Like Thomas Müller I do play around with the OS/2 Warp Server 4 Advanced. After 20 years, when I did it for the last time in 2002, I already setup the UPDCD environment from Zsolt Kaddar to update this OS/2 Version to the latest possible, trying to include the latest drivers (AHCI, USB, NVME, GENGRADD and so on). I will attach pictures later this day.
I know, it is easier to use WSeB, that I do have as well, and that I already updated to the latest possible. But for some nostalgic reason I still "love" look and fell of the good old Warp 3 version, as it was in 1995 the very first Version of OS/2 I come in contact with. And so the OS/2 Warp Server 4 Andvanced (I willt ry to add SMP support as well) is the KING of this Version 3.
Besides other Ficpac for the server, tcpip and so on, I do use BaseFP42German, as this is the last one I remember to be a german one. I do have a FP44 English as well and will extract OS2KRNL, DOSCALL1.DLL from this as well.
It is such a long time ago, that I can not remember correctly, but I guess there is no chance, but I would like to ask:
- what is the latest kernel revision for Warp 3 (Warp Server 4)?
- does anybody ever succeded in using a Warp 4 kernel with Warp 3 (i.e.: 14.104a)?
It takes only about 5 minutes to create an updated ISO on my Thinkpad X250, that then can be directly tested with Virtualbox at the parallel Windows 8.1 installation on this device. So it is very easy and fast for me to check what will work and what not.
I will even give the OS/4 Kernel a shot.
What other hints do you have for me?
- by replacing the Kernel, wich other files should be replaced as well to match it (DOSCALL1.DLL, ...??)?
This is just for fun, it is like Kirk answerd to Spock being asked: "What is the reason for climbing a rock?" - "Because it is there!"

I wish all of you a happy, healthy and good new Year 2023, stay safe!!!
And thank you very much!