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Messages - tisa

Pages: [1]
Networking / Re: Squid Cache
« on: January 27, 2022, 08:13:44 am »
Hi Paul! Thanks for your job to porting Squid. I tried version 5.3, in the log file:

ERROR: loading file '/squid/share/errors/templates/ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN': (2) No such file or directory
WARNING: failed to find or read error text file ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN
This is solved by copying not filed files from a distribution for Linux, for example ... After that, Squid starts, but in cache.log there are more curses, and Squid does not respond. Also does not work "Squid -k shutdown" for example ...

Initializing IP Cache...
commSetNonBlocking FD 7: (22) Invalid argument
Logfile: opening log daemon:/squid/var/logs/access.log
Logfile Daemon: opening log /squid/var/logs/access.log
commSetNonBlocking FD 10: (22) Invalid argument
commSetNonBlocking FD 10: (22) Invalid argument
commSetNonBlocking FD 12: (38) Socket operation on non-socket
commSetNonBlocking FD 15: (38) Socket operation on non-socket
commUnsetNonBlocking FD 15: (38) Socket operation on non-socket
Finished loading MIME types and icons.
commSetNonBlocking FD 18: (22) Invalid argument

On the same configuration of Squid 3.5.23 works perfectly - uptime is more than 400 days about 50 users.
Thanks again for your excellent work.

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