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General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« Last post by David McKenna on Today at 12:35:33 am »

  Don't know if it helps, but Ko Myung-Hun just did a new meson:

General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« Last post by Dave Yeo on December 10, 2024, 11:49:19 pm »
Have you looked at the old port?
This built with VACPP and has the Presentation Manager fixes. IIRC, the build system was redone.
General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« Last post by Paul Smedley on December 10, 2024, 09:02:51 pm »
sh*t. I was hoping there was a better solution.
AFAIK also PortableGL has its limits (TinyGL is good but even more limited).

It has. While the examples worked, I couldn't get it to work with Classicube.

OK I've hacked mesa, python and meson enough to get a is a problem as we don't have open_memstream() and I'm not sure how to implement it on OS/2.

I stubbed this for now.... I have latest mesa mostly build.... but meson has no idea how to make an OS/2 DLL, so there may be some manual hackery required to get past errors like:
Code: [Select]
[1/16] Linking target src/mapi/es2api/
FAILED: src/mapi/es2api/
c++  -o src/mapi/es2api/ src/mapi/es2api/ -shared -fPIC  src/mapi/shared-glapi/ src/c11/impl/libmesa_util_c11.a  -pthread
D:/Users/dmik/rpmbuild/BUILD/libc-0.1.13/src/emx/src/lib/startup/386/dll0.s:62 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol __text (multiply defined)
D:\Temp/ccvnLdQd.s:0 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol __data (multiply defined)
D:\Temp/ccvnLdQd.s:0 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol ___data_start (multiply defined)
D:\Temp/ccvnLdQd.s:0 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol ___bss_start (multiply defined)
src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol __data (multiply defined)
D:/Users/dmik/rpmbuild/BUILD/libc-0.1.13/src/emx/src/lib/startup/386/dll0.s:62 (src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol __text (multiply defined)
src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol ___data_start (multiply defined)
src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol ___bss_start (multiply defined)
[2/16] Linking target src/mapi/es1api/
FAILED: src/mapi/es1api/
c++  -o src/mapi/es1api/ src/mapi/es1api/ -shared -fPIC src/mapi/shared-glapi/ src/c11/impl/libmesa_util_c11.a  -pthread -lpthread
D:/Users/dmik/rpmbuild/BUILD/libc-0.1.13/src/emx/src/lib/startup/386/dll0.s:62 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol __text (multiply defined)
D:\Temp/ccvnLdQd.s:0 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol __data (multiply defined)
D:\Temp/ccvnLdQd.s:0 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol ___data_start (multiply defined)
D:\Temp/ccvnLdQd.s:0 (/@unixroot/usr/lib/dll0.o): Definition of symbol ___bss_start (multiply defined)
src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol __data (multiply defined)
D:/Users/dmik/rpmbuild/BUILD/libc-0.1.13/src/emx/src/lib/startup/386/dll0.s:62 (src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol __text (multiply defined)
src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol ___data_start (multiply defined)
src/mapi/shared-glapi/ Definition of symbol ___bss_start (multiply defined)
[3/16] Generating src/git_sha1.h with a custom command
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Programming / Re: Bigicons
« Last post by David Graser on December 09, 2024, 11:30:22 pm »
A new folder icon theme called GreenAgain.
Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« Last post by Per E. Johannessen on December 09, 2024, 05:42:23 pm »
Below is the output of mem /v
With VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2816 the system seems stable.
I'm on thin ice here so, as always, I welcome comments.

Total physical memory:     16,102 MB
Accessible to system:       1,766 MB
Additional (PAE) memory:   14,336 MB

Resident memory:              290 MB
Available virtual memory:   1,382 MB

Available process memory:
  Private low memory:         288 MB
  Private high memory:      2,012 MB
  Shared low memory:          234 MB
  Shared high memory:       1,729 MB
Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« Last post by Dave Yeo on December 09, 2024, 04:44:54 pm »
I think the problem is that IBM never finished the high memory support, or perhaps just buggy. PCI space, which is at the top of the 4GB address range, has grown with newer hardware. You put a video card in that uses address space for its large frame buffer and its BIOS and it takes up a bunch of address space. The JFS cache seems to be implemented up there too. So with 3072 virtualaddress space, it interferes with PCI address space and/or JFS address space and you get an unstable system. So you need a smaller virtualaddress space to be stable.
mem /v should tell you how much memory is accessible to the system, which should point to how much virtualaddress space you can use. Here, it is 3,502MB and using 3072 seems fine.
Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« Last post by Remy on December 09, 2024, 04:18:51 pm »
Profile corruption? If you remember the page that triggered the exception, you could go to \home\.dooble\WebEnginePersistentStorage\IndexDB and move the entry out of the way and see if that helps

I deleted all files and no silent close but about freeze, it is as bad as before I change turbo boost bios option.
When on youtube, trying to open a new tab or moving the page cursor, sound goes into a loop and system freezes...
Reboot required.

The first creating problem is the audio but it seems also been impacted by the mouse movement etc !  driver issue or interrupt priority handling?   
General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« Last post by Jochen Schäfer on December 09, 2024, 09:06:54 am »
sh*t. I was hoping there was a better solution.
AFAIK also PortableGL has its limits (TinyGL is good but even more limited).

It has. While the examples worked, I couldn't get it to work with Classicube.
General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« Last post by Paul Smedley on December 09, 2024, 08:52:46 am »
What about mesaGL? I don't remember its current status. A slow renderer would still be better than no renderer at all...

I visited it, seven years back, and got it compiling and the examples ran good. [
Problem is that it is old. Gives gl.h while now it is gl2.h that is required.

sh*t. I was hoping there was a better solution.
AFAIK also PortableGL has its limits (TinyGL is good but even more limited).

Mesa GL's softpipe might be sufficient...
Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« Last post by Andi B. on December 09, 2024, 08:43:27 am »
What other device drivers, especially the IFS stuff, are you loading? What size cache are you defining for these?

The symptoms you describe all look & feel like the "out of memory" stuff I was seeing when testing the very large (>1G) JFS cache sizes here.
I usually let the IFS stuff as it is defined by ArcaOS installer. For older systems I also don't have big JFS cache. HPFS386 is remed out since long as it produces similar problems.

'mem -v' - my last tests on a pretty vanilla ArcaOS system I build up last week leads to 'out of memory' even when trying to open 4os2 or cmd windows. Sometimes afterwards it magically worked for one session but no more. -> very weird behavior with VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=3072. Reminds me on same experience a few years ago with another system.

So for me I can't get any system to work only near reliable with 3072. Wild guess, it may interfere with my 3840 x 2160 resolution. My observations lead me to guess there is a memory problem with the WPS or gradd or VMAN or ... with this high resolution too.

Administrator - this now runs very off topic. Maybe you wann split this thread. Thanks.
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