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Topics - Mike Engle

Pages: [1]
Comments, Suggestions & Questions / USB to Parallel
« on: December 12, 2023, 04:55:29 pm »
New laptop (notebook).  Has anyone had any success connecting a parallel printer to a USB port?  I have a cable.  Do I need a driver?  If so where do I find said driver?


Applications / Online learning
« on: March 23, 2020, 12:52:53 am »
With all university classes going all online I would like a suggestion.  Is there any OS/2 software I could use to create a file (?mp4?) that shows slides (OpenOffice) with voice overs?  I want to create a lecture that students can see the figures (molecular biology) and hear me explain the figures.  I want to then upload the file to the university server.

Mike Engle

Pages: [1]