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Messages - Andi B.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 60
Please check this:
Quick test - I works :-)

Not much time for extensive test, but €@²³µ work now. Thanks.

I've now checked with xkbev which key codes is received. On the local keyboard AltGr produces keycode 108. When connected via ofreerdp the same key on the remote keyboard produces 2 keycodes - 37 and 64. Which probably is Ctrl and Alt. And this does not work. There are more differences but this one is the biggest problem.

Connecting the Linux box from Win10 instead OS/2 the Win AltGr produces keypress 37, keyrelease 37, keypress 113 and keyrelease 113.

So either our ofreerdp should send
1) keypress 108 when pressing AltGr and keyrelease 108 when releasing AltGr (in the meantime the other keys are should sent as usual) to mimik local behaviour or
2) keypress 37, keyrelase 37, keypress 113, keyrelease 113 to mimik Win behaviour. But Win make autorepeat of this sequence as long as AltGr is pressed. So option 1) like local keyboard maybe better

Have to say I'm no expert on this. But working combinations are -
- Win to Linux
- OS/2 to Win
non AltGr working is with -
- OS/2 to Linux

Also /kbd: options seems to do nothing (not implemented?) on our OS/2 client (ofreerdp.exe) as it always shows the usage messages. But this can be overcome with xrdp.ini and xrdp_keyboard.ini entries (force DE with override instead default to EN).

With Win10 it works as expected. Seems some setting in X11 / xrdp?

I can't remember exactly what /kbd affects right now, I think we'll try without it for now (but of course nothing stops you from trying  :) ).

Now I thought - maybe I should send Left Ctrl + Left Alt instead of Left Ctrl + AltGr. If so, you should be able to type "@" by pressing Left Ctrl + Left Alt + q. Try it (but I doubt it).

It would be very interesting to know if AltGr works now on German systems when connecting ofreerdp to Windows...
Yes I think you should send AltGr when AltGr is pressed and Ctrl + Alt when that keys are pressed. Ctlr + AltGr - I think this combination is not needed/used for anything.

Of course I tried both, the old way Ctrl + Alt like with old keyboards that don't even have AltGr key and the AltGr (+ E = € or + Q = @...). I think I've also tested the ver old way Alt + (NumberKeyBlock keys 6 + 4) which should result in @ too. Nothing worked. Unfortunately currently no Win target to test with. Maybe I can manage this in the next days.

I see -
!TEST! country: 49, codepage: 850
!TEST! Right Alt (pressed) -> Ctrl (0x1D) + Right Alt
!TEST! Right Alt (released) -> Ctrl (0x1D) + Right Alt
!TEST! Right Alt (pressed) -> Ctrl (0x1D) + Right Alt
!TEST! Right Alt (released) -> Ctrl (0x1D) + Right Alt

But none of the 3th keys work when I connect to a Linux/Debian box. I tried @ € ² ³ ~ tried. Currently I've no /kbd option on command line. Should I try again with /kbd:de,lang:de? My notes says this does not work in the past.

I start with (user/password changed to xxxx) -
Code: [Select]
ofreerdp.exe /u:xxx /p:xxx /w:2100 /h:1600  /v:m92p

Edit - reboot required even with BEGINLIBPATH and LIBPATHSTRICT I had to reboot.

Could it be that you're using another libc*? This version does not start here. Even after updating libc*


 Paket        Arch            Version                  Repository         Größe

 libc         pentium4        1:0.1.13-1.oc00          netlabs-rel        1.0 M
 libcx        pentium4        0.7.4-1.oc00             netlabs-rel         86 k


Upgrade       2 Packages

Gesamte Downloadgröße: 1.1 M
Ist dies in Ordnung? [j/N] :j
Lade Pakete herunter:
(1/2): libc-0.1.13-1 | 1.0 MB  00:01     ===  ] 421 kB/s | 902 kB  00:00 ETA
(2/2): libcx-0.7.4-1 |  86 kB  00:00

Gesamt                                          671 kB/s | 1.1 MB     00:01

Running Transaction Check
Führe Verarbeitungstest durch
Verarbeitungstest erfolgreich
Führe Verarbeitung durch
Warnung: RPMDB wurde außerhalb von yum verändert.
  Aktualisieren: 1:libc-0.1.13-1.oc00.pentium4                              1/4

