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Messages - Martin Iturbide

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 326
Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: Today at 03:19:36 pm »
Hello Paul

I wanted to update the first post of this thread with the latest links so people can test Qt6, but I got confused with the releases.
1) Which is the latest Qt6 with Webengine support?

I know the latest one without webengine is so people can test that too.


Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: OS/2 Licensing
« on: January 21, 2025, 09:51:58 pm »
The only way to save anything imho is to use the Linux kernel and build a "personality" on top. But there are no resources nor business case any more.

This is why today I put my faith in AI to help a developer to open source clone OS/2.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: OS/2 Licensing
« on: January 21, 2025, 01:49:37 am »
What access does Arca Noae have to OS/2?
Do they have access to source so they can fix problems or is "all" they get old binaries?

I understand that IBM has no interest trying to open all or parts of the code since there are
so many old copyrights but with a NDA Arca Noae should be able to work around that?

As far as a I know, IBM did not share the source code of OS/2 with Arca Noae. For what I hear from Lewis, IBM licensed the binaries for Warp 4.52 and the SMP kernel of Warp Server so it can be sold as ArcaOS. I guess it is very similar to the agreement of IBM with Serenity System on the eComStation days. There were old rumors that Stardock didn't went forward with this kind of agreement with IBM on 2000, because they were not going to have access to the source code.

But the good thing is that the OS/2 architecture allows you to extend the functionality (at some limit) to keep it running today on modern hardware. The ACPI driver is a good example of OS/2 being extended for something that was not supported at that time.

I really don't know if IBM still has the OS/2 source code stored somewhere were they can access it. If there is any fear of IBM getting sue by Microsoft by releasing the OS/2 source code, I don't think it applies anymore because the IBM Microsoft Joint Development Agreement gives a 10 year period to maintain the source code confidential. If we count OS/2 2.0 as the last work the did together we are pass that. (personal opinion)

For a period of ten (10) years from the date of receipt of Source Code from the other party, neither party shall disclose to any third party such Source Code of the other party unless such disclosure is made in accordance with terms and conditions regarding confidentiality substantially similar to those contained in Addendum A to this Agreement, entitled "SAMPLE CONFIDENTIAL DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT"

My dream remains on open source cloning OS/2 components file by file.


Applications / Re: OO v3.18
« on: January 17, 2025, 11:18:51 pm »

The latest version of "Apache OpenOffice for OS/2 and OS/2 based systems" that I have on the news is 4.1.11 GA from 2021-04-11.
Was there a newer one ported?

Note: I corrected the title on this forum thread


Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: January 17, 2025, 10:20:03 pm »
Hello Dave

OK, please test also need

I tried Dooble on Qt5 and works here as expected. I'm running it with the replaced files from "". What improvement does "" has? I just ask this because if it is working fine, it would be great to put those on the Qt5 rpm if there are no complains.


Hello mauro

I'm not a SeaMonkey user, but I wanted to give it a try.
I have an ArcaOS 5.1 VM on Virtualbox. I got " ", unziped it on C:\Programs\SeaMonkey, and it run on the first try.  I have Qt5 and Dooble running on it.

I'm missing to test Warp 4.52 on VirtualBox to try to replicate the issue. I will try to find the VM and test.


Applications / Re: AVxCAT
« on: January 16, 2025, 11:00:21 pm »
Hello Remy

Do you plan to update our website?

I was going to post the 2.2 update as a OS2world news, but I don't know if it is formally released yet, or you want to wait?


General Discussion / Re: Podcast: Cheers to Myself !!!
« on: January 10, 2025, 03:16:02 pm »
And I also uploaded:
-  005 - Control Program Interface (CPI).


General Discussion / Re: Podcast: Cheers to Myself !!!
« on: January 10, 2025, 01:29:40 pm »
Hello Again.

Since it was so easy to generate these Podcast I also posted three more about:
1) General OS/2 architecture
2) Presentation Manager
3) System Object Model (SOM)

You can configure the podcast to focus on some specific topics of the content you uploaded.


Let me know what do you think. Is it just crazy talk? or does it provides some value for the people learning OS/2?

General Discussion / Podcast: Cheers to Myself !!!
« on: January 09, 2025, 07:19:35 pm »
Yes, this is so wrong.

