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Messages - Dave Yeo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 348
Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« on: February 17, 2025, 03:45:05 am »
Has English, German, Spanish and Russian versions. Installed my English update in less than 5 minutes, but install.flg says it was updated to 'ArcaOS 5.1.0 en', so I wonder if there is no difference with version 5.1.0 in the English version (the ISO says 5.1.1).

 Be interesting to hear how other language users get on with their installation...


Lewis said you need to request a new ISO as he figures you have a 5.1.0 one

Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« on: February 17, 2025, 02:44:18 am »
As far as I understand, mostly small incremental changes for English, Xworkplace for example has been updated. I'll report the install flag bug.

Applications / Re: WPS-Wizard Installation Fails in ArcaOS
« on: February 15, 2025, 04:53:44 am »
Maybe something else, styler? interfering.

Setup & Installation / Re: How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 14, 2025, 03:49:49 am »
Hi Steven

Yes, rpm -qa > rpmlist.txt seems to have all the previously installed packages showing.
Guess I can just work through the list (re)installing 1 by 1 - unless there is some way of presenting rpm with a list to (re)install?



Wonder if using ANPM, Manage-->Yum Tools-->Import Package List... would work?
Once finished, there's Export Package List... that might be a good idea, and that's for everyone being a good idea.

I understand that Hyper-V won't even run OS/2 above version 4.

Applications / Re: ARCAOS 5.1 install
« on: February 05, 2025, 06:13:19 pm »
i think u found out the reason by myself: it was the IBM File and Print Client. Since i left this option unmarked installation process went without any trouble.
(Anyway I was not sure, if that Client is useful for me or not...).

Generally Samba works well for doing the peer stuff unless you're trying to communicate with old operating systems. IBM File and Print is old and insecure.

Hardware / Re: Printer
« on: February 05, 2025, 01:42:59 am »
Rumor is that Brother printers have also gone downhill, so ideally an older model and do your research.

Multimedia / Re: uniaud.dll test
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:26:13 am »
It's an environment variable.

Applications / Re: ARCAOS 5.1 install
« on: February 03, 2025, 04:57:04 am »
You need to attach a testlog generic to the ticket from your system which I understand is somewhat usable. Also in C:\sys\install (change drive letter to your boot one if needed) there should be a file, or with a slightly different date that you should also attach to the ticket.

Applications / Re: ARCAOS 5.1 install
« on: February 03, 2025, 03:17:38 am »
I think you should open a ticket as it seems a weird problem.

