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Topics - Pete

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Applications / XWP Startup Folder - How to make it work?
« on: February 22, 2016, 10:17:17 pm »
Hi All

As the RSJ CD Writer Error Log does not get restarted after a Desktop restart I investigated using the XWP Startup Folder for this program object by moving the RSJ CD Writer Error Log program object from the standard Startup folder to the newly created XWP Startup Folder and rebooted to test.

That seems to have been a bad mistake as the boot resulted in the famous "Cannot start ..." message. In fact this XWP Startup Folder has probably only worked for 1 in 30 boots. Yes, I do a lot of reboots when I am experimenting with coding and it goes a little wrong during testing...  :-)

Seems to me that there is something very wrong with the XWP Startup Folder or I have something misconfigured.

Any ideas on getting the XWP Startup folder working? - XWP version is 1.0.9



Events / OS/2 - eCS - Blue Lion - Wishlist 2015
« on: October 31, 2015, 02:03:34 am »
Hi All

I'm happy to start a wishlist:-

ACPI support - (AMD990/SB950 specifically)
USB3 support
SATA3 support
Wireless NIC support
Updated SNAP with support for current/recent ATI/AMD/nVidia chipsets

I'm sure others can add to the above  :-)



Applications / xsane,gimp,xfree86 and a *nix dummy
« on: February 20, 2015, 08:22:36 pm »
Hi All

I am trying to get xsane working on eCS2.1

I have installed plus the required support packages

 xfree86-4_5_0-runtime.wpi runtime package
 gimp-2_2_8-install.wpi, gimp-2_2_8-required-libs.wpi and gimp-2_0_7-help.wpi gimp packages

All the above are installed to drive K: which is set as UNIXROOT with gcc321m.dll and libsane.dll being placed in K:\usr\X11R6\lib

Installation seemed to go fine so I clicked on the gimp program icon to give it a try - there are no config.sys changes so a reboot is not necessary.

The gimp icon becomes hatched, nothing happens, the icon becomes unhatched - obviously something is not working...

I tried starting gimp from the command line. This involved opening a command window in drive K:\ and running K:\x11env.cmd followed by CD'ding to \usr\bin and entering gimp-2.2.exe

This resulted in the following messages hopefully explaining what went wrong:-


(gimp-2.2.exe:96): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib

(gimp-2.2.exe:96): Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers
GIMP could not initialise the graphical user interface.
Make sure a proper setup for your display environment exists.


I guess something is not right in the x11env.cmd created during gimp install.
Any ideas on what needs changing will be appreciated:-

SET BEGINLIBPATH=%X11ROOT%\usr\lib;%X11ROOT%\usr\X11R6\lib;
SET PATH=%X11ROOT%\usr\bin;%X11ROOT%\usr\X11R6\bin;%PATH%
SET MANPATH=%X11ROOT%\usr\man;%X11ROOT%\usr\X11R6\man;%MANPATH%
SET DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
IF $%1$==$$ GOTO DONE
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Looking at the above I guess the questions are:-

1] How do I set a locale supported by Xlib

2] How do I create a "proper setup for your display environment"

Any help gratefully received  :-)


Hi All

Having stated in an OpenOffice4.1.1 discussion that I would "cobble together" a cups 2.0 "how To" I did not realise what a long job it would be. I have finally completed the job - I hope.

I have to apologise that this document has been created from memory - which can be inaccurate at times - and from postings I made about the software in the ecups newsgroup so may be slightly incorrect in software versions used or an incomplete list. It is based mainly on my experience of getting cups 2.0 working with

   1] Epson RX585 USB attached to a wireless connected DLink DP-G310 Print Server
   2] Canon PIXMA MG7550 wireless connected - no MG7550 driver but the earlier MG7150 seems to work OK

So, no experience of setting up a USB printer - but it should not be too difficult...

I did make notes when installing cups 2.0 and supporting software but lost my notes when my hard drive crashed just over a week before Christmas...
To make matters much worse: With my new hard drive installed, LVM'd and volumes formatted I plugged in my USB backup drive to xcopy all the backups made the previous week expecting to be back to a fully working setup after a short period of time spent xcopying. As I turned the usb drive on it made a few beeps followed by "Fizzzllle - BANG!
No, the data is not recoverable from that drive either.
So, it is down to my memory and ecups newsgroups postings...

Luckily my own reinstall of cups 2.0 and supporting software was very easy - as the main cups software is in the root of the same drive and is pretty much "self contained" it was a simple copy down the network from another pc.

