« on: November 05, 2023, 10:52:18 am »
thank you for confirming.
The site appearance/domain do not bring to think it's a piracy repository.
Self-defines "[....] is a non-profit with a huge mission: Universal Access to All Knowledge. Based in [....], with satellites around the world, [....] staffers are building the digital library of the future - a place where anyone can go to learn and explore our shared human experience from books, web pages, audio, television and software. Forever."
The chief-founder is else than a dark subject, so described in Wikipedia:
"[.......] born [.....] is an American digital librarian,[5] a computer engineer, Internet entrepreneur, and advocate of universal access to all knowledge. In 1996, founded [.....] and co-founded [.....]. In 2012, he was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame"
Follows his long carrier description and public awards received.