Hardware / Re: no Drive visible for inatallation
« on: January 31, 2025, 08:55:00 pm »
Hi Andreas, what version of ArcaOS are you installing? You need a new enough version to support the NVME device, forget exactly which.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 30, 2025, 08:28:27 am »
Weirdly going to the examples all work in Dooble and look the same in SM except SM can't do the animated SVG. Seems like a weird bug.
Edit: looking at some of the examples, they do seem to use text while the problem ones perhaps use a different element?
Edit2: If you look at the source of it is not using the text element, just various PATH statements, viewbox and such
Code: [Select]
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 180 35.77"><path d="M6.76,26.15V0H5.51L0,2.62V3.4L1.39,4.77V26.15C1.39,27.38,1.31,27.9,0,28v1.31h8.1V28C6.84,27.9,6.76,27.38,6.76,26.15Z"/><path d="M22.34,25.55V16c0-4.1-2.43-6.16-7.11-6.16-3.66,0-6.13,1.86-6.13,4.42A2.64,2.64,0,0,0,11.76,17a2.14,2.14,0,0,0,2.35-2.22c0-1.57-1.4-2-1.4-2.48s.69-.82,1.58-.82c1.89,0,2.64.9,2.64,3.15v2.7L13.7,18.84C10.11,20.47,8.59,22,8.59,25a4.39,4.39,0,0,0,4.69,4.68,4.74,4.74,0,0,0,4-2.46,3.08,3.08,0,0,0,3.22,2.46,4.41,4.41,0,0,0,3.42-1.47V26.9a1.41,1.41,0,0,1-.76.24C22.62,27.14,22.34,26.66,22.34,25.55Zm-5.41-.8c0,1.2-.67,2.15-1.71,2.15s-1.59-.89-1.59-2.81c0-2.24.64-3.22,1.88-4.11l1.42-1Z"/><path d="M49.46,22.43c-.75-5-2.43-6.8-6.06-7.55,4.49-.9,6.51-3.26,6.51-6.64,0-4.59-3.14-7.41-9.48-7.41H30.85V2.14C32.8,2.3,33,2.93,33,4.8V25.32c0,1.83-.48,2.5-2.15,2.66v1.31H41.26V28c-1.71-.16-2.15-.83-2.15-2.66v-9.8h.6a2.58,2.58,0,0,1,2.78,1.75c.55,2,.57,6.26,1.35,9s2.58,3.23,5,3.23a6.89,6.89,0,0,0,3.65-.91l-.07-1.31C50.8,27.66,50.15,27,49.46,22.43Zm-10-8.58h-.36V2.55h.49c3.27,0,4.08,1.73,4.08,5.92S42.85,13.85,39.47,13.85Z"/><path d="M61.3,26.18c-2.44,0-4.12-2.56-4.32-8h8.66v-.6c0-4.92-2.69-7.74-6.33-7.74-4.28,0-7.62,3.89-7.62,10.25,0,6,3.18,9.64,7.5,9.64,3.22,0,5.29-1.66,6.59-4.93l-1.15-.85C63.7,25.42,62.83,26.18,61.3,26.18ZM59,11.49c1,0,1.7,1.23,1.7,4.42v.58H57C57.05,12.59,57.93,11.49,59,11.49Z"/><path d="M77.41,9.86A5.1,5.1,0,0,0,73,12.33V9.86H71.8L66.29,12.1v.78l1.39,1.36V32.63c0,1.23-.08,1.75-1.43,1.83v1.31h8.27V34.46c-1.4-.08-1.48-.6-1.48-1.83V29.29a7,7,0,0,0,2.48.44c4.54,0,7.38-4.12,7.38-10.91C82.9,12.77,80.64,9.86,77.41,9.86ZM75,28C73.62,28,73,27,73,25.1V15.45c0-1.55.84-2.66,2-2.66,1.57,0,2.12,2.43,2.12,8.27C77.18,25.73,76.89,28,75,28Z"/><path d="M98.87,24.88v-15H97.64l-5.33,1.26v1.11c1.08.44,1.2,1.33,1.2,2.87v9.14a2.22,2.22,0,0,1-2,2.46c-1.11,0-1.55-.75-1.55-2V9.86H88.7l-5.55,1.26v1.11c1.19.2,1.41,1.12,1.41,2.87v8.33c0,4.38,1.9,6.34,4.68,6.34a5,5,0,0,0,4.27-2.6v2.31h1.1l5.52-.82V27.34C99,27.1,98.87,26.76,98.87,24.88Z"/><path d="M111.1,9.86a5.16,5.16,0,0,0-4.34,2.47V0h-1.25L100,2.62V3.4l1.38,1.37V27a10.45,10.45,0,0,0,7.51,2.69c4.86,0,7.71-4.12,7.71-10.91C116.62,12.77,114.36,9.86,111.1,9.86ZM108.68,28c-1.34,0-1.92-.91-1.92-2.46V15.45c0-1.55.84-2.66,2-2.66,1.57,0,2.12,2.43,2.12,8.27C110.9,25.73,110.61,28,108.68,28Z"/><path d="M127.61,9.86a5.15,5.15,0,0,0-4.33,2.47V0H122l-5.5,2.62V3.4l1.39,1.37V27a10.45,10.45,0,0,0,7.51,2.69c4.86,0,7.71-4.12,7.71-10.91C133.14,12.77,130.88,9.86,127.61,9.86ZM125.2,28c-1.34,0-1.92-.91-1.92-2.46V15.45c0-1.55.84-2.66,2-2.66,1.58,0,2.13,2.43,2.13,8.27C127.42,25.73,127.13,28,125.2,28Z"/><path d="M140.45,26.15V0H139.2l-5.5,2.62V3.4l1.39,1.37V26.15c0,1.23-.08,1.75-1.37,1.83v1.31h8.1V28C140.53,27.9,140.45,27.38,140.45,26.15Z"/><path d="M146.61,7.2a2.95,2.95,0,1,0,0-5.89,3,3,0,0,0-3,3A3,3,0,0,0,146.61,7.2Z"/><path d="M149.24,26.15V9.86H148l-5.51,2.24v.78l1.39,1.36V26.15c0,1.23-.08,1.75-1.37,1.83v1.31h8.1V28C149.32,27.9,149.24,27.38,149.24,26.15Z"/><path d="M159.25,14.78A2.11,2.11,0,0,0,161.52,17a2.66,2.66,0,0,0,2.62-2.88c0-2.59-2.16-4.3-5.23-4.3-4.45,0-8.12,3.45-8.12,10.57,0,5.56,3,9.34,7.37,9.34,3.18,0,4.7-2.15,5.74-4.81L162.1,24c-.81,1.91-1.51,3-2.95,3-2.24,0-3.15-2.95-3.15-9.11,0-5.17,1.23-6.37,3-6.37.88,0,1.52.32,1.52.82S159.25,13.18,159.25,14.78Z"/><path d="M179.24,27.14c-.55,0-.83-.48-.83-1.59V16c0-4.1-2.42-6.16-7.11-6.16-3.66,0-6.13,1.86-6.13,4.42A2.64,2.64,0,0,0,167.84,17a2.13,2.13,0,0,0,2.34-2.22c0-1.57-1.4-2-1.4-2.48s.7-.82,1.59-.82c1.88,0,2.63.9,2.63,3.15v2.7l-3.22,1.47c-3.6,1.63-5.12,3.19-5.12,6.17a4.39,4.39,0,0,0,4.69,4.68,4.74,4.74,0,0,0,4-2.46,3.08,3.08,0,0,0,3.22,2.46A4.41,4.41,0,0,0,180,28.22V26.9A1.41,1.41,0,0,1,179.24,27.14ZM173,24.75c0,1.2-.67,2.15-1.7,2.15s-1.59-.89-1.59-2.81c0-2.24.63-3.22,1.87-4.11L173,19Z"/></svg>

