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Messages - Dariusz Piatkowski

Pages: 1 ... 89 90 [91]
Programming / Re: New OS/4 kernel :: SVN4172
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:17:41 pm »
Can you please join IRC channel #netlabs on freenode, and PM me, dbanet?

Yes, will do...thank you, that I exactly what I was looking for. I understand that there may be a lot of debugging to do, but regardless of how much it is would it not be better to do so in this forum type environment? The benefit is that anyone else who may encounter a problem has an immediate reference to previous debugging for thought as they say.

I see you're having issues running OS/2 on your machine

The trouble I have is only powering up the 6th core of the CPU...I am running fine with the 5 cores...the forum post you showed was placed by me there because it appears the OS4 kernel hang I was seeing is very similar to what Lars was seeing. This is why I attached the output of the mptable...that is a whole bunch of info as you know that provides detailed snapshot of the SMP configuration on the PC. I'm trying to walk through it on my own to understand my 6th core hang...I am attaching the same output to this post, please take a look at it.

Programming / Re: New OS/4 kernel :: SVN4172
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:10:01 pm »

please  show com port log   -  it may help to understand where is hang

How do I do that? I see the DEBUG setup instructions, but nothing (as best as I can tell) about troubleshooting through the COM port.

I can only assume this requires me to hook up another OS/2 PC over the COM port? No problem there, I still have my old machine...but could use some detailed instructions to walk me through this.

Programming / Re: OS4APIC.PSD - /APIC switch does not work
« on: March 19, 2014, 10:12:01 pm »
I believe I'm seeing the same behaviour as Lars.

My OS2APIC configuration runs w/o ACPI turned on. MPS table in BIOS is set to 1.4. I'm attaching the output of the MPTABLE program, which coincidentally I started looking at the source of as I attempted to debug why my machine absolutely refuses to SMP boot with all 6 CPU cores enabled...stuck at RESOURCE.SYS.

Any ideas?

Programming / Re: New OS/4 kernel :: SVN4172
« on: March 19, 2014, 09:59:05 pm »
I had previously attempted to get 4168 running, no luck. Now tried 4172, unfortunately no luck either, even more, I am seeing the same issue as with 4168.

Namely, upon selecting the configuration to book (os2ldr.ini) the line stating which configuration is booting is displayed and then....NUTHING...the screen sits there, no HARD lock, num-lock, caps-lock still works...but nothing actually happens on the screen.

Here is my os2ldr.ini:
=== START ===
os2ldr.104   =  IBM OS2LDR 14.104a_SMP ,Restart
os2ldr.105   =  IBM OS2LDR 14.105a_SMP ,Restart
os4krnlr     =  OS4 Current - RETAIL,PRELOAD,NOLOGO,CFGEXT=os4
os4krnl      =  OS4 Current - DEBUG,PRELOAD,NOLOGO,LOADSYM,CFGEXT=os4
os4krnl      =  OS4 Current - DEBUG - show driver names,ALTF2,NOLOGO,CFGEXT=os4
=== END ===

All the other files are present, doscall1.dll has been replaced with the one from the package, clock & screen drivers are present.

Any ideas what to try next? I have no idea how to even get some debug info up on the screen.

This is on a machine which successfully runs a 5-core Phenom II X6 CPU (MSI 880G-E45 motherboard) using the "OS2APIC.PSD /P=5 /APIC" driver.


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