  Aktualisieren: libcx-0.7.4-1.oc00.pentium4                                2/4

  Aufräumen    : libcx-0.7.2-1.oc00.pentium4                                3/4

  Aufräumen    : 1:libc-0.1.9-1.oc00.pentium4                               4/4

Rpmdb checksum is invalid: dCDPT(pkg checksums): libcx.pentium4 0:0.7.4-1.oc00 -

{1}[t:\temp\freerdp_test] chkdll32 ofreerdp.exe
Loading DLL 'libcn0' --> L:\USR\LIB\LIBCN0.DLL.
Unable to load procedure from libcn0 (file: L:\USR\LIB\LIBCN0.DLL)
Ordinal entry 2026 could not be resolved.
DosQueryProcAddr returned: 182
Loading DLL 'doscalls' --> loaded.
Loading DLL 'gcc1' --> L:\USR\LIB\GCC1.DLL.
Loading DLL 'tcpip32' --> L:\MPTN\DLL\TCPIP32.DLL.
Loading DLL 'winpr' --> NOT loaded!
DosExit or exception while loading 'winpr'.
Loading DLL 'freerdp' --> NOT loaded!
DosExit or exception while loading 'freerdp'.
Loading DLL 'mdm' --> L:\MMOS2\DLL\MDM.DLL.
Loading DLL 'pmwin' --> L:\OS2\DLL\PMWIN.DLL.
Loading DLL 'pmgpi' --> L:\OS2\DLL\PMGPI.DLL.
Loading DLL 'pmdrag' --> L:\OS2\DLL\PMDRAG.DLL.
Loading DLL 'pmshapi' --> L:\OS2\DLL\PMSHAPI.DLL.
Loading DLL 'icuuc' --> L:\USR\LIB\ICUUC.DLL.
Loading DLL 'msg' --> L:\OS2\DLL\MSG.DLL.
Loading DLL 'usb100' --> L:\USR\LIB\USB100.DLL.
Loading DLL 'nls' --> L:\OS2\DLL\NLS.DLL.

Applications / Re: FTP
« on: February 08, 2025, 11:19:15 am »
If you like to have it available on you need to upload via webdav. also don't allow ftp uploads anymore.

Applications / Re: OO v3.18
« on: January 16, 2025, 06:32:44 pm »
Isn't there an ICU legacy package available too? yum list icu*

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: Best Email Program on ArcaOS
« on: January 13, 2025, 11:14:43 am »
I think the topic is a bit misleading. I think you're really want to know with which program can you connect to your preferred email provider.

Our Seamonkey/Thunderbird are perfectly well email programs. Means displaying, filter, manage emails and different email accounts.

But you seem to have problems to fetch emails from some providers. First I think you've to decide if you wanna IMAP or POP and which provider do you need/like. Different providers have different authentication restrictions. That's why this discussion went of to Oaut or stunnel.... F.e. my providers don't need fancy Oaut. I usually use POP with and But if you need to use gmail I think the question have to be 'how to fetch email from gmail (POP/IMAP?)'? Mind Google is known to change things quite often. It also seems that Google (gmail) currently uses different restrictions in different parts of the world. So when it works f.i. here in Europe it does not mean it will in Australia. (See current discussion on weasel list.)

So I think you've to find out first what Google and Yahoo needs in your area. No clue where you're living Craig, but maybe someone in your region knows the information. I for myself quit all gmail related services a while ago as I found it to be too cumbersome to follow there ever changing restrictions.

Hardware / Re: USBCOM big problem
« on: January 06, 2025, 10:17:32 am »
12.14 driver packages fixed PL2303 devices for me. From the ticket -
> /Z is normally needed if you don't have RTS/CTS wired.

So I misunderstood the usbcom.txt - '/Z Forces CTS handshaking and forces DSR and CTS on.'. 'Forces handshaking' sounds to me like I need CTS active driven from the link partner. I would call left unconnected CTS/RTS/DSR/DTR as 'no hardware handshake' or 'ignoring hardware handshake lines'.

