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Messages - Lars

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 92
Virtualization / Re: Win-OS/2 - Open vbesvga.drv video driver
« on: February 07, 2025, 06:26:34 pm »
It might be a virtualbox BIOS emulation issue in that it does not report your desired screen size as being available.
I remember that there was a Virtualbox manager command to add a custom screen size but I forgot what it was.

Virtualization / Re: Win-OS/2 - Open vbesvga.drv video driver
« on: February 07, 2025, 01:15:56 pm »
I would set PMIDCheck = disable and DoubleBufRefreshRate = 0.
In particular for PMIDCheck I doubt that the direct protected mode interface would be properly supported in Virtualbox.
If you disable it, the driver will use real mode int x calls which I would expect to work ok.
For the double buffering, start without and later you could try a sensible refresh rate where for a Virtual machine you might get by with a lower rate.

I never was able to run eCS with more than one core on Virtualbox.
The test that will always fail is to run a makefile that calls the old MS C compiler cl.exe a few times. That will always lead to a hang with more than one core.
In general, it is not easy to detect this kind of problem. You might be able to run the system with multiple cores enabled for quite some time before the problem manifests itself.
I strongly doubt that that will work any better with AN but I could try. But Paul, you could also try the opposite and do multiple invocations of cl.exe on an AN system under Virtualbox. As an example, build the USB drivers from the DDK.

It is possible that your version of Virtualbox for Linux emulates treatment of floating point exceptions differently, that is, the old DOS style where a floating point exception leads to generation of an interrupt which is routed via the legacy interrupt controller and leads to invocation of an interrupt routine for interrupt 13 instead of an exception routine for exception 0x10.
And this works ok with the W4 kernel.
I seem to remember that most recent versions of Virtualbox for Windows also work this way but I am not sure. In any case, with the PSD, you are on the safe side as it enforces floating point exception handling via exception 0x10.

By the way: this is the most recent version of OS2PCAT.PSD:

Yes, OS2PCAT.PSD fixes the exact error that Steven has described:
when the PSD loads, it changes the floating point exception handling to use the CPUs native exception handling (instead of invoking interrupt 13 via the old interrupt controller), replaces the original floating point exception handler (the handler for trap 0x10) with its own handler that subsequently pushes the missing parameter on the stack before invoking the original exception handler. That makes IBM's 14.106 W4 kernel happy (if a floating point exception occurs).
Just to be sure, it checks if the original exception handler is already pushing that additional parameter (the SMP kernels and obviously the latest AN W4 kernel already do that correctly) and skips pushing the additional parameter if it already works correctly.

In short: it's neither an error of your host OS nor of Virtualbox. It's all the W4 kernel's fault :-)

I was not aware that AN had fixed that directly in the W4 kernel for the later W4 kernels.


Hardware / Re: USBCOM big problem
« on: January 10, 2025, 11:03:29 am »
For the "Future Technology" device you should try USBSER.SYS instead of USBCOM.SYS.

Programming / Re: DISKIO - storage device detection logic
« on: January 04, 2025, 02:32:16 pm »
I seem to remember that IOCTL_PHYSICALDISK was for accessing all sectors of a physical disk whereas IOCTL_DISK was for accessimg a drive / a volume (or partition) of a disk.
So that has nothing to do with device type.

Programming / Re: DISKIO - preferred TIMER to use
« on: December 27, 2024, 12:21:32 pm »
You can also use the TIMER$ driver with all its known ill effects (high IRQ load, for example). Question is if that timer will too much interfere with the measurement itself ( decrease I/O performance due to the high IRQ rate of the timer).

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 25, 2024, 06:49:33 am »
I understood from Neils comment that the base device drivers in the patch package are not properly doing the job. An executable building upon these cannot fix that.

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 13, 2024, 04:28:28 pm »
Neil is trying to install and upgrade Warp4. His aim is not to cannibalize his ArcaOS installation, nor to invest hundreds of dollars to update to it (or eCS).

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 12, 2024, 11:37:41 pm »
I can find it in here:

but of course, that is just an addon patch to TCP 4.3.

The good thing is that it also contains all the relevant protocol and socket drivers and the other DLLs that work together with TCPIP32.DLL (for example TCPIPDLL.DLL that I seem to remember is the interfacing DLL for 16-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API and TCP32DLL.DLL is the interfacing DLL for 32-bit apps using the older BSD Version 4.3 API, see also the TCP/IP Version 4.21 Programming Reference that comes with the OS/2 toolkit: "Introduction to Networking Services).

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 12, 2024, 08:45:32 am »
You presumably need to update both, MPTS and also TCPIP:

Programming / Re: DOSBox-x - infinite loop in configure/make
« on: November 07, 2024, 01:59:58 pm »
So why not like this:

bool cdrom = drive->isRemovable() ? true : false;

Because that is a method that the "DOS_Drive" class offers (should offer, it's a virtual method that needs to be filled "with life").
Then, you do not need all that other test nonsense to test for CDROM yes/no.
In the end, all that #ifdef'ed code is nonsense as "labellocal" is not used anywhere.
I think all the (outer) //Get Volume label #ifdef block can therefore go away.

Hardware / Re: Mouse, Trackpoint, Trackpad, Touchpad - I2C Question
« on: November 04, 2024, 10:37:09 am »
Question is: how does the I2C controller interface to the PC system?

Does the I2C controller show up as a PCI device ? Is there a standardized set of (io mapped or memory mapped) registers or some such to talk to the I2C controller ?
I also cannot find any information on how to unambiguously identify a device on the I2C bus. You can scan the I2C bus and see what device addresses are in use but not exactly what device (like for USB, the vendor and product id ...).

That seems to be pretty proprietary, from what I can tell all scan code for I2C devices guesses the device by its typical address use.

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