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Messages - David Graser

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 64
Programming / Re: Bigicons
« on: October 02, 2024, 04:38:40 am »
This is a two tone yellow white theme

Programming / Re: Bigicons
« on: September 19, 2024, 10:07:21 pm »
One more theme called WhitBlue

Programming / Re: Bigicons
« on: September 09, 2024, 09:35:00 pm »
New grey glass system folder options  icons, multimedia folder option icons, and network option icons.

These take on some of the appearance of the folder backgrounds.

Just copy into the theme you want to use them in.  If you do not like, just copy one of the other options folder themes to it, or backup the original theme and copy over the one you had modified.

I don't know how many disks you are dealing with.

I have used VFdisk located at

Install it and set up a 2.88 virtual disk with it. Copy all the files from disk 1 and 2 and run install.

I have used this before because I no longer have floppy drives.

Programming / Re: Bigicons
« on: August 23, 2024, 09:36:49 pm »
Deviated from the original blueglass theme calling this one blueglass2.

In this one, I changed the system setup folder option icons and others to a blue glass.

Also corrected the Prompts folder icons.

General Discussion / Re: How to use a multipartioned usb key ?
« on: August 23, 2024, 05:22:18 pm »
Here is another round-about way to make a JFS partition on an USB drive.  With this method, I am using the whole drive for the JFS.

Open DFSee.
Select Scripts in the menu
Select Make Fat32 Data USB disk
Select the drive and make a fat32 data disk.
Follow the prompts.
Eject USB drive and reinsert.

Now I use FM/2
Open FM/2
Right click on the FAT32 USB drive
Select Miscellaneous
Select Format Disk
Select JFS

I do the quick format.

I bought around 10 packages of 3- 32 GB USB drives at Target last year for around $5.00 for each package.  It was an after school clearance.  Formatted them With DFsee to FAT32.  Thus, it was easy for me to format JFS under FM/2  when I want.  I had already made them FAT32 with DFSee.  The drives were originally FAT32 when bought.  However, for ArcaOS to use the drives, DFSee had to be used to reformat them Fat32.  Being already done, it took little time to convert to JFS.

It would be nice for DFSee to have a script to make a JFS data disk.

Programming / Re: Bigicons
« on: August 21, 2024, 09:07:18 pm »
Did another bigicons glass theme called blueglass.

Programming / Re: Bigicons
« on: August 16, 2024, 05:28:20 am »
I found just a plain Jane simple yellow linux folder theme that I liked.   The Linux theme is called Martian Wheel icon theme.  I used its folder and text icons to create this ArcaOS Bigicon theme.

Programming / Re: Bigicons
« on: August 13, 2024, 09:20:07 pm »
I call this new bigicons theme darkblend

Applications / Re: Test build of dooble with qt5
« on: August 11, 2024, 04:54:45 pm »
Dooble not working for:


Dave has a later build of the dooble.exe that appears to work.

Applications / Re: David's Doodles
« on: August 06, 2024, 05:30:53 pm »
UEFI 1920x1200 arcaos boot logo

Applications / Re: Lotus SmartSuite 4 on WinOS/2
« on: August 05, 2024, 07:07:53 pm »
No problems encountered except PM groups were not created, did you guys remember to install from a full screen session?
Tried both the nordic and Lotus SmartSuite 4.0 (1996-08-02) (ISO) version from Winworld
I downloaded and installed under full screen windows.  It had problems installing the icons, but I kept hitting the OK button and they finally installed.  I did not install under a virtual environment, but under a normal ArcaOS 5.1 partition.

One thing I have installed is this dos driver. Since Windows 3.1 is primarily a shell over dos, I figured this driver could only help.

The V2GB.SYS virtual device driver


The purpose of this driver is to provide a solution to the problem
caused by the inability of many DOS programs to handle a partition in
excess of 2GB in size.  This causes spurious reports of insufficient
disk space.

Applications / Re: VLC v 3.0.21 not starting
« on: August 05, 2024, 01:12:41 am »
Hi Doug

What version of Arcaos are you using?

Are you installing over ver 3.0.18 or on a partition without  any VLC version?

Applications / Re: David's Doodles
« on: August 04, 2024, 12:12:53 am »
UEFI 1920x1200 arcaos boot logo

normal 640x880 logo

Applications / Re: David's Doodles
« on: August 03, 2024, 05:49:25 pm »
UEFI 1920x1200 arcaos boot logo

normal 640x880 logo

Modified from original one

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