Hello Remy
Do you plan to update our website?
- https://remydodin.levillage.org/en/realisations.php?item=6900&id=realisations
I was going to post the 2.2 update as a OS2world news, but I don't know if it is formally released yet, or you want to wait?
Hello Martin,
I made a WPI including an updated alpha prereqs tools (for missing packages links list/get missing pakages)
You can add this link for the WPI full install (add the missing " : " into the link name)
For only latest updates, check for filename and its MD5 checksum > https//remydodin.levillage.org/doc/realisations/updates/avxcat21.updt
note1: update files are under the same path as WPI's
note2: for zip files uncluding @unixroot as first directory level, creating a @unixroot symlink makes the unzip easy.
e.g. on the unixroot drive, a few usefull commands
ln -s . @unixroot' /* ln cmd to create symlink */
unzip zip_file.zip /* file will be unzipped ignoring @unixroot */
rm @unixroot /* remove symlink */
I didn't update my webpage yet and I will done in a few weeks (working more on prereqs)