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Messages - Martin Iturbide

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 317
Hello Richard

I can't work out how to add multiple photos to the same forum post ...
As far as I know I don't have a limitation on the forum about the number of pictures you can upload. Check the attached picture, since you have to click (more attachments) to include more than one.

I got your email and I loved the pictures. Please send me or post the contents, and hopefully with the Part Numbers too.

I had created this Wiki page:

Can we say this one is UK English?


Hello Richard

I don't remember exactly which fixpacks were available under Software Choice, those were not the IBM ftp. I think it was fp4 and fp5 the ones from Software Choice


- Run commands feature on X Button.

We already have this one. Click the X button and just above Shut down... is Run...
What I understood about this request is, like Win95, is to have a search bar when you can type directly and press enter. Or maybe like Win10, just click the WinButton and start typing to run a command, but in our case with XButton it will break the hotkeys.


Thanks MPJ for the reminder.

Just to try to summarize the GUI ideas.
- Windows snap feature (WarpSnap)
- Customize windows icons (X-It reconstruction)
- Run commands feature on X Button.
- A navigator bar for windows (Object Desktop), navigation buttons and an "address bar" that shows the path.
- Font rendering improvement.
- GUI Copy Files. Combine folder contents or replace directory request (Currently only replace directory is available).
- GUI Copy several Files. A "overwrite all files" option while copying files.


The other people's favorite is "X-it"

Even that I haven't poll all the people that uses it, it looks to me that having more icons to navigate between windows is the favorite feature of it.

Long time ago I contacted Michael Shillingford (the author) about his software and he told me he lost the source code. It will be desirable to have some kind of re-implementation of it. Possible with icons that blends (looks more like) ArcaOS, and maybe taking it further and even being able to manage the OS/2 default window icons and supporting different styles of icons... maybe.

Any other things you love about X-it? the clock?


One thing that is used now in several OSes is the feature to resize windows in the desktop by dragging those to one side of the screen or even the top. I call it "WarpSnap" just for fun and I posted it as a request on lSwitcher, but maybe it should be more related to XWorkplace intead. I guess, since the screen size went to 16:9 it turn into a desirable feature on every OS's GUI.

The idea of this functionality is to enable that for OS/2 windows on PM you can drag the window to the “left-edge”, “right-edge” or “top” of the screen and the window will resize:

    “left edge”, the window will resize and maximize to convert the left side of the screen (from the center to the left).
    “right edge”, the window will resize and maximize to convert the right side of the screen (from the center to the left).
    “top” , the window will resize and maximize on the screen like the normal “maximize window”

This functionality is similar to the one indicated here: ​


Here it is how Windows does it:


Linux has WinTile


MacOS has it too




At the Warpstock round table discussion, there was a little moment to talk about there should be some GUI improvements for ArcaOS, and I think it is good to write the down somewhere and discuss it on the open.

The question is, based in your experience with different OS GUIs, what do you think it could be interesting to have in ArcaOS ?

My ideas/suggestions will come in a while.



We have two VirtualBox Addons, the official ones (7.1.0 ) from the VBox project and VBoxAddtions-os2-x86-5.0.51.r217 from Valery (Netlabs).

I like Valery's version because it has WPS integration (yes, with a lot of warning when you copy a file that seems to come from the WPS). Valery's version has the issues that David and Neil are pointing. Valery's created "vboxfs.ifs" (not to be confused with vboxsf.ifs"

I was hoping to create a ticket on the VirtualBox site requesting the WPS integration and try to take Valery's version for inspiration.
I'm not sure if Valery's the full source code is here:


General Discussion / Re: EDM/2 Wiki Issue
« on: October 06, 2024, 02:24:45 am »

Ans now also the wiki has problems....

I was updating the OS2World wiki today. It is working now and it is the MediaWiki latest version.


General Discussion / Re: EDM/2 Wiki Issue
« on: October 05, 2024, 02:55:02 pm »

1) Netlabs TRAC: I noticed that Netlabs TRAC script was updated to 1.6 (latest) and looks very good and works fine for the quick testing I made.
Check it out at:

2) EDM/2 is still broken. It is loading some pages without the style and main page does not work, but I hope it get fixed soon.

3) The Netlabs wiki is also partially broken. I'm not sure if the script is getting updated too.

4) Old Project Pages Web Script The project pages ( are broken. But I don't mind if those got archived/removed/sunset, because a long time ago I copied that pages information to the Netlabs wiki or to the project TRAC pages. I have no problem here, let me know any comments.
- ex:

I wish good luck to Adrian who is migrating the server, and I guess also updating the scripts.

Just in case I have this page with the Netlab's Services -


Programming / Re: Classic, Regina, Object and Open Object Rexx
« on: October 04, 2024, 04:23:55 pm »
Hello Jan-Erik

I would like to get your attention to push for an update to the wps integration stuff and enable it for ooRexx on OS/2, without reinventing the wheel from scratch.
The problem is that IBM have a cross licensing agreement with another party (Amiga)?!

I don't have knowledge on this area, so I'm just asking, what kind of WPS and ooRexx integration do you expect or need?
Is it something like "IBM's Object Rexx has this WPS integration, I need the same one for ooRexx, because it is currently missing on that open open source project"?

Is there too much WPS integration on IBM's Object Rexx? Will it be a long project to do that?


General Discussion / Re: OS/2 Box Collection Wiki - Questions
« on: October 04, 2024, 04:19:02 pm »
Hello Nathana.

The Wiki appears to have a screenshot of a non-US English (possibly UK) version of Warp 3 on the main page for the article on Warp 3 (right side).  The fidelity of that particular screenshot isn't great, but you can at least make out that it's in English but omits the US Government GSA ADP Contract language below the copyright statement.

Thanks for the observation there. I just have that image there for quick reference, it will be great to put some in a better resolution.
About the German boot image you linked, by any chance, do you know to which German Warp 3 PN it belongs?


General Discussion / Re: OS/2 Box Collection Wiki - Questions
« on: October 04, 2024, 03:14:19 am »
Hello Conrad

If you can share the pictures of your boxes it will be great. Those editions I don't have it on the wiki, so they are welcome.
Please, if you can list the items on each box with the part numbers, or have it clearly on the picture it will be great too.


General Discussion / Re: EDM/2 Wiki Issue
« on: September 25, 2024, 03:26:47 pm »

EDM/2 is still down, but I noticed that now it is blank instead of showing the database error.

I hope Adrian (netlabs) gets this soon.


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