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Messages - Lars

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 90
If you want it or not does not matter: there will never be a 64-bit version of OS/2. Period.

Either David's suggestion or get

from and install that (the install.exe is missing, just copy files manually or get an older version of single mouse from hobbesarchive)
and then try the "FORCEPS2PP" or "FORCEGENERIC" or "FORCEIM" parameters (without the quotes) on the mouse.sys commandline.

General Discussion / Re: How to use a multipartioned usb key ?
« on: August 26, 2024, 12:55:56 pm »
Here is another round-about way to make a JFS partition on an USB drive.  With this method, I am using the whole drive for the JFS.

Open DFSee.
Select Scripts in the menu
Select Make Fat32 Data USB disk
Select the drive and make a fat32 data disk.
Follow the prompts.
Eject USB drive and reinsert.

Now I use FM/2
Open FM/2
Right click on the FAT32 USB drive
Select Miscellaneous
Select Format Disk
Select JFS

I do the quick format.

I bought around 10 packages of 3- 32 GB USB drives at Target last year for around $5.00 for each package.  It was an after school clearance.  Formatted them With DFsee to FAT32.  Thus, it was easy for me to format JFS under FM/2  when I want.  I had already made them FAT32 with DFSee.  The drives were originally FAT32 when bought.  However, for ArcaOS to use the drives, DFSee had to be used to reformat them Fat32.  Being already done, it took little time to convert to JFS.

It would be nice for DFSee to have a script to make a JFS data disk.

DFSee does have an option to create a JFS data disk. But that fails often enough and the cause seems to be that a JFS format already has some expectations regarding how the Master Boot Record and/or the end of the first track (that is: sector 63) should look like.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: August 23, 2024, 11:59:59 pm »
Thanks Dave - it's working well here!

 There is a long standing bug in Dooble on OS/2 where if you try to open an HTML file, it always says 'Your file couldn't be accessed' even though you just clicked on it. However, if that file is on your %UNIXROOT% drive (say C:), and you remove 'C:' from the address bar with that file name on it, the file is displayed. If it is not on the %UNIXROOT% drive, removing, say 'D:' does not help and can not be displayed.

 The implication is the code is using a Linux standard to find the file (no drive letters) so it works this way only on the %UNIXROOT% drive. But the Windows version of Dooble does use drive letters and it does work, so it seems there must be a code path available to use drive letters when displaying files if needed.

 Are you familiar with this? Has it been looked at in the past? The reason it is important to me is I would like to use Dooble to display e-mail messages from PMMail, but it doesn't work because PMMail is not on %UNIXROOT% so even removing the drive letter doesn't help in that case. Seems like there should be a straight forward solution to this, if the proper code was identified...


I vaguely remember that Dmitry already had a fix in place that went into a test version of one of the Qt5 DLLs. I just cannot remember which one that was ...

Thanks for the tip.

There is:

This may have been applied by Dmitry after I created my diffs... I certainly don't have it in my branch...

Yep, that's the fix.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: August 23, 2024, 11:55:46 pm »
I found it. It is an updated version of qt5webc.dll which is part of the QtWebEngine RPM.
With this updated version, Dooble is able to display local files, regardless on what drive they are located on.

Something like:
will display in the browser.

{0}[d:\usr\lib] dir qt5webc.dll*

 8.09.22  22.43     271.973.910      0  Qt5WebC.dll
25.09.21  19.47      92.191.016      0  Qt5WebC.dll.bak
 8.09.22  22.43     271.973.910      0

Applications / Re: Cannot create archive
« on: August 23, 2024, 07:15:34 pm »
Turning it off and back on again did the trick. Thanks !

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: August 23, 2024, 04:46:18 pm »
Thanks Dave - it's working well here!

 There is a long standing bug in Dooble on OS/2 where if you try to open an HTML file, it always says 'Your file couldn't be accessed' even though you just clicked on it. However, if that file is on your %UNIXROOT% drive (say C:), and you remove 'C:' from the address bar with that file name on it, the file is displayed. If it is not on the %UNIXROOT% drive, removing, say 'D:' does not help and can not be displayed.

