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Messages - Bernhard Pöttinger

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: August 22, 2024, 11:13:32 am »
Hi Dave,

thanks for keeping dooble uptodate.

The new version works very well, but it generates a "dooble_settings.db" in the root directory.

best regards

Applications / Re: Nomacs Image Viewer
« on: April 26, 2024, 09:21:32 am »
Hi Tellie,
I have done a quick check of your qt6 app. It ist working well and is a lot faster than the old qt4 app.
thanks and best regards

Applications / Re: Nomacs Image Viewer
« on: April 25, 2024, 01:25:47 pm »
I have found, and in this archive I found libraw.dll. I renamed this dll to raw.dll and copied it in the nomacs directory. Now nomacs 2.4.6 is running but produces errors and warnings:

Error: XMP Toolkit error 203: Duplicate property or field node
Warning: Failed to decode XMP metadata.

@Tellie: a qt5 port would be great!

Thx, bernhard

Applications / Nomacs Image Viewer
« on: April 23, 2024, 02:46:53 pm »
I have tried nomacs image viewer, downloaded from netlabs. The newest OS/2 version 2.4.6. When I try to start the app a get an error the the file jasper1 is missing. The jasper1.dll is called from raw15.dll in the nomacs directory.

Does anybody know where I can find this dll. "yum whatprovides" commando does not show anything and searching the web does not bring some light to me.

BTW version 2.4.2 does run well.

best regards

Hi Bernhard

Do you have the following line in your config.sys?


Change V: to whatever your dvd drive is.

Not sure but think that guides the install process to the files on cd/dvd.



Hi Pete,
that's working. IBM Peer Services are installed!
best regards bernhard

Why not follow up on Alex his question ?

The problem with the greyed out "IBM File- and Print Client" is solved. Now I have the problem that the installer wants a floppy disk "OS/2 Peer Diskette 1".

Why does the solution above resolve the issue ? I am asking this with reason...
You see there is areason the option is greyed out in the Selective Install for networking....
Did you look at Alex his advise for IBMLVL.INI ?


Hi Roderic,
the reason why the IBM Peer Services ist greyed out is because I have canceled the installation after the installer has asked me for the floppy disk. I have started the installer and choose "Remove Peer Services" and the I could try it once more. And yes Alex is right, the system thinks the peer services are installed. I have seen this with "netinst /debug" as Alex has written.
So my big problem is that the installer wants floppy disks!
best regards bernhard

Setup & Installation / Re: Adding system components on existing installing
« on: September 30, 2023, 02:55:56 pm »
Why not follow up on Alex his question ?

The problem with the greyed out "IBM File- and Print Client" is solved. Now I have the problem that the installer wants a floppy disk "OS/2 Peer Diskette 1".

Setup & Installation / Re: Adding system components on existing installing
« on: September 25, 2023, 06:07:05 pm »
Hi all,
and thanks for your help. I am one step further. The Installer starts when starting it with S:\CID\Server\IBMLS\IBM500R1\Install.cmd (S: is my DVD Drive). After I had all configured the installer wants "OS/2 Peer Diskette 1". How can I tell the installer using the files on the installer dvd.
best regards

Setup & Installation / Re: Adding system components on existing installing
« on: September 24, 2023, 08:40:53 pm »
Hi Bernhard

Do you already have samba client installed? - You may need to uninstall samba before installing File and Print Client.

Do you have a BootDrive:\IBMLAN directory? If "Yes" you could try installing from  BootDrive:\IBMLAN\INSTALL\LANINST.EXE


Hi Pete,
I have a BootDrive:\IBMLAN directory, but it has only one File in it IBMLAN.INI
thx bernhard

Setup & Installation / Re: Adding system components on existing installing
« on: September 24, 2023, 07:15:34 pm »
Computer -> Install/Remove -> Selective Install for Networking
Everything is greyed out accept of samba server. 'IBM File and Print Client' is greyed out and checked; The Folder IBMLAN has only one File IBMLAM.INI.

Setup & Installation / Adding system components on existing installing
« on: September 24, 2023, 12:57:06 pm »
I want install 'IBM File and Print Services' on an existing ArcaOS installation. Clean, I can add Netbios or Netbios over TCP/IP in MPTS, but what about the rest of that?
Thx bernhard

I made a copy of my VirtualBox ArcaOS 5.0.7 in order to upgrade it to 5.1.0 to see how well that worked. When I checked the results of the upgrade it looked pretty good. 

I did notice something odd though with the upgrade which was that the new ArcaMapper only had a logon icon while the fresh install had 8 items.  The upgrade also was missing the exe files for those 8 icons.  The Fresh install was complete and the new ArcaMapper was able to connect to a Windows 10 computer on my network but I have not yet been able to connect to Linux. I will have to do some more reading on this but first glance it appears it only works on modern Windows peers.  Maybe it also works on networks with domain controllers but I need to research this some more.

Also missing from the upgrade was the Arca Package manager.

The upgrade left all my installed programs (OS/2 and WinOS2) working fine and that is a time saver for sure.

With new releases there are bound to be issues likely fixed in 5.1.1 :)
I think the problem with the arcamapper and an upgrade installation is that the arcamapper for ArcaOS 5.1 is installed as rpm. So "yum install arcamapper-ui-qt arcamapper-ui" installs the complete arcamapper of OS 5.1 with all the icons.
best regards

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: September 06, 2023, 03:11:46 pm »
Is it possible to put the swapper.dat to the emsfs ram drive?
best regards

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: September 05, 2023, 12:12:26 pm »
Before upgrading the kernel and with the IBM kernel unzip works correct. This happens with every zip archive.

I have just checked  - it works ok for me  (unzip  is the same ver)
Strange, when I search if any unzip option is set I get
[E:\]set |grep -i unzip
but I do not set this option in config.os4
[E:\]grep -i unzipopt Config.os4
If I set "UNZIPOPT=-C" everything works as expected.

Applications / Re: OS/4 (technical details only)
« on: September 05, 2023, 08:30:35 am »
The line EMSSWAPSIZE=300 is not known as a valid statement; boot continues, but the line is ignored.

In kernel log you can see something like "Swap to 4Gb+ is set, size 1360Mb"

OK. I have found this line "Swap to 4Gb+ is set, size 1200Mb".

But you said that kernel can see 3.5GB of mem  -  I was not able to force system to swap until restricted  visible mem to 1GB.

Yes I can use nearly 3,3GB for OS/2 on my Lenovo W520 and my Lenovo W500 Notebook.

I have another strange thing with OS4 kernel. Running "unzip -l", which should only list the content of an archive, shoes:
{10}[e:\] unzip -l
error:  -Z must be first option for ZipInfo mode (check UNZIP variable?)
UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Info-ZIP.  Maintained by C. Spieler.  Send
bug reports using; see README for details.

Usage: unzip [-Z] [-opts[modifiers]] file[.zip]
    [-x xlist] [-d exdir]
      Default action is to extract files in list, except those in xlist, to exdir;
      file[.zip] may be a wildcard.  -Z => ZipInfo mode ("unzip -Z" for usage).
Before upgrading the kernel and with the IBM kernel unzip works correct. This happens with every zip archive. [/list]

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