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Messages - ivan

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Events / Re: Warpstock Europe 2024 Follow Up
« on: June 20, 2024, 04:51:45 pm »
Third generation Ryzen 3 Pro 4350G all the others are Ryzen 3 2200G units.

Events / Re: Warpstock Europe 2024 Follow Up
« on: June 20, 2024, 08:53:51 am »
Hi Sigurd,

I am not seeing what you are here.  I can run OpenOffice without problems and I have enough memory free to do other things.

mem -v gives

Total physical memory:      7,906 MB
Accessible to system:       3,311 MB
Additional (PAE) memory:    4,595 MB

Resident memory:              202 MB
Available virtual memory:   2,449 MB

Available process memory:
  Private low memory:         224 MB
  Private high memory:      2,240 MB
  Shared low memory:           24 MB
  Shared high memory:       2,181 MB

I don't know if the fact I am using AMD Ryzen 3 processors with built in graphics has anything to do with it (I gave up using Intel processors years ago in the days of the 486).

For a browser I use Firefox on Linux Mint and transfer anything I want to OS/2 via the network.

Events / Re: Warpstock Europe 2024 Follow Up
« on: June 19, 2024, 02:40:49 pm »
I must say that I fully agree with Sigurd, in fact I have returned several of my computers back to Warp 4, and the other 2 are still at Aos 5.0.7.

I know that several people will say 'what about UEFI/GPT' to which my response is 'what about them, they are not part of OS/2, if they want to run windows just add another disk and install it on that.

Applications / Re: VLC Crashes While Streaming
« on: June 13, 2024, 09:21:06 pm »
OK, let's get down to basics.

a) what processor?
b) what, if any, video card?  - that one depends on if the processor has a built in video or not.
c) how is the monitor connected -VGA, HDMI and so on?

I assume you are streaming off the net so have you checked external network consistency?  Mine has a tendency to drop out during times of maximum load because the main fibre is shared between 4 services.  I have seen my 1Gb connection drop to to below 500K at times. 

Hardware / Re: Getting a new printer
« on: June 06, 2024, 01:02:17 pm »
As a matter of interest I have imported both of my printers ppd so I assume that you can import more if necessary.

Hardware / Re: Getting a new printer
« on: June 05, 2024, 11:59:09 pm »
If I am reading the specifications for the DCP-L3560cdw correctly it has built in support for postscript (BR-Script3) which means that CUPS is not required.  All that is needed is the ppd file and Alex's PSPRINT driver - that is all I use with both of my Brother printers.

Hardware / Re: Getting a new printer
« on: June 05, 2024, 01:32:02 am »
My Brother DCP9020cdw allows me to produce either JPG images or PDF files without problems, couple that with the fact it will also make multi page PDFs makes it a very handy office multi function unit.

Hardware / Re: Getting a new printer
« on: June 04, 2024, 04:28:59 am »
I have two Brother laser printers because my house has 4 levels and the two printers save me constantly running up and down stairs.

The main printer is a Brother DCP9020cdw and the other one is a HL3170cdw.  Both are connected to the network which means they are available from any computer in the house.

Hardware / Re: Modern Motherboards - Whats working
« on: June 02, 2024, 12:57:36 am »
Just an observation.  I notice that most people seem to follow the win idea and cram everything into the one partition and then have problems getting everything working again.

My setup has 9 partitions, a small one (2GB) only for the operating system (it could be smaller but I can't be bothered to change it), then I have one for tools another for programs, another for work and yet another for home as well as a few odd ones for storage.  In fact apart from new operation systems (OS/2, OS/2 warp and now ArcaOS the other partitions remain untouched except for the odd update as necessary.

My reasoning comes from when I was guiding a couple of companies that were setting up with OS/2 and I see no reason to change it.  I will add that I now have a Linux mint based computer at the side of my desk so I can use a newer version of firefox to download or screen grab what I want, and network it to my OS/2 unit for processing.

I gave up on inkjet printers about the time that warp connect was released and converted to laser printers.  OK, so maybe I don't get quite the range of colours that an inkjet does but I get colour fast prints that if my Newfoundland dog shakes slobber on them it can be wiped off without problems.

Hardware / Re: Modern Motherboards - Whats working
« on: May 24, 2024, 11:55:33 pm »
You didn't mention video output ports.  I ask because all my units are using HDMI either direct or via a DVI to HDMI adapter.

My setup is a 4 port Tcnewcl 4k KVM switch which takes USB 2.0 keyboard and trackball as well as my 28inch 1920x1200 HDMI monitor.  The main computer has a MSI A320M Pro-VD Plus motherboard, another possibility is the ASRock AB350M Pro4 - it has 2 PS/2 ports which you want.

BTW I think you should be thinking about upgrading your KVM switch to enable  you to have a much wider choice of motherboards.

Applications / Re: Archive tool problem
« on: May 06, 2024, 02:29:03 am »
Have you run CHKDSK /F on all your partitions?

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: Hobbes (Files) Reoganization
« on: April 18, 2024, 07:53:45 am »
Hi Martin,

Sorry if I have upset you but in my 35+ years of using OS/2 I have found that people using it are generally not interested in the nuts and bolts of the OS, their main concern is 'does it do the job they want and do it efficiently'.  If it doesn't they will change it to something that does do what they want, in fact that is why I started using OS/2, it left windows for dead.

The other thing I must congratulate you for your zeal in trying to keep OS/2 alive when others have said that it is dead - it is not.  I use it every day to write and edit stories and manuals which gives me something to do rather than shuffling off into oblivion.  In my 80 odd years I may have become a bit short with some people and the fact that education appears to be going backwards especially in STEM subjects - is that why bridges fall down when they have a little bump and aircraft fall apart?

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: Hobbes (Files) Reoganization
« on: April 17, 2024, 04:08:50 pm »
Hi Martin,

I think you are not thinking clearly.  Not everyone knows if a windows program is 16bit or 32bit so dividing up that way makes it harder for users to find something that might be useful.

Most people using computers today don't know the internal workings, to them it is just a tool to do a job or play a game.

Hardware / Re: Wireless Mouse Issue
« on: March 31, 2024, 03:15:58 am »
First question - what KVM switch are you using - not all KVM switches are equal.  The switches I use are Tcnewcl 4k HDMI/usb units and work without problems - even the external usb socket works and switches when the unit switches.

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