Thank you everyone for your responses.
What utility are you using to get real-time temperatures of the processors?
I'm using an xcentre widget from Digi,
W:\SYS\apps\xwps\plugins\xcenter>bldlevel cput.dll
Build Level Display Facility Version 6.12.675 Sep 25 2001
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993-2001
Signature: @#Andrey Vasilkin:1.1.1#@##1## 2017-05-04 14:01:48 DIGI::r
u:RUS:::@@XCenter CPU temperature plugin DLL
Vendor: Andrey Vasilkin
Revision: 1.01.1
Date/Time: 2017-05-04 14:01:48
Build Machine: DIGI
Language Code: ru
Country Code: RUS
File Version: 1.1
Description: XCenter CPU temperature plugin DLL
Forget the package it is in now and it only supports Intel CPU's. Arca Noae advises against using it but other then problems with an old Warpin package screwing up config.sys, had no problems.
ACPI might give you the temperatures, run acpistat. The tail here,
This system does not support CPU Performance Control via ACPI.
This system does not support CPU Throttling.
Thermal information:
No Thermal information is available for this computer
No AC status is available for this computer
Power Manager is Enabled
Of course Linux seems to do most of the above

If you have thermal information available, then there's an xcentre widget, CPU Temperature. Otherwise out of luck.