1] Getting the software and where to unzip packages to

Name and url of software - Unzip to or Copy to or other Instructions

a] The main cups packages

cups 2.0: - Unzip honouring the zipped directory structure to root of a drive [?]: and copy [?]:\cups\lib\cups20.dll to either [BootDrive]:\ecs\dll or [BootDrive]:\os2\dll - alternatively add [?]:\cups\lib to the config.sys libpath and reboot *before* trying to start the eCUPS Daemon (cupsd.exe) later.

cups filters: - Unzip honouring the zipped directory structure to root of same drive as cups2.0

ghostscript 9.15: - Unzip honouring the zipped directory structure to the directory [same drive as cups2.0]:\gs  resulting in \gs\gs9.15 directory structure

gutenprint 5.2.10: - Unzip honouring the zipped directory structure to root of same drive as cups2.0

b] Supporting software required

GCC491.DLL - Unzip gcc491.dll to either [BootDrive]:\ecs\dll or [BootDrive]:\os2\dll - Unzip only these files to \cups\bin:-

    mktemp.exe - Unzip only these files to \cups\bin:-

    fgrep.exe - Unzip *only* this file to
either [BootDrive]:\ecs\dll or [BootDrive]:\os2\dll


sed.exe is required.
eCS 2.1/2.2 users will find a copy in [BootDrive]:\ecs\bin which should be copied to /cups/bin/sed.exe
I have not had to find this file online but this build may work
NOTE: The only file required from this package is sed.exe which should be unzipped to /cups/bin

cupsash.exe is required.
I am using a copy from cups 1.4.8; latest build is
Unzip *only* cupsash.exe to /cups/sbin

sh.exe is required.
I copied /cups/sbin/cupsash.exe to /cups/sbin/sh.exe - seems to work fine

c] Optional supporting packages

Other software may be required depending on the printer make/model and connection method. This software is usually available from the ecups website

If you have a USB attached printer then you probably need the libusb package either:- or

If you have a Canon printer that uses the CNBJNP (Canon BJ Network Port?) printer port in Windows you will need the cups-bjnp package not yet listed on the ecups website - I believe it is required for recent/current usb as well as network printers:-

Release build:
Beta Build:

Unzip bjnp.exe from either of the above honouring the zipped directory structure to the root of the drive with cups 2.0 installed - the file should end up in \cups\lib\cups\backend
I suspect the difference between the 2 builds is how up to date the supported printers list is  - having a current Canon (PIXMA MG7550) I used the 1.9.2 package which is working fine.
When setting up your printer in cups 2.0 you will use bjnp as part of the Device uri. A network printer needs an ip address and port number eg:- bjnp://; Sorry, I have not attached the printer using usb so do not know what that Device uri would look like.

The cups-bjnp packages require cups17.dll -
Unzip *only* cups17.dll honouring the zipped directory structure to the root of the drive with cups 2.0 installed - the file should end up in \cups\lib - not sure whether there should also be a copy in [BootDrive]:\ecs\dll or [BootDrive]:\os2\dll; I seem to recall that cups17.dll is also used by some qt apps so this may be a good move.

The OS/2 printing bits

a] The cups port driver - required for printing with cups from OS/2 apps - Unzip *only* ecups.pdr to [BootDrive]:\os2\dll
For the port driver to work you also need to copy \cups\bin\lpr.exe to [BootDrive]:\tcpip\bin\cupslpr.exe
IMPORTANT: Do *NOT* use the cupslpr.exe included in the file as it will not work with cups 2.0

b] The OS/2 printer driver - required for printing with cups from OS/2 apps - I suggest reading this page before downloading the PSPRINT driver package. When downloaded Unzip to [BootDrive]:\os2\dll\PSPRINT

For the OS/2 postscript printer setup I recommend using the PSPRINT package rather than the usual eCUPS package.
The reason is that the PSPRINT driver produces output from OpenOffice 4.1.1 RC3 and GA whereas using the ECUPS driver always resulted in a failure to print.
The cups error log showed something like "not defined in /mdef" at the point that printing failed.
Using the PSPRINT driver resolves that problem but if using a printer which uses the PostScript ColorModel scheme the printer output is greyscale when colour ouput is selected.
Luckily selecting greyscale output in the Print Job Properties results in colour printing.

2] Making it all work

a] Configuring the CUPS Printer

Make sure your printer is powered on and ready to print.

Having unpackaged all required software into the correct locations the next step is to create the eCUPS Daemon in the Startup folder.

Open the Startup folder, RMB (Right Mouse Button) click on the folder to display the popup menu, Select Create New, Program Object and name it eCUPS Daemon.

Open the Properties for the eCUPS Daemon and enter these details:-

   Path and filename:  cmd.exe
   Parameters:  /c detach ?:\CUPS\SBIN\CUPSD.EXE
   Working directory: ?:\CUPS\SBIN

Obviously you need to change the above "?" to the drive letter that cups is installed on.

Having created the eCUPS Daemon double click to start it then open a browser window at http://localhost:631/admin

Click the Add Printer button. If cups reports your printer click Continue and work through the setup pages until you have selected printer Make and Model - The "Simplified" version of the driver is recommended - and clicked the Add Printer button.

If CUPS does not see your printer then you need to use the Command line to create a basic printer that can be modified using the browser interface.

