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Messages - mauro

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yes Lars, while it is obvious that your OS2PCAT.PSD has fixed the system trap (and thank you for the important job you did which is the only hope for people like me), I still cannot explain why the kernel failure does not happen in a linux host.


Are you using OS2PCAT by Lars ? If not, I suggest to use it.

And if you are using PIIX4 as an ide controller, then try PIIX3.

magic !  OS2PCAT4 was the care, so simple!
Thank you much

Hi Steven, as noted here above, I see that does not seem to be a specific problem of the VM OS2 kernel itself, it works fine in a Virtualbox Linux hosted, viceversa it goes KO at that time on a Virtualbox Windows hosted. Of course I also tried to work whit a restored version of a previous OS2 VM, but it behaves the same. And have gone back with older Windows Virtualbox releases as well: same behavior.  The issue could be caused by one of the Windows 11 update, which then affects OS2 VM but not ArcaOS VM.
Not really a serious situation, I've alternatives available not to stay learning IT engeneering which is away from my knoledges. It also may happen that the issue will disappears with future Windows 11 updates.
Thank you anyway

......, unless succeed to downgrade VirtualBox in Windows.
Thank you

no luck even downgrading Virtualbox x Windows, tried more than one downgrade: 7.0.22 , 7.0.16 , 6.1.50  with their extensions pack, the problem is still there

just discovered it is a VirtualBox (Windows 11 hosted) issue!!
In fact, have cloned same virtual machine on a Linux Mint hosted Virtualbox, and seen SM email pane working with no