Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Remy on Today at 01:17:34 am »I wonder why passing an NSPR4 argument has an effect on Dooble? It is an OS/2 thing and as far as I remember only the environment variable has an effect.
Dooble --help 2> dooble.hlp gives this for the list of dooble specific arguments,Code: [Select]Dooble
--executable-current-url PROGRAM
--load-url URL
--reload-periodically 15, 30, 45, 60
Chome has a huge list of arguments, which I assume the Qtwebengine also has, see https://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/
They can usually passed in the environment set QTWEBENGINE_FLAGS=
What do you think about: