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Topics - andreas

Pages: [1]
Applications / ePDF
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:29:32 pm »
with my new installation i cannot get ePDF to work.
I get "distiller retun code = 127".

It worked fine on my previous installation. i used the same entries, the same PS-Driver (LaserJET.HP Laserjet 4P), defined the Port with \Pipe\ePDF, have PrintMon PS running,
chose the distiller with usr\bin\gso2.exe; enterd the library path with isr\lib; x:\psfonts\;X:\usr\shate\ghostscript\9.18\lib
defined a default target directory

What else needs to be done?

Hardware / Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:18:25 pm »
I need an new Laser-Printer, black/white, Postscript.
Any suggestions?
The HP Laserjet M234dw looks nice. Would it work with ARCAOS?

Applications / ARCAOS 5.1 install
« on: February 03, 2025, 02:04:52 am »
I have a problem, finishing instalation of AOS5.1 in UEFI-mode. After several reboots, installation went find until suddeny another reboot was required, but the reboot-button had no effect - and autreboot also didn't work.
I rebooted the "normal way", but the problem remained the same. tried several times
Startup.cmd leaves me with "install.exe allcopy2-pg /LogsC:\var\log /Fonts=M".
Even after trying an update-installation i come to the same result...

I get the message: CALL NOCDBOOT.cmd R:   Sys1041: The name NOCDBoot.cmd is not recognized as an internal or external command, ioerable program or batch file. 6 *-* 'CALL NOCDBOOT.CMD R:'; +++ RC(1041)
then: the before mentioned startup-cmd appears.
then: just [C:sys\install\gui]

How can I finish the installation process?

Hardware / No Drive Visible for Installation
« on: January 31, 2025, 05:35:54 pm »
I just got a new Dell-PC. But i cannot inststall ArcaOS, cause there s inly the installation-stick visible, not the 1TB harddisk (OEM 10EC Consistant NVME S6001TB). What can i do?
pc allows legacy mode (no UEFI).

while loading the installation module i get the message: "could not copy NND.MSG".
I disabled "SATA" in the Bios, but that didn't help.

Applications / duplicate block references have been detected in meta data
« on: January 28, 2025, 01:00:48 am »
cannot start any drive anymore.
It seems I have a corrupt partition table.
At least the Installation Volume Manager tells me so.
under chkdsk i get the message. "duplicate block references have been detected in meta data"

what can i do?

Applications / libxml2 v2.11.5
« on: February 02, 2024, 12:40:20 am »
Just found out that the new version of libxml2 caused problems with my Open Office (getting killed as soon as trying to open any document)

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / YUM libc-01.6.-1 local
« on: January 25, 2021, 04:47:59 pm »
trying to install libc-01.6.-1 via YUM in my pc - that is not connected with the net - i get the message to reboot and restart the program.
when i do this i just get the same message again and again..

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