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Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Dave Yeo on January 19, 2025, 11:21:55 pm »
Hi Dave !

The test you can try:
Start Dooble, open this os2world web page and then clic on above FTP link ...
Always start my default browser firefox.

That is weird. Here it opened a new window in SeaMonkey, my default browser, which was running. Tried the link too, opened a new window in SM with the request for password. Very strange bug or I guess feature especially with ftp kind of broken in the web engine.
Tried with the simplebrowser, as expected the Qt5 one failed, the Qt6 one worked the same as dooble
Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Remy on January 19, 2025, 10:29:26 pm »
That's strange and doesn't happen here. Looking at the documentation, we have,
Code: [Select]
Supported Schemes
Dooble supports the FILE, FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S), and JAR schemes.
So Dooble should open the FTP//: links.

I tried again:
Firefox is closed

Start Dooble (QT6)
put link + enter
The page goes blank !
Waiting a few more seconds, firefox is starting showing files from !
It looks like Dooble is opening ftp link but not into its browser nor into a new tab and cmd is resolved as system browser to open

Have your default ArcaOS set to firefox and firefox not started
then, start Dooble and give a try to the link

Doing a test starting Dooble with the link provides a different result (blank page and nothing more):

Hi Dave !

The test you can try:
Start Dooble, open this os2world web page and then clic on above FTP link ...
Always start my default browser firefox. 

I found some information about FTP no more supported under Chrome since 88... like current firefox windows 64 no more supporting it.
Is the case for Dooble ? If yes and at least, I expect a popup menu to select external ftp compatible program to use and route the link to it  ::)


...Dariusz, not understood what you're asking me to do: having both FF and TB installed and then what action...?

OK, in your original post you stated:

...recently discovered that now the email client of Seamonkey -assuming same as Thunderbird-, cause a system trap when calling the "email client" window from Seamonkey (no problem if I start a new message compose)...

I interpret that to mean:

1) you are in web page (browsing) where there is an email link
2) you click on that link and expect that the email client window would pop up, thus allowing you to create an email
3) instead of this outcome you experience a trap/failure

Is that correct?

Subsequently in your post I was responding to you stated:

...I have installed Thunderbird 45.8 pentium4 to see what happens...

...and I was commenting on the fact that I have FF & TB here, which have been pretty solid for me, so I could certainly try to reproduce your scenario, and if I fail to, we could try to chase the DLLs down given that I am on CP2 release as opposed to AOS install.
Mauro, to remove the high memory thing from the dll's, highmem --unmark *dll
Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by David McKenna on January 19, 2025, 08:32:54 pm »
Hey Rémy!

 It works here too! Very unexpected - I have an ftp client (EmTec FTP) set as system ftp, but Firefox opens instead. I tried with QT5 Dooble and it did not work, but works with the QT6 one. Thanks for the --disable-highres-timer tip too. That seems to work here as well...

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Remy on January 19, 2025, 07:23:34 pm »
That's strange and doesn't happen here. Looking at the documentation, we have,
Code: [Select]
Supported Schemes
Dooble supports the FILE, FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S), and JAR schemes.
So Dooble should open the FTP//: links.

I tried again:
Firefox is closed

Start Dooble (QT6)
put link + enter
The page goes blank !
Waiting a few more seconds, firefox is starting showing files from !
It looks like Dooble is opening ftp link but not into its browser nor into a new tab and cmd is resolved as system browser to open

Have your default ArcaOS set to firefox and firefox not started
then, start Dooble and give a try to the link 
I've read your suggestions, first of all thank you for spending your time in focusing my issue.
Will now try to apply what suggested and let you know.

Roderick please need also to know how to turn all dll eventually high-loaded in a "standard" load status , ignoring which are them.

Dariusz, not understood what you're asking me to do: having both FF and TB installed and then what action...?
Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Dave Yeo on January 19, 2025, 06:57:04 pm »
That's strange and doesn't happen here. Looking at the documentation, we have,
Code: [Select]
Supported Schemes
Dooble supports the FILE, FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S), and JAR schemes.
So Dooble should open the FTP//: links.
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« Last post by David McKenna on January 19, 2025, 06:47:25 pm »

 A snowy winter day, so been doing some investigation of QT 6.8.1 to try to understand some of the problems it has. One thing I did is compare the names of DLL's in QT 6.2.11 with the ones in 6.8.1 and found some discrepancies.

 In the \lib directory, there are 3 files missing from 6.8 that are found in 6.2: Qt6NetAu.dll, Qt6PosQk.dll, and QtQmlCoe.dll. Probably their names were changed somehow in the latest build - there is a posquick.dll and Qt6QmCoe.dll in 6.8 I believe are the equivalent for QtPosQk.dll and QtQmlCoe.dll. Can't find an equivalent for Qt6NetAu.dll in 6.8.

 In the \qml directory there are several name changes in 6.8.1 from 6.2.11:
\QtCore\QtQmlCoe.dll in 6.2 is Qt6QmCoe.dll in 6.8
\QtPositioning\Qt6PosQk.dll in 6.2 is posquick.dll in 6.8
\QtQml\qmlplugn.dll in 6.2 is qml.dll in 6.8
\QtQml\Base\ directory does not exist in 6.2 or 6.8, but does exist in 6.6
\QtWebchannel\Webchann.dll in 6.2 is Qt6WebCQ.dll in 6.8

 I would think these kind of changes might be why some apps compiled for 6.2 fail if run in 6.8.

 On top of that, there are some qmldir files missing the 'plugin' or 'optional plugin' directive in the \qml directory in 6.8, and the strange addition of another 'QML' directory there which just doesn't look right to me. Most of the qmldir files with missing directives are in new directories not found in 6.2. They are:

\qml\qml\qmldir - calls out a plugin 'qmlplugn', but no DLL is in the directory.
\qml\test\controls\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive
\qml\QtNetwork\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive.
\qml\QtQml\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive
\qml\QtQuick\Controls\FluentWinUI3\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive
\qml\QtQuick\Controls\FluentWinUI3\impl\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive

  I tried adding the directives manually, and it seemed to help the examples a little bit, but still get the 'stack overflow' error. The missing DLL in \qml\qml bothers me the most - it seems out of place and I don't have the DLL qmldir wants...


Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Remy on January 19, 2025, 06:21:17 pm »
Yes, something seems broken with the ftp protocol. Here with the Qt6 dooble, I got a blank page, Qt5 dooble closed.
Tried too, Qt6 dooble kept reverting to about:blank, Qt5 dooble gave me an error about the site not being reached.
Tried and got a popup to enter user and password, after entering the info, dooble-qt5 vanished., dooble-qt6 gave a blank page.
These failures also don't get saved in the history, just the with the not found error got saved.
I'd guess the ftp problem is in the Qtwebengine.
OTOH, gopher works, eg gopher://

Strange !

I installed QT 6.2.11 using latest end december QT6 Dooble
I tried the link again under Dooble.
A blank page.... waiting more, my default system browser (firefox) opens with the link from Dooble displaying all files !
Oh! Dooble opening system default browser in this case...
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