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Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« Last post by David McKenna on January 16, 2025, 10:26:04 pm »

You can try setting LIBC_THREAD_MIN_STACK_SIZE to a larger size then the default of 4096 bytes. Perhaps as high as 65636, though 32768 or 16384 might be enough.

  Tried that on a few examples, but no change...

  Maybe the error is a result of something else entirely. Here is a typical result:

qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml:12:15: QML Component: Cannot create delegate
qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml:12:15: QML Component: Cannot create delegate
qrc:/qt/qml/stringlistmodel/view.qml: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

 A small blank window opened for this example. Maybe the 'Cannot create delegate' results in an overflowed stack?

Programming / Re: DOSBox-x - infinite loop in configure/make
« Last post by j on January 16, 2025, 09:51:48 pm »
Cool, so the latest dosbox-x works fine on Arca then?
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« Last post by Dave Yeo on January 16, 2025, 08:54:19 pm »
You can try setting LIBC_THREAD_MIN_STACK_SIZE to a larger size then the default of 4096 bytes. Perhaps as high as 65636, though 32768 or 16384 might be enough.
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« Last post by Paul Smedley on January 16, 2025, 08:39:13 pm »
No POPUPLOG for any of the examples with the 'Maximum call stack size exceeded' error. Tried the 'emxstack' size increase trick, but it made no difference on any example I tried...

I need to review the code that triggers the 'stack size exceeded' error - I think it may be a furphy...
Easiest to get the highmem.exe and smturbo.exe from your ArcaOS install. X:\sys\apps\anturbo\smturbo.exe and x:\usr\bin\highmem.exe. Put highmem.exe on your path and smturbo.exe in your SM directory.
With SM closed, run highmem -c \path\to\seamonkey\*dll and then put smturbo.exe in your startup folder. You can run it too after the highmem command.
This will load the SM dlls into highmem and keep them there even after closing SM. This is important to work around kernel bugs in the 4.52 kernel.
And yes, ArcaOS has smturbo install (and after installing uninstall) in the SeaMonkey desktop folder. You do have to run it yourself and possibly you did.
Hi Dave

Memory issue? Are you marking the DLL's to load high?
believe not, I would need a refresh on how-to

Are you using smturbo?

don't know smturbo, can you advice the use?
And of course, have you tried a different profile

yes, seems not solving the issue.
Anyhow still do not understand why OK in ArcaOS5 and KO in WARP4.52 , unless ArcaOS5 itself applies highmem feature.
Thank you much
Applications / Re: OO v3.18
« Last post by TeLLie on January 16, 2025, 06:42:12 pm »
Hi Andi,

Yah i have that installed..
libicu.pentium4                       68.1-1.oc00
libicu-devel.pentium4                 68.1-1.oc00

There is only a older Legacy package availvle for the I686
Applications / Re: OO v3.18
« Last post by Andi B. on January 16, 2025, 06:32:44 pm »
Isn't there an ICU legacy package available too? yum list icu*
Applications / OO v4.18
« Last post by TeLLie on January 16, 2025, 06:22:28 pm »
Hi all

I installed OO v3.18 but as soon i try to open a prog like cmath it closes the program directly.

I see this is the log file

 Process:  D:\PROGRAMS\APACHEOPENOFFICE.4\PROGRAM\SOFFICE.BIN (12/01/2020 00:13:05 263,440)
 PID:      48 (72)
 TID:      01 (1)
 Priority: 200

 Filename: C:\USR\LIB\ICUUC.DLL (12/10/2020 12:52:02 1,111,946)
 Address:  005B:1C519FCB (0001:000E9FCB)
 Cause:    Attempted to read from 00000017
           (not a valid address)

I use the ICUUC,dll from the latest rpm package

Any idea ???

Memory issue? Are you marking the DLL's to load high? Are you using smturbo? And of course, have you tried a different profile
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