That's all one line

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 30, 2025, 08:16:25 am »
Industrial amnesia - forgot about referencing it. The page loads for me in qt6 dooble, but interestingly the test teardrop renders fine here.

I never got as far as the teardrop, it was actually links I followed from the page that caused Dooble to vanish.
The issue there was different then what we're experiencing, blurry SVG's while we have non-rendering SVG's.

Is the issue SVG itself, or fonts that utilise SVG? Not sure where opentype support comes from (fontconfig or ??) but perhaps svg isn't enabled?

It's SVG itself, there's SVG icons that also don't render. SVG is raster drawing the fonts. I'd assume someone draws the fonts rather then coming from fontconfig though that makes NLS support hard.
Thing is that only some characters or icons are drawn which is weird. So SVG does work, sometimes. If you look at the testcase I attached to #73, it's just a bunch of numbers.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 30, 2025, 05:12:43 am »
That'll be the SVG issue where only some SVG's are displayed which none of us have any idea how to fix.
IIRC this was broken in Qt5 as well?

Yes, issue#73. You referenced it.

Some possible clues on where to look in

Have to look closer, Dooble keeps vanishing on that site. Maybe time for a new profile.

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 30, 2025, 03:12:59 am »
That'll be the SVG issue where only some SVG's are displayed which none of us have any idea how to fix.

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