I found out that you can create a Podcast with AI, so after some little testing, why don't create a 20 minutes episode about myself. So normal, right?

I took my wiki profile page and put it as input on NotebookLM (free)

This is the podcast it generated:

I liked the podcast, and even if it feels self indulgent, the AI said nice words about me.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
But it feels that this podcast is really the story of all of us, not just me.

Just a little mistake there, I didn't graduate from college at 19, I graduated at 1999, maybe there is something wrong on my wiki page.


Actually, looking at the source, it is old MS Programming library v1.3, 16 bit API?

Maybe I uploaded the wrong book  :D

With the same tool, I asked "Give me a C source code sample of creating a window in PM"

The sources offer several examples of creating windows in OS/2 Presentation Manager using the WinCreateWindow and WinCreateStdWindow functions. Here's a C source code sample based on these examples, along with explanations:

#define INCL_WIN // Include header file for PM window functions
#include <os2.h>

// Client window procedure - handles messages for the window
    switch (msg) {
        case WM_PAINT:
            // Handle window painting - draw content here

        case WM_DESTROY:
            // Handle window destruction

            return WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2); // Default message processing
    return NULL;

int main() {
    HAB hab;          // Anchor block handle
    HMQ hmq;          // Message queue handle
    HWND hwndFrame;   // Frame window handle
    HWND hwndClient;  // Client window handle
    QMSG qmsg;         // Message queue element


    static CHAR szClientClass[] = "Client Window"; // Client window class name

    hab = WinInitialize(NULL);   // Initialize PM
    hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue(hab, 0); // Create message queue

    // Register client window class
    WinRegisterClass(hab, szClientClass, ClientWndProc, CS_SIZEREDRAW, 0);

    // Create standard window
    hwndFrame = WinCreateStdWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, WS_VISIBLE, &flCreateFlags,
                                    szClientClass, "My Window", 0L, NULL, 0, &hwndClient);

    // Message dispatch loop
    while (WinGetMsg(hab, &qmsg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
        WinDispatchMsg(hab, &qmsg);

    WinDestroyWindow(hwndFrame); // Destroy window
    WinDestroyMsgQueue(hmq);    // Destroy message queue
    WinTerminate(hab);          // Terminate PM
    return 0;


Headers: INCL_WIN is defined to include the necessary header file (pmwin.h) for PM window functions. os2.h is included for general OS/2 API definitions.

Client Window Procedure: ClientWndProc is responsible for handling messages sent to the window. It's crucial for responding to events like painting and window destruction. The WinDefWindowProc function is used to process default messages.

Main Function:

Initialization:  WinInitialize and WinCreateMsgQueue initialize the Presentation Manager and create a message queue.

Window Class Registration: WinRegisterClass associates the client window procedure (ClientWndProc) with a window class name (szClientClass).

Window Creation: WinCreateStdWindow creates a standard window with a title bar, system menu, and other standard elements. The flCreateFlags variable controls the window's style and appearance.

Message Loop: The while loop retrieves messages from the message queue using WinGetMsg and dispatches them to the appropriate window procedure using WinDispatchMsg. This is the core of the event-driven model in PM.

Cleanup: WinDestroyWindow, WinDestroyMsgQueue, and WinTerminate clean up resources and exit the PM environment.
Key Points:

The code creates a standard window, which provides the basic framework for most PM applications.

You can customize the window's appearance using the flCreateFlags variable and its style constants.

The client window procedure is where you'll handle window-specific logic, including drawing content and responding to user interactions.

Understanding the message loop and how PM handles events is crucial for developing OS/2 applications.
Remember that this is a basic example, and building more complex applications would involve using additional PM API functions to create and manage other UI elements like menus, dialog boxes, and controls.

OK. It is now time to get crazy.

I used NotebookLM from Google -
I uploaded the PDF of "1988 - Inside OS2 - Gordon Letwin" and it has an option at the right to create some kind of a podcast about that content. (Deep Dive conversation)

It created a 50MB, 20 minutes wav file. Crazy.


Applications / Re: AVxCAT
« on: January 08, 2025, 01:38:25 am »
Hello Remy.

I' now on version with your indications of downloading the file and unzipping it on the installation.
It seems to be working.

Checking the AVXCAT 2.2.pdf file, it says it works with -
Will it work fine with
Do you think it will be fine to update to it?


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