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Messages - Andy Willis

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 21
Programming / Re: Xpdf v. 4.01
« on: March 28, 2024, 03:55:23 am »
Odd when I built 4.04 last March, I did not have any issues with printer support.  I just built 4.04 again and it built fine (though it crashes) but 4.05 fails building due to printer support.  4.04 built with QT6 just fine then as well (though I no longer recall which release that was).

Programming / Re: new gcc toolchain
« on: March 15, 2024, 03:24:57 am »
It likely is the partition alignment, or maybe less likely the drive geometry:

General Discussion / Hobbes Retirement
« on: January 09, 2024, 03:11:09 am »
Just read this on hobbes:


After many years of service, will be decommissioned and will no longer be available. You the user are responsible for downloading any of the files found in this archive if you want them. These files will no longer be available for access or download as of the decommission date.

As of April 15th, 2024 this site will no longer exist.

No one will be able to access this site or any information/files stored on this site as of April 15th, 2024.

Applications / Re: XWP v1.0.16
« on: December 10, 2023, 08:44:15 pm »
OK, one thing that should be checked to see if it is just an oddity on my system. Whenever I open the desktop properties and go to the Startup tab the delay always initially shows 1.  If I had previously changed it, I can hit Default and it will then show the number I had changed it to.  I can change tabs and go back and it will show the number I had set it to (IOW, going back to 1 is only on initial open).  If I open the Desktop properties and do not open the startup tab, make some changes on other tabs and close it and then open the Desktop properties and the startup tab, I can click default and have the number I had previously set.  If I open the Desktop properties and open the startup tab and close the properties, when I reopen the properties it will have saved the 1 second delay (IOW now clicking default does not change it to what I had set it to previously because it saved the 1 that was showing when I closed the properties.). 

Steps to reproduce:
Open Desktop properties
Open startup tab
change Delay to a number other than 1
Close Desktop properties
Open Desktop properties
Open startup tab
observe Delay

If, as on my system, Delay is back to 1 Click Default at the bottom and observe the number.
Now close Desktop properties
Open Desktop properties, open any or all tabs other than Startup
Close Desktop properties
Open Desktop properties
Open Startup Tab
Observe Delay
If shows 1, click Default button and observe Delay time (if as on mine, it will be the number set)
Close Desktop properties
Open Desktop properties
Observe delay time
Close Desktop properties
Open Desktop properties
Open Startup tab
Observe Delay
Click Default (if as on mine, it will now be 1).

Applications / Re: XWP v1.0.16
« on: December 10, 2023, 02:28:07 am »
Large parts of the XStartup code have been rewritten for improved reliability. It should no longer be necessary to impose a long delay to ensure the first object starts properly.
How hard would it be to add the initial delay back? I had imposed I think just a one second (maybe 3, I don't recall now) delay to prevent a 30-45 second hang that is now back (I had timed it back then but haven't now that it is back). 

I didn't get rid of the delay. It was a global rather than per-object setting, so I moved it to the Desktop 'Startup' tab where you create your first Startup folder. It starts out set to 1 second because there's always a 1-sec delay before XWP does _anything_. Values greater than 1 include that initial delay.

If the code is still there but just either commented or ifdef'd out, I should be able to build it (assuming my build environment is still good).

I seldom leave detritus lying around - that's what version-control systems are for. If there's a problem with any change I've made, please advise so that I can fix it for all users (assuming it needs fixing).
OK, tested making the changes on the startup tab.  After moving tcpip startup back to the first program to launch and booted set to 3 seconds, 2 seconds and unhelpfully back at 1 second (unhelpfully in that I now have no idea why it was hanging as it no longer does in the original configuration).

Applications / Re: XWP v1.0.16
« on: December 09, 2023, 06:57:21 pm »
XWP v1.0.16 introduces some of the most significant Desktop usability improvements in years.

Large parts of the XStartup code have been rewritten for improved reliability. It should no longer be necessary to impose a long delay to ensure the first object starts properly. XStartup's notebook page has also been updated with XWP-Full's Boot Logo option getting its own page.
How hard would it be to add the initial delay back? I had imposed I think just a one second (maybe 3, I don't recall now) delay to prevent a 30-45 second hang that is now back (I had timed it back then but haven't now that it is back).  If the code is still there but just either commented or ifdef'd out, I should be able to build it (assuming my build environment is still good).
Never mind, I was able to work around it by moving TCPIP startup to launch second instead of first.  Previously, I was unsuccessful in affecting the hang by changing the order.

Applications / Re: XWP v1.0.16
« on: December 09, 2023, 06:44:04 pm »
XWP v1.0.16 introduces some of the most significant Desktop usability improvements in years.

Large parts of the XStartup code have been rewritten for improved reliability. It should no longer be necessary to impose a long delay to ensure the first object starts properly. XStartup's notebook page has also been updated with XWP-Full's Boot Logo option getting its own page.
How hard would it be to add the initial delay back? I had imposed I think just a one second (maybe 3, I don't recall now) delay to prevent a 30-45 second hang that is now back (I had timed it back then but haven't now that it is back).  If the code is still there but just either commented or ifdef'd out, I should be able to build it (assuming my build environment is still good).

