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Messages - Andi B.

Pages: 1 ... 55 56 [57]
Wolfgang Reinken has taken some videos. Not sure if he wants to make this officially available to the whole world, but maybe if asking him per email he will give you a link. At least you can try....

Hardware / Re: New hardware that works with ECS2.X
« on: February 18, 2013, 09:32:46 am »
Do a search on the internet before trying it. Years ago I installed my system with it and got sporadic traps. Took me months till I found out it was this driver. After that others told me this driver is known to sporadically trap systems. Maybe it was Eugene so probably there are some traces about

Setup & Installation / Re: eCS 2.2 YUM/RPM question
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:04:15 pm »
Although answered numerous times here again what I can say from the top of my head -

3) no, yes
4) no
5) 3 dirs are created at root. AFAIR /usr /etc /var

Might it be possible to answer this easy question with an easy YES or NO?  - > Thanks in Advance!
No. As you see above I needed a little more for 5)  ;)

I could give here links to the netlabs rpm sites and readmes, but this is would be more than YES or NO too....  :)

Setup & Installation / Re: eCS 2.2 YUM/RPM question
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:46:08 pm »
Quote easy way to trace where a package of files had been installed...
I guess most of the executables ends in %unixroot%/usr/bin or %unixroot%/usr/sbin as with other *nix systems. Configuration is often placed in %unixroot%/etc but this depends on the application too of course.

Although this means you loose some kind of control over the place where some programs are installed, it's not that bad as it sounds at first. Guess yum/rpm installation will only be used for ported utilities and applications. Hardly anyone will ever pack native OS/2 apps into rpm. So you do not have the usual level of control only for packages you did not have in the past anyway. You do not loose something but you get new ported stuff. And for this kind of apps you have to 'learn' some of the *nix paradigms anyway. Like finding the config which is on *nix usually not in an ini file (os2.ini or some ini in the programs directory or in mptn/etc or....?) but in %unixroot%/etc.

If you want to use parts of both worlds (OS/2 and *nix) then you have to know how to handle both of them. The OS/2 knowledge you gained during the last decades is not enough anymore. Time to learn something new....

Hardware / Re: Kudos to the eComStation developers....
« on: January 03, 2013, 03:05:38 pm »
If you mean washed out anti-aliased fonts are looking better than crystal clear bitmap fonts like WarpSans or WorkplaceSans you can do so. But the Innotek font engine is not as stable as it should be and so I never would let it fiddling around with such a vital part as the WPS.

For me anti-aliasing is only useful for browsing the net and writting WYSIWYG documents. But not for WPS or menus.

First you should try the font palette. Drag and drop another size or font to the WPS. Next if you are not satisfied try the SNAP config.sys options if you use SNAP like -
Don't know if Panorama have similar settings.

But first I think you should clarify what you mean with 'don't look the best'. For this I've attached a section of my Desktop. I think my fonts do not look that bad. But YMMV.

Programming / Re: Have questions about porting software to eCS?
« on: January 02, 2013, 12:15:42 am »
Paul, did you made the dhconf.cmd in dhcp-3.1-esv-r3?

Programming / Re: Have questions about porting software to eCS?
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:14:43 pm »
Elbert, I think it was me who told you that, wasn't it? ;)

Since this day I've it in my 4os2.ini too. But unfortunately dhcp behaves still different with 4os2. Maybe the ` in front of `links' is the problem...

Programming / Re: Have questions about porting software to eCS?
« on: January 01, 2013, 02:40:17 pm »
One issue for me is that building from 4os2 prompt does not work/gives different problems as with standard cmd. F.i. 4os2 -
Code: [Select]
{0}[u:\dev\dhcp-3.1-esv-r3] ash ./configure
System Type: os2
make[1]: Entering directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/work.os2'
Making links in common
make[2]: Entering directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/common'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `links'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/common'
make[1]: *** [links] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/work.os2'
make: *** [links] Error 2

while cmd.exe gaves -
Code: [Select]
[U:\dev\dhcp-3.1-esv-r3]ash ./configure
System Type: os2
make[1]: Entering directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/work.os2'
Making links in common
make[2]: Entering directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/work.os2/common'
make[2]: Leaving directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/work.os2/common'
Making links in minires
make[2]: Entering directory `U:/dev/dhcp-3.1-esv-r3/work.os2/minires'

I do not see what problem is with 4os2 in "make[2]: *** No rule to make target `links'.  Stop." If someone else like me ever uses 4os2 you like to test with cmd.exe instead. On the other hand I really want to know why it does not work/work different with 4os2. Any clues?

20130103 EDIT:
Solved above problem. It was the line '@if not defined CDPATH set CDPATH=..;..\..;' in 4start.cmd. Changed to '@if not defined CDPATH set CDPATH=.;..;..\..;' solves the problem (.; in front). As this is also in the sample 4start.cmd.sample I think I better post it here for future reference. No clue who ever have added this to 4start.cmd....

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