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Messages - Dave Yeo

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 345
Setup & Installation / Re: OS/2 Booting with Bootman
« on: December 30, 2024, 04:57:14 pm »
Try Lars's USB drivers,
I forget the exact command, but you should have a program object MPTN or such that will allow you to install the network drivers in system setup.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: December 30, 2024, 04:50:02 pm »
My cmd file, based on what Paul recently recommended.
Code: [Select]
set BEGINLIBPATH=C:\work\qt6-os2\qt6-base-os2\build\lib
dash ../configure -prefix /qt6-6.2.x -release -no-opengl -system-sqlite -openssl-linked -no-pch -- -DQT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -DQT_BUILD_TESTS=OFF 2>&1 | tee configure.log
cmake --build . --parallel 2>&1 | tee build.log
Adjust paths as needed.

Internet / Re: otter-browser, Qt5 build
« on: December 30, 2024, 12:13:43 am »
Latest build of the otter-browser attached. Seems someone is just doing code cleanup at the rate of about a commit a day.
Putting this in your environment makes the browser much more stable, just sad it is still alpha quality. Even copy and paste seems somewhat broken.
Code: [Select]
set QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--single-process" otter-browser.exe
See the cmd file in the package.
Edit: This also has the Window Title fix enabled, need the updated Qt5 libs

Internet / Re: otter-browser, Qt5 build
« on: December 30, 2024, 12:06:40 am »
Last time I checked Otter is not support with QT 6. Dmitry from BWW skipped Otter Browser as it was crashing because the multi process code is not stable. This is one the key reasons at the time the Otter Browser was not selected. It crashes more then Doobke.

There is a port of otter to qt6 at - PR to merge it is still in work.

Seems to need more work as trying to build resulted in the browser still using Qt5

Programming / Re: Qt6 Development
« on: December 29, 2024, 11:02:58 pm »
Building on my Lenovo M910S, 7th generation I5, I get 63 minutes to configure and build qt6-os2-base including examples. I let cmake decide on the number of jobs with --parallel, seems to have picked 4.
I found with Mozilla, while FF and SM built fine with make -j5 (Mozilla recommended one job higher then number of cores), TB build always hung unless I used -j3. OOM I assume.
Interestingly, I found that having virtualaddresslimit=3072, configure of qt6-os2-base consistently hung, reducing it to 2816 fixed that

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: December 29, 2024, 10:51:45 pm »
Hi David, yes, the Window title patch that Rich came up with for Qt6 applied cleanly to Qt5 and works here with Dooble.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: December 29, 2024, 06:20:59 pm »
You can also test with the window frame title with Qt5 using the DLL's at Note that the window list patch that produces dots is not in these.

Marketplace / Re: Ultrabay HDD (62P4554)
« on: December 29, 2024, 08:42:17 am »
OK, thanks

Marketplace / Re: Ultrabay HDD (62P4554)
« on: December 29, 2024, 07:09:56 am »
What is flex view?

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: December 29, 2024, 02:52:09 am »
You need the latest test build of Dooble (should be a new release at the end of the year) or put
Code: [Select]
SET QT_PM_CP=1208in your environment. For programs like TEA, this is required until something like
Code: [Select]
#ifdef Q_OS_OS2
  if (!qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QT_PM_CP"))
    qputenv("QT_PM_CP", "1208");
is added shortly after main()

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: December 29, 2024, 02:45:53 am »
Too old of Chromium in the webengine. From the user agent.
Dooble Qt5 Chrome-83.0.4103
Dooble Qt6 Chrome-94.0.4606

Setup & Installation / Re: OS/2 Booting with Bootman
« on: December 28, 2024, 12:05:02 am »
Here's a fairly good guide, though many links are broken, it does give you the files to google or translate from ftp to https. There's also some programs floating around to bypass the need for floppies, probably on hobbesarchive, hopefully others have a better memory then me.
Edit: forgot the URL,

Programming / Re: DISKIO - preferred TIMER to use
« on: December 27, 2024, 01:28:19 am »
While the Hi-Res timer is supposed to be fixed, as you noted, the fix is in ACPI, so depending on it would remove support for older versions of OS/2 including, IIRC, even early versions of ArcaOS that didn't have the fix.
Another thing is that once you fix diskio, it should be used to update sysbench, which uses diskio for the disk tests, and once again, nice if it works on older versions of OS/2

General Discussion / Re: EDM/2 Wiki Issue
« on: December 24, 2024, 08:26:43 pm »
I got,
Code: [Select]
Please install the kitchen module.
Please install or update the Requests module.

So needs some dependencies installed. With pip, this should work but I don't currently have pip installed and forget the installation procedure.
Code: [Select]
H:\tmp\wikiteam>python2 pip install --user --upgrade -r requirements.txt
W:\USR\BIN\python2.exe: can't open file 'pip': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Big thing is to use python2 rather then python to run it.
Edit: fix typo

Programming / Re: DISKIO - storage device detection logic
« on: December 22, 2024, 05:53:15 am »
At the worse, I notice the empty USB devices are always 96MB here. Perhaps the smallest possible actual partition? Anyways, if no one comes up with a better method, fall back to testing if CHS all contain ones or such that works out to 96MB.
As the Installation Volume Manager ignores those phantom drives, perhaps there's a better way.

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