Applications / Re: LarsenCommander - new test version
« on: December 05, 2023, 06:45:03 am »
Thank you for your work.
I pulled the source from git and find there were build changes:
call envtk45.cmd -noansi
call envicc40.cmd $ -noansi
These cmd files are not in the repository and I do not have them in my build environment.  Are these files you built or should I have them in my environment?

Programming / Re: Copying text strings to AOS-5.1 clipboard in 'C'
« on: November 15, 2023, 02:28:10 am »

Hardware / Re: Connexant cx31993 and USB3 stack
« on: November 08, 2023, 03:08:05 am »
Hi Lars

I added the switch and rebooted.
On the Xcenter, I selected the drives folder.
Then I selected drive C which is my USB Fat32 drive
The folders and files come up and then the system hangs.
The good thing is that TOP allows a reboot.

The ArcaOS drives with JFS do not hang when selected.

Are you using 5.0.8 of the FAT32 driver?  I am and cannot reproduce the issue but I may not have enough files on the volume or maybe I need directories with files or maybe without (nested, or I don't know).

General Discussion / Re: Firefox or Dooble for the OS2World Forum
« on: August 30, 2023, 04:27:08 am »
I primarily use SeaMonkey. 

Programming / Re: BREXX - Classic REXX implementation
« on: June 29, 2023, 01:57:11 am »
Thanks for the correction Jar-Erik



Interesting, I was not aware of these, I've been building from source.

Applications / Re: LarsenCommander - new test version
« on: June 09, 2023, 04:13:07 am »
Thank you Andi.
I updated my local svn and built it.  Thought I had a problem with the executable at first, I tried to test the built lcmd.exe in the directory it was built in and it threw errors but I figured out it was reading the lcmd.rc for building it and the executable needs its own lcmd.rc file.  Once I worked that out, it seems to be working well.
Yes I was confused by this more than once too. There's included the lcmd_text.cmd (and te.cmd) which calls
Code: [Select]
start lcmd.exe -rcFile ..\..\lcmd.rc -rcSearchPath ..\..\src\glib;..\.. -iniFile lcmd.ini -logFilter test -logFile lcmd.log %1 %2 %3 ...
One thing that I would like I would like to see (maybe I can work it out) is to have lcmd.exe look for gl16os2.dll in its own directory first before looking at libpath, this would allow it to run without gl16os2.dll having to be in libpath.
I've ';.;' in libpath after the %unixroot% directories.
Code: [Select]
LIBPATH=p:\usr\local\lib;p:\usr\lib;p:\dll;.;P:\.....So that's no problem for me. Isn't that the usual setup? I mean having ;.; in the libpath (best at the end or after unixroot dirs. Isn't it the standard behavior for OS/2 programs to search their dlls in libpath? Or start it by an object set to run in the programs directory?

Are you asking for some 'special' code in LCMD which loads the dll from the programs directory regardless of libpath setting? Are there some example programs for such?
I have lcmd in path but am trying to avoid having to put the dll in the libpath.  There is a way when calling the DLL to search the path the the executable is in first, ;.; only helps if you are in the directory that the DLL is in when you launch the executable.  I should be able to find the code in Mozilla.

Programming / Re: Source Code Text Editor Suggestions
« on: May 26, 2023, 02:55:10 am »
If you can find a copy (it does not appear to be sold, it can be found by poking around a bit) of Visual Slickedit, it does a fair job.
Dariusz Piatkowski created, (on hobbes) which allows VSE to recognize many more OS/2 specific calls for highlighting.  The main thing that keeps me from using it more regularly is that it does not get along with my scroll wheel properly (no matter which direction I scroll the wheel, it goes the same direction that it was last direction the scroll arrow key was clicked).
It does not have tabs, but does show open files on the left. 
As I recall, there is a configuration change to the mouse settings that would allow the VSE to scroll correctly but works poorly (to me) in everything else then.  If not for the fact that I use the scroll wheel so much that it becomes a real pain, I'd use VSE all the time.
It may work better with amouse but amouse has yet to work well with Thinkpad middle mouse button.  WIth the IBM mouse driver, I use PM Scroll option, which I greatly prefer over Use Simulated keys (arrows or page up/down) which does work as desired in VSE.

Networking / Re: Changing subnet on network
« on: May 24, 2023, 01:59:04 am »
If you are using dhcp, you should not have to do much.  If the machine is off, turning it on will get an IP on the right subnet.  If it is on, you will need to dhcpmon -t to kill the dhcp client, then ifconfig lan0 down - ifconfig lan0 delete then the dhcpstrt -i lan0 -d 0 that Remy referenced (or reboot instead of all that)  If you are using a static IP, you can use tcpcfg2 as Remy stated, or edit the \mptn\bin\setup.cmd directly that Remy referenced (fixing the ifconfig and route statements).  You'll then need to ifconfig lan0 down ifconfig lan0 delete and run setup.cmd (or reboot instead of all that after editing the setup.cmd).
It is easier than I make it sound there, but I don't know whether you are using dhcp or static.

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