Max resolution offered by Panorama is 1280x1024.
Is there a "safe" way to get a higher resolution or do I simply have to experiment.
My tests with a new system tought me to -
- better use AMD
- better use DisplayPort
- don't connect both (or 3) outputs at the same time (DP, HDMI, DVI VGA) especially from cold boot.
- don't disconnect output from monitor, don't use KVMs (no KVM works here reliable either DP nor HDMI)
- HDMI output here only offers 1400 x 1050 sometimes. When DP is connected too it magically offers full 3840x2160 but system traps when selected afterwards while boot. Of course I use short high quality cables only.
- DP usually offers full resolution (or most complete list)
- Panorama with integrated AMD Ryzen only offers 2560x1440 altough the system runs 3840x2160 perfectly well with other OSes (except Win7 which only can do 2560x1440 cause Ryzen 7 is not supported anymore with AMD Win7 driver).
- AMD RX550 works better with Panorama (and Win7) then integrated GPU
- 3840x2160 on one system (UEFI) leads to trap 000e in VMAN while 2560x1440 works.
You can also look at the tickets in mantis to find the log file of video (gradxx?) which is written at boot up to see what Panorama driver has to say. Or look into 'testlog generic' output.