And since then my config.sys look this for up to four devices. Mind before I needed 4 lines which are remed out here. Now only one USBCOM.SYS handles all up to four devices. HTH
Code: [Select]
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM5 /Z
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM6 /Z
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM7 /Z
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM8 /Z

In another ticket I found someone needed /DCD parameter to get a device to work. The documentation for this was (is) misleading (wrong) on this too. (ticket 3485 for those with access)

Programming / Re: DISKIO - storage device detection logic
« on: January 04, 2025, 07:08:15 pm »
Not sure what you're really want to know but DataSeeker uses DosQueryFSAttach() to distinguish between different drive types. I think I copied this from 4os2 code back then but not sure anymore. Anyway contains the code which finds out if the drive is a disk, floppy, network, CD/DVD, or .... Also if removable or not. Looks like -

    apirc = DosQueryFSAttach(sTemp, 0, FSAIL_QUERYNAME, p2, &cbBuffer);
    //TRACE1(" apirc=%4d ", apirc);
    if ( apirc == NO_ERROR )
      //TRACE1("%-8s ", p2->szName + p2->cbName + 1);
      if ( p2->cbFSDName > sizeof(DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName)-1 ) p2->cbFSDName = sizeof(DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName)-1 ;
      memcpy(DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, p2->szName + p2->cbName + 1, p2->cbFSDName);
      DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName[p2->cbFSDName] = '\0';

      switch ( p2->iType )
        case FSAT_CHARDEV:   // Resident character device
          DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_FLOPPY;

        case FSAT_PSEUDODEV: // Pusedu-character device
          if ( IsMediaRemoveable(uDrvNo) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_REMOVABLE;
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_RAMDRIVE;

        case FSAT_LOCALDRV:  // Local drive
          if ( !strncmp (DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, "CDFS", 4) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_CDROM;
            if ( IsMediaRemoveable(uDrvNo) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_FLOPPY;
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_HARDDISK;

        case FSAT_REMOTEDRV: // Remote drive attached to FSD
          if ( !strncmp (DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, "RAMFS", 5) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_RAMDRIVE;
          else if ( !strncmp (DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, "CDWFS", 5) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_RSJ;
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_NETWORK;

This seems to work with the current version 20241210. At least with my very limited testing until now. Sorry couldn't test before. But now I've to setup a new Debian box which I need rdp and with your suggested settings keyboard works better now.

Still not working is <Alt Gr> <e> EURO character and even worse @ (Alt Gr + q). Or better said I've not found a way to insert these. The way with <Alt> + number keys don't work too. No clue if this is a general limitation of rdp or some setting or....

Programming / Re: DISKIO - Dhrystone benchmark calc
« on: December 21, 2024, 07:27:41 pm »
-Wall - with one project I've '/Wppt- /Wppc- /Wext-'. No clue what it does but at that time I thought I've do disable these.

Programming / Re: DISKIO - Dhrystone benchmark calc
« on: December 21, 2024, 02:35:31 pm »
Code: [Select]
Is my printf use of '%lld' incorrect?Which compiler? You don't get any warning when compiling with -Wall?

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 09, 2024, 08:43:27 am »
What other device drivers, especially the IFS stuff, are you loading? What size cache are you defining for these?

The symptoms you describe all look & feel like the "out of memory" stuff I was seeing when testing the very large (>1G) JFS cache sizes here.
I usually let the IFS stuff as it is defined by ArcaOS installer. For older systems I also don't have big JFS cache. HPFS386 is remed out since long as it produces similar problems.

'mem -v' - my last tests on a pretty vanilla ArcaOS system I build up last week leads to 'out of memory' even when trying to open 4os2 or cmd windows. Sometimes afterwards it magically worked for one session but no more. -> very weird behavior with VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=3072. Reminds me on same experience a few years ago with another system.

So for me I can't get any system to work only near reliable with 3072. Wild guess, it may interfere with my 3840 x 2160 resolution. My observations lead me to guess there is a memory problem with the WPS or gradd or VMAN or ... with this high resolution too.

Administrator - this now runs very off topic. Maybe you wann split this thread. Thanks.

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