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Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by cbx on Today at 07:15:03 am »
Dooble QT5 2024-12-31 does only show the mobile ersion of Google Calendar. If I switch to the desktop-version, there are only the frames on the sides.
Where can I get the languages-files?
Thank you for your work!
Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by Remy on Today at 05:39:39 am »
Do you have the unlock command into path  statement ?
Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by Neil Waldhauer on Today at 05:26:18 am »
I installed PSPRINT using Manage Printers, and now I get an entry in the presentation drivers list.

When I create my printer, I get a new error message; screenshot is attached.
Applications / Re: AVxCAT
« Last post by Remy on Today at 05:22:55 am »
Hello Remy

Do you plan to update our website?

I was going to post the 2.2 update as a OS2world news, but I don't know if it is formally released yet, or you want to wait?


Hello Martin,

I made a WPI including an updated alpha prereqs tools (for missing packages links list/get missing pakages)

You can add this link for the WPI full install (add the missing " : " into the link name)

For only latest updates, check for filename and its MD5 checksum >  https//

note1: update files are under the same path as WPI's
note2: for zip files uncluding @unixroot as first directory level, creating a @unixroot symlink makes the unzip easy.
            e.g. on the unixroot drive, a few usefull commands
            ln -s . @unixroot'    /* ln cmd to create symlink */
            unzip    /* file will be unzipped ignoring @unixroot */
            rm @unixroot       /* remove symlink */

I didn't update my webpage yet and I will done in a few weeks (working more on prereqs)     
Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« Last post by Neil Waldhauer on Today at 04:49:42 am »
You may need to add the path to the correct CUPS install as a parameter to cupswiz.exe.

Regarding the trap, the only thing I can think of is the PSPRINT install is broken somehow. 

If you go into PrintMan and choose File -> Manage presentation drivers, what does the entry for PSPRINT report? In particular the Version and Status columns.  Next, if you double-click on the PSPRINT entry, does it pop up its list of supported printers?

I think you are correct about the path to the cups install. If I give CUPSWIZ C:\usr as a parameter, I get a list of printers.

The process goes well until I say create printer, then I get the VX-REXX error shown earlier in the thread.

If I select Manage presentation drivers, then the list is blank. So something is wrong with PSPRINT install.
Applications / Re: OO v3.18
« Last post by Doug Clark on Today at 12:49:42 am »

The log file message you posted makes it look like somehow you are executing something from OO v 4 instead of from version 3.  Either that or you perhaps are reading the wrong log file?

Applications / Re: AVxCAT
« Last post by Martin Iturbide on January 16, 2025, 11:00:21 pm »
Hello Remy

Do you plan to update our website?

I was going to post the 2.2 update as a OS2world news, but I don't know if it is formally released yet, or you want to wait?

Applications / Re: OO v3.18
« Last post by David McKenna on January 16, 2025, 10:52:50 pm »

  Have you tried to use PMDLL to see if you have all DLLs needed for it? Also, do you have the absolute latest libcn0.dll and libcx0.dll files (mine are dated 8/3/2024) and no old ones floating around to interfere?

  OO 3.18 is working well here...

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« Last post by David McKenna on January 16, 2025, 10:26:04 pm »

You can try setting LIBC_THREAD_MIN_STACK_SIZE to a larger size then the default of 4096 bytes. Perhaps as high as 65636, though 32768 or 16384 might be enough.

  Tried that on a few examples, but no change...

  Maybe the error is a result of something else entirely. Here is a typical result:

qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml:12:15: QML Component: Cannot create delegate
qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml:12:15: QML Component: Cannot create delegate
qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

 A small blank window opened for this example. Maybe the 'Cannot create delegate' results in an overflowed stack?

Programming / Re: DOSBox-x - infinite loop in configure/make
« Last post by j on January 16, 2025, 09:51:48 pm »
Cool, so the latest dosbox-x works fine on Arca then?
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