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Messages - Pete

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 92
Hardware / Re: Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 14, 2025, 07:02:04 pm »
Hi Martin

I could add that when I bought a Canon MG7550 inkjet printer/scanner there was no cups support - Canon provided linux systems with ppd files and a closed source "plugin". However, cups was developing support for that printer without using the Canon ppds or plugin, I had to "hassle" Paul into updating "our" cups and ended up with a nicely working printer.

However, looking these pages
it seems the only development is IPP Everywhere.

So, it looks like cups V3 will see us all switch to IPP Everywhere .

Maybe Paul and Silvan can enlighten us further when they look into porting cups V3 ...





Hardware / Re: Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 14, 2025, 02:27:00 am »
Hi Martin

The ppd files usually need "cleaning up" to get rid of lines not needed by our pscript driver. If I recall correctly that is now done when using the Install CUPS Printer, have to point the app to the needed ppd file.

So, a chance that the printer may work - as long as it does not need some sort "plugin" to work with the ppd files.



Hardware / Re: Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 13, 2025, 11:55:06 pm »
Hi andreas

Looks like a potential paperweight - unless our cups can do "IPP Everywhere" which, it seems, does not need vendor specific drivers see



Setup & Installation / Re: How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 13, 2025, 11:43:52 pm »
Hi Ivan

I'm quite in agreement with your rant  :-)
I encountered rpm in the late 1990s and have been a devoted hater ever since.
However, it is what we are currently having to use so I try to make the best of it... and it is certainly not the fault of rpm/yum that I got into this mess.

I have arcview 2.1 installed and that does not let me pull out individual files, have to unpack all files, copy the required files to where ever, then delete the unpacked rpm files - Is arcview 2.2 on hobbesarchive, arcanoae or Alexs site?

While unpacking with arcview means I now have printing and scanning working again ANPM/yum do not know that which means that should I want to install a package that relies on something within cups/hplip/sane/hpaio it will be necessary to also install whatever package(s) are required. Also, of course, updates are not be offered for packages that are not known to be installed.



Setup & Installation / Re: How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 13, 2025, 11:28:46 pm »
Hi Steven

Yes, rpm -qa > rpmlist.txt seems to have all the previously installed packages showing.
Guess I can just work through the list (re)installing 1 by 1 - unless there is some way of presenting rpm with a list to (re)install?



Setup & Installation / Re: How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 13, 2025, 07:56:26 pm »
Hi All

Thanks for responses to date.

Sadly they all seem to show the current installed list not the list of packages that existed prior to my cockup.

Looks like reinstalling yum has wiped out the package list and history.

I tried reinstall:
yum reinstall J:\var\cache\yum\netlabs-rel\packages\sane-backends-1.0.28-2.oc00.pentium4.rpm
which resulted in
No package matched to remove: sane-backends-0:1.0.28-2.oc00
Error: Problem in reinstall: no package matched to remove

I also tried:
yum install J:\var\cache\yum\netlabs-rel\packages\sane-backends-1.0.28-2.oc00.pentium4.rpm
which resulted in packages being downloaded.

I guess I will have to reinstate the missing bits 1 (+whatever dependencies) at a time ...



Setup & Installation / How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 13, 2025, 09:02:59 am »
Hi All

Posted this earlier but it seems to have disappeared...

This is a question for our *nixy-knowledgeable friends.

Due to distraction - wife having diabetic problems - I managed to delete the contents of /usr/bin and I don't have an up-to-date backup...

I fired up ANPM which downloaded and installed the current yum package(s) and I am wondering if there is anyway to reinstall my "missing" files to /usr/bin from the various packages within the /var/cache/yum subdirectories - doesn't look possible from within ANPM...

All help appreciated


Hardware / Re: Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 12, 2025, 08:18:39 pm »
Hi andreas

What printer language does it speak? - I tried looking at specs but seamonkey does not work with canon websites.



Hardware / Re: Printer
« on: February 05, 2025, 01:42:00 am »
Hi andreas

Not sure if I am "the other Pete" but I second Pete2's suggestion of talking nicely to Paul to see if he has the time to look into porting hplip 3.212 - clicking the Donate button here   
 may help :-)

Alternatively you would need to either add a "cleaned" PPD to psprint.drv for this printer if it uses postscript - the page here suggests not - or possibly use PCL driver *if* that works with PCLmS.

I suspect your best option would be hplip, would make wireless connectivity easy ( famous last words etc  :-)



Applications / Re: PMInSANE :-P
« on: February 03, 2025, 08:26:30 pm »
Hi All

Had a response from Silvan suggesting the use of scanimage parameter "--output-file=Filename" instead of using redirection "> Filename" and that seems to work fine here to produce "genuine" PNG and JPEG file types - and the files are not corrupted in any way.



Hardware / Re: no Drive visible for inatallation
« on: January 31, 2025, 11:47:34 pm »
Hi andreas

When booting the installation stick select to "Boot with own choices" or similar wording and make sure the nvme driver is selected.



Applications / Re: PMInSANE :-P
« on: January 31, 2025, 02:43:45 am »
Hi All

Jumping in a bit late on the discussion about file types that scanimage (should) output ie pnm, jpeg, tiff and png but I have to agree with Jan-Erik: scanimage cannot produce jpeg files - or png files. While it is possible to get files with those extensions from scanimage they are PPM (PMN) file types. As Jan-Erik says PMView can display the file type so easily checked.

I used the command line to try scanning to jpeg and png. Here are the command lines used and the results:-

scanimage -d hpaio:/net/envy_photo_6200_series?ip= --format=jpeg --mode Color --resolution 300 >J:\Programs\HPscan\work\TestScan_format.jpg
Image Type: JPEG
Scrambled image...  PMView reports "Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment"
scanimage trap -> 679abf15-003d_02-SCANIMAGE-exceptq.txt
*Unable to scan successfully using --format=jpeg option

scanimage -d hpaio:/net/envy_photo_6200_series?ip= --format=png --mode Color --resolution 300 >J:\Programs\HPscan\work\TestScan_format.png
Blank/Black image...  PMView reports "TestScan_format.png: Unrecognised file format"
scanimage trap -> 679ac584-0050_02-SCANIMAGE-exceptq.txt
*Unable to scan successfully using --format=png option

The other 2 scanimage output file types, pnm and tiff, seem to work OK.

I also found that every scan, whether successful or not, produces a *-SCANIMAGE-exceptq.txt file. They all seem to show
Exception C0000005 - Access Violation

Should I post a/some of these exceptq files?/email a report to Silvan?



Hi mauro

Maybe you need to play around with some config.sys values. I use the following on an ArcaOS5.1 system to be able to run Seamonkey and OpenOffice without system memory problems:-


Have you had a read through the Seamonkey files README.OS2 and RPM_REQUIREMENTS?



General Discussion / Re: Desktop Icon Placement
« on: January 04, 2025, 06:54:56 am »

Sometimes these sorts of issues are resolved by running checkini from WPTools - - followed by running cleanini -

Do read instructions *before* using the above tools.



Applications / Re: QT4 problem
« on: December 31, 2024, 03:24:20 pm »
Hi Ivan

Possible config file problem? - presuming coolreader has some sort of ini or conf file lurking somewhere on your system.

I also seem to recall having problems with a qt4 app in the distant past which were resolved by deleting %HOME%\.config\trolltech.ini



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