re: FTP
« on: February 18, 2025, 01:57:59 pm »
Came on Rich, you are a man of certain age and you don't need to go further with this crazy file rant and now talk about my "arrogance".

I prefer to apologize and see you go happy.


Applications / Re: FTP
« on: February 18, 2025, 02:54:11 am »
No problem. Rich being Rich.

Applications / Re: FTP
« on: February 17, 2025, 03:19:31 pm »
Hello Rich

I had to do something with the xwp files in Hobbes. It seemed to have some kind of limitation uploading .exe (as far as I understood).

I had to bundle the "full" and "lite" in a zip file with the languages. I located those here:

It is what I can do for the moment.


Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« on: February 17, 2025, 01:42:42 pm »
Good, change history link is now posted
Check all the updated in 5.1.1


Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« on: February 17, 2025, 03:15:49 am »

Here it is the official announcement:

As far as I know it has some updates like XWP and CWMM. The announcement points to this site ( to check for the changelog, but sadly it is not available yet for 5.1.1.

Give 5.1.1 a try and provide feedback !!! I'm generating my ISO right now.


Applications / Re: WPS-Wizard Installation Fails in ArcaOS
« on: February 17, 2025, 01:02:53 am »

If I combine the XWPS xView with WPS-Wizard I get into trouble. The CPU climbs up and desktop shows bad.


Applications / Re: WPS-Wizard Installation Fails in ArcaOS
« on: February 16, 2025, 05:54:58 pm »
Thanks Remy

This worked for me to pass with install procedure.
I'm writing that down on the github, just in case I forget in five years :) ->

I guess it installed fine, but of course that there are something that overlaps with ArcaOS. (Ex: Icon Size).


Applications / Re: WPS-Wizard Installation Fails in ArcaOS
« on: February 16, 2025, 02:56:31 pm »
Did you read the readme.1st file ?

The readme says it requires Cairo and Innotek Font Engine (Freetype 2). I think I have both installed by default on ArcaOS, but I'm not sure if those are the right versions.

Just in case I tried installing the "Innotek Font Engine", rebooted and got the same install error.


Applications / WPS-Wizard Installation Fails in ArcaOS
« on: February 14, 2025, 10:12:18 pm »

1st: This is an experiment on a VM. I'm not suggesting you to install WPS-Wizard on your machine, since WPS-Wizard is has it's issues. I don't recommend to try WPS-Wizard on a functional/important/Production OS/2 machine.

Now to my issue. I tried to install WPS-Wizard on my testing ArcaOS 5.1 VM, but the install.cmd script gives me errors while trying to register the classes.

Current directory is C:\programs\wps-wizard

Registering class CWWizzSettings...
Registering class CWMenuFolder...
Registering class CWLaunchArea...
Registering class CWObject...

Error while registering class CWObject
Deregistering class CWWizzSettings
Deregistering class CWLaunchArea
Deregistering class CWMenuFolder

 An error occured. WPS-Wizard is not installed properly.

Use a tool like checkini to check/repair your INI files.

Press <ENTER> to quit.


I'm using this version:

I already tried CleanINI and clean the stuff on WPS, but I got the same results.
Is there a way to install it on ArcaOS?


Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: Hobbes (Files) Reoganization
« on: February 14, 2025, 06:06:40 pm »

About the reorganization of Hobbes, I think that that new site is well organized and have useful stuff for the community.

I'm on a phase where I got little by little checking things/files missing in Hobbes Archive and uploading the content. 

I'm still following these rules that we discussed on this forum:
1) Hobbes has Freeware/Shareware/Open Source/Demos/Public distribution/Public Domain/freely-distributable files.
2) Hobbes should have the latest version of every OS/2 software. Exception applies for unstable versions, drivers, libraries, development software, etc.
3) My Upload File Naming Convention that is 100% optional.

Please let me know:
1) Any improvements that you think may be useful for the site. I can discuss them with Nathan.
2) Any files that Hobbes is missing.
3) Help is always welcome to search old OS/2 files sources and find missing stuff in Hobbes. You are free to chat about that findings here.

There is also a mailing list only for Hobbes Archive subjects here:


Hardware / Re: Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 14, 2025, 03:08:46 pm »
I don't see how it will work att all w/o the source for the cups filter. As ion the PPD it clear states:
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-raster 0 rastertoufr2"
Which means this filter is doing most of the work. Sure we could eventually build this filter, but iirc the source is closed source from canon.
Thanks for the information Silvan. That means that the chances for this printers to run with CUPS on are low.

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