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Messages - Dave Yeo

Pages: 1 ... 316 317 [318] 319 320 ... 348
Programming / Re: programming in Java with netbeans
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:35:46 am »
Sorry, thought that 5.5.1 was a bug fix or so on 5.5. Tried 6.9.1 with modified command files from 5.0, but I get same error "SYS1065: The input line is too long".

The usual way around this error is to use a response file. A response file starts with @ and lists all parameters, one on each line and is run like foo.exe @response instead of foo.exe /param1 /param2 /etc.
Also watch out for long path names.
BTW, which zip are you using?

Running strings on WINCFG.DLL, it is a PM program and has a SOM call so I'd guess it is the part of the WPS that contains and does the WINOS2 object settings.

Programming / Re: programming in Java with netbeans
« on: June 14, 2015, 01:12:22 am »
Perhaps post the sh script if you are still having problems

Programming / Re: programming in Java with netbeans
« on: June 13, 2015, 09:19:00 pm »
Perhaps use Google to research what Linux or the BSDs use with our version of OpenJDK?

You could always not load the Workplace Shell and compare which DLLs are loaded compared to when the WPS is loaded, using Theseus or even pstat /L

Applications / Re: USBLib (USBCalls, USBResmg, USBJoy) license?
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:15:27 am »
It does (once again) raise the question of whether header files are copyrightable as often they are just listings of facts, namely the API. The American courts have been looking at this in the Java case between Google and Oracle and at least one Judge, who happens to also be a programmer, ruled that they are not. It may be going to the Supreme Court though the Obama administration is hoping that they are ruled copyrightable. And of course whatever the Americans decide, they will bully everyone else to following.


You'd also maybe get a better reaction from the community if you started a thread "How to compile screen01" or such and it could be an interesting learning experience.
I agree with you on this, but I don't see anything "extreme/intimidating/" on my first post.

I think it was this paragraph, which can be construed that you want to release the old drivers,
So, I will like to know if someone is interested to create/build some "test-beta-AS IS- no support - under your own risk" drivers for "screen01, kbdbase, clock01, print01" and turn them freeware for all use. I want to test a "non-IBM" produced drivers on my experimental VM.

English is an inaccurate language and it's easy to misconstrue things, in particular the term "freeware" instead of the license allows sharing binaries and I'd like a copy.

Martin, I believe you mentioned that you have a copy of the DDK, so why not just compile them yourself? It should just be a matter of setting up the environment and typing nmake. Then you can test them and beat them (preferably on an SMP system) and see if there are differences between the latest and the DDK versions.
If in the future there is a reason to release them to the public then you can but currently I can't see any reason to as they are only useful to someone with an OS/2 install and anyone with an OS/2 install already has access to these drivers as well as newer versions that probably have bug fixes.
You'd also maybe get a better reaction from the community if you started a thread "How to compile screen01" or such and it could be an interesting learning experience.

Regedit2 is also an official way of editing the OS/2 ini files so not only is it part of Open32 but also part of the PM (WPS?). It's hard to put so much of this stuff under one category.

Applications / Re: Test build of Electrum Bitcoin wallet
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:17:21 am »
Brain is going  :) You're right, I misremembered the version.

Applications / Re: Test build of Electrum Bitcoin wallet
« on: June 05, 2015, 02:26:19 am »
Is there a utility to show how much RAM an app/process is using?  I really miss Process Commander.

Theseus is the official utility which shows memory usage in great detail  :)

Most of the DDK files here are copyright 1992 and while some do say
The following IBM OS/2 source code is provided to you solely for
the purpose of assisting you in your development of OS/2 device
drivers. You may use this code in accordance with the IBM License
Agreement provided in the IBM Developer Connection Device Driver
Source Kit for OS/2. This Copyright statement may not be removed.
Which I take it is the copyright you reference. quite a few are

Some documentation has
COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This publication contains printed sample application programs in source language, which illustrate OS/2 programming techniques. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the OS/2 application programming interface.

Each copy of any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work, which is distributed to others, must include a copyright notice as follows: "(C) (your company name) (year). All rights reserved."

(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996. All rights reserved.
Quickly Googling, I can't find the form.
Thinking about it, I did register as a developer at one time which may have been why I had access.

Wonder how they consider someone having a DDK licence? Personally I have a good chunk of it that I  downloaded way back but am missing the network stuff. Can't remember any agreements when I downloaded it but it seems the DDK was basically freely available.

Look under x:\OS2\INSTALL, there's the VGA subdirectory  and \OS2\INSTALL\display.log.

I think that you should create a new category "video subsystem" with a sub-category "GRADD" or such. You're eventually going to have to create similar for MMOS2, networking etc.

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