   Open a command line window in \cups\sbin and enter the following command for a network printer:-

   lpadmin -p YourPrinterName -E -v PrinterIP/Port or Queue Name     
      lpadmin -p RX585 -E -v socket://
      lpadmin -p RX585 -E -v lpd://

   (Sorry, no idea what to do with USB printers here but would expect those to be found by cups)
   "Kill" the eCUPS Daemon cupsd.exe, it will take 4 "kills" before it no longer appears in the Process List,
        then (Re)Start the eCUPS Daemon to load the new printer info.

There should now be a \cups\etc\cups\printers.conf file with the basic printer details. This can be Modified using the browser interface. Load http://localhost:631/printers/ then click on your printer under Queue Name. On the next page click the Modify Printer option in the Administration dropdown list and work through the setup pages. When selecting the PPD file make sure to use the "Simplified" version.

If I remember correctly the eCUPS Daemon (cupsd.exe) is stopped and restarted to load the new printer configuration - and the browser may fail to load the printers page due to an incorrect url so point the browser at http://localhost:631/printers/ then click on your printer under Queue Name. Come to think of it you will probably find a few broken urls resulting in pages displaying "Internal Server Error" when using the cups browser interface but the "broken" url is usually easily corrected.

You can then check that Default print options are correct and then print a Test Page from the Maintenance dropdown list.

!Configuration tip!

Edit the PSTOPDF Filter to avoid unnecessary error messages in the cups error log file

Open the file \cups\lib\cups\filter\pstopdf and change the line

                -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dUseCIEColor \
                -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer \

Save the file and exit the editor.

Reason: The option -dUseCIEColor is no longer supported and simply adds to confusion if you need to debug the cups error log.

b] Configuring the OS/2 Printer

OK, We have done the easy bits and finally arrived at the fiddly bit.

Before proceeding further read the [BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT\readme file paying specific attention to adding a PPD file to PSPRINT.DRV

Open a Command Line Window in [BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT and run these commands:-

   [[BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT]copy [?]:\cups\etc\cups\ppd\[your CUPS printer name].ppd to [newname].ppd
     eg:-  copy J:\cups\etc\cups\ppd\MG7550.ppd newMG7500.ppd

   [[BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT]cleanppd [newname].ppd
     eg:-  cleanppd newMG7500.ppd

   [[BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT]ppdenc [newname].ppd [your CUPS printer name].ppd
     eg:-  ppdenc newMG7500.ppd MG7550.ppd

   [[BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT]del [newname].ppd
Note: This leaves only [your CUPS printer name].ppd (eg MG7550.ppd) to be added to the driver in the next step - otherwise both PPD files would get added which could cause problems.

   [[BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT]pin ppd [BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT [BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT\PSPRINT.DRV

As long as all the above steps were successful you can Close the Command Line Window.

The next step is to Create an OS/2 Printer.

There seems to be various ways of achieving this depending on which OS/2 and what printer install routines are available so a general guide:-

Start the OS/2 or eCS Create Printer routine and select Local Printer

Name the Printer and then click Install new printer driver

Enter the location of PSPRINT.DRV - [BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL\PSPRINT  - and click Refresh

Select your printer and click Install.

The Create Printer dialog closes and you should have your new printer in the Printers folder.

Open the Properties for the new printer and select the Output Port tab. If you do not have a CUPS port displayed click Install new port and select the CUPS port if available. If it is not available select New port drivers, enter the Directory [BootDrive]:\OS2\DLL and click Refresh. The CUPS port should now be available for selection. The CUPS port will need configuring so double click on it to open the settings.

The CUPS Server is localhost; the CUPS Printer name is [your CUPS printer name] - the same name used in cups.

You may want to have a look through the Job Properties on the Printer Driver tab to make sure all looks about right before closing the Properties.

You should now have a working OS/2 printer that will pass postscript files to the cups printer for printing so, fire up an app and try to print something.

Hopefully the above will be of help in getting cups 2.0 plus necessary supporting software working for you.

Now, back to getting the scanner side of the MG7550 working perfectly with a wireless connection ...




Internet / Flash and qt4 browsers?
« on: May 05, 2014, 07:32:56 pm »
Hi All

Anyone have Flash and/or html5 working in any of the qt4 webkit browsers?

Qupzilla has a setting "Allow netscape plugins" but seems to ignore the Flash plugin completely when copies of npflos2.dll and npswf32.dll are placed in \Programs\qupzilla\plugins

Attempting to play videos on youtube results in a blank black screen with the text:-
"The Adobe Flash Player or an HTML5 supported browser is required for video playback."

Looks like the Qupzilla port is not a fully working port... Do any of the other qt4 browser support html5 and Flash?



Multimedia / smplayer and smtube
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:29:09 pm »
Hi all

Having spotted that these updates are available I thought I'd download them. The result of my attempt was this error message:-

Download Error

G:\Download.OS2\ could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

Try again later, or contact the server administrator.

It seems these apps are not available yet...



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