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Messages - Sergey Posokhov

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12
Web applications / Re: Web/2 and PHP5
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:53:18 pm »
I have copied the php.exe file into the cgi-bin folder...
I used to leave it into "C:\Programs\PHP5\CGI", then edit PATH and LIBPATH in Config.sys, then edit Web/2 config file.
PHP's own config file, PHP.ini, should be situated in "ETC" directory.

Web applications / Re: Web/2 and PHP5
« on: September 10, 2014, 04:39:42 pm »
You should use php-cgi.exe instead of php.exe,
You should place PHP.ini to "C:\MPTN\ETC" (see ETC=... variable in Config.sys),
There were some bugs with image loading (Web/2 and PHP5 should be situated on the same drive as your project),
Add error handler and time zone function call (see examples),
Don't forget to check "short_open_tag" option in PHP.ini,
Increase "output_buffering" to 256K...

...or switch to Scala, Erlang, C+=2011, Modula-2 or other serious programming language. There is no salary around PHP.

Programming / Re: kbhit C implementation for eCS GCC ?
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:48:10 pm »

Programming / Re: New OS/4 kernel :: SVN4221
« on: August 28, 2014, 01:51:57 pm »
Once upon a time, I changed a string in "os2ldr.ini" and set:
And loader refused to boot anything, so I changed it to:
BTW, with 4225 previous bug has disappeared. Thanks.

How can I discover which DLL has a PM function... for example where it is "WinCopyObject()" ?

My Hiew.exe told me that it is PMWP.dll

or viceversa, how can an say a .DLL on OS/2, let me know which functions can I use from you?

It's even possible to explore which functions has been used by FC/2 to do charset conversions (and now we know which functions are "more standard than others").

It would need reverse engineering...
And I did it ;) At least for Presentation Manager.

Programming / Re: New OS/4 kernel :: SVN4221
« on: August 22, 2014, 02:16:56 pm »
I've got a bug on ThinkPad 510.
Something hangs when PM starts on, so I can only see a mouse pointer.

Finally, I removed from Config.sys:

And bug has disappeared.
As usual, global variables, mutex semaphores and global shared memory are root of all evil.

Programming / Re: New OS/4 kernel :: SVN4221
« on: August 12, 2014, 01:43:31 pm »
I've got a bug on ThinkPad 510.

Something hangs when PM starts on, so I can only see a mouse pointer.
Keyboard monitors (such as KEYBMON) works, NumLock and PC speaker works too.
WPS starts only in 10% of times, and then, OS/4 works fine.
Screen driver is faster that Panorama (seems that it has a bitmap cache).

There are OEMHLP$ and ___HLP$ log files.

Setup & Installation / Re: Re-organizaing OS/2-eCS Directories.
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:25:22 am »
the path now shows as:  PATH \I\IBMCOM
It should be "C:\I\IBMCOM".


Setup & Installation / Re: Re-organizaing OS/2-eCS Directories.
« on: July 23, 2014, 07:45:05 pm »
But when I run "System Setup->Network->Adapters and Proptocols", it access, I click "Configure MPTS", and that moment it only shows the blank white screen that seems to be looping with something.

Try to delete C:\IBMLVL.INI or edit it (using INI editor).

Setup & Installation / Re: Project: Building an OS/4 Merlin DVD
« on: June 26, 2014, 02:30:19 pm »
If you want a domain name, I could transfer my existing domain to you, it's free.
(then I will move this e-book library to another domain name)

Storage / DISKCACHE causes delays on JFS volumes
« on: June 16, 2014, 10:36:21 am »
Since august 2013 (i.e. during the last year) I saw random delays from 3 to 15 seconds on JFS volume when reading files or directory nodes. This also affected to WPS and PMView 2000 - they both hanged randomly.

Defragfs.exe didn't help.

Then I added "REM" before "DISKCACHE=..." statement in "Config.sys" - and all these delays gone away.

Where can I report about this bug?..




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