 The implication is the code is using a Linux standard to find the file (no drive letters) so it works this way only on the %UNIXROOT% drive. But the Windows version of Dooble does use drive letters and it does work, so it seems there must be a code path available to use drive letters when displaying files if needed.

 Are you familiar with this? Has it been looked at in the past? The reason it is important to me is I would like to use Dooble to display e-mail messages from PMMail, but it doesn't work because PMMail is not on %UNIXROOT% so even removing the drive letter doesn't help in that case. Seems like there should be a straight forward solution to this, if the proper code was identified...


I vaguely remember that Dmitry already had a fix in place that went into a test version of one of the Qt5 DLLs. I just cannot remember which one that was ...

Applications / Re: Cannot create archive
« on: August 23, 2024, 04:43:27 pm »
I don't have a space problem. However, unchecking and rechecking "Archive Desktop" might do. I'll give it a try.

Applications / Cannot create archive
« on: August 23, 2024, 08:13:35 am »
Whenever I boot up, I get the error message that no new archive can be created.
Does anybody know how to fix this error ? I had this in the past but I cannot remember what I did to make that error go away.

General Discussion / Re: How to use a multipartioned usb key ?
« on: August 21, 2024, 03:47:19 pm »
1) Use DFSee to wipe the first sectors to zero.
2) Then start minilvm/lvm to create partitions
3) remove and reinsert stick and format partitions

USBMSD.ADD does not make any distinction between a USB HDD and a USB stick. They are handled in the exact same way.

Yes, you can create multiple partitions. I have done that and it worked.

General Discussion / Re: How to use a multipartioned ukb key ?
« on: August 20, 2024, 02:32:07 pm »
Have you actually tried ?

The only thing that I can say is that I had changed USBMSD.ADD to (always) use the SCSI-10 "read (10)" and "write (10)" commands to read/write sectors (even if the caller asks for use of "read(6)" and "write(6)" command).
That allows for 32-bit LBA numbers, with a sector size of 512 bytes you get the typical total of 2 TB, that's also the max OS/2 partition size.

If you say that does not work with the AN USBMSD.ADD then I suppose, they have not moved away from the SCSI-6 "read (6)" and "write (6)" commands. These are limited to 21-bit LBA numbers. In that case, 1 GB would be the limit. But I very much doubt that.

I had formatted to JFS a WD EBook with I think 512 GB and that worked just fine.

You won't have much fun with HPFS. I think the partition limit for HPFS is 64 GB. It is a practical limit, not the theoretical one (which would be 2 TB).

Virtualization / Re: Setting 4k resolution for VMWare guest
« on: August 20, 2024, 11:20:25 am »
The Windows host Virtualbox implementation contains the very same OS/2 addons as those provided by ArcaOS, including the file system driver to access files on the host from within the OS/2 guest.

Doesn't the OS/2 addons installed on Windows/Linux come with an old libc? I"d assume the ArcaOS addons don't install libc

I simply never install that old libc version (I maintain libc via ANPM, installed in the guest).
I only ever install the base additions (VBOXMOUSE.SYS etc.), the GENGRADD DLL (where that might even be unnecessary) and VBOXFS.IFS.

Virtualization / Re: Setting 4k resolution for VMWare guest
« on: August 20, 2024, 07:25:13 am »

is the Virtualbox implementation for OS/2 as the host.

The Windows host Virtualbox implementation contains the very same OS/2 addons as those provided by ArcaOS, including the file system driver to access files on the host from within the OS/2 guest.

Programming / Re: Increasing MDOS Environment limit
« on: August 17, 2024, 07:15:55 pm »
There is no place except for DOS_SHELL in the DOS properties

Programming / Re: Increasing MDOS Environment limit
« on: August 17, 2024, 12:31:54 pm »
For whatever DOS program you use, try to change the DOS_SHELL setting for it to include the /E:32768 switch.
No clue if that will work but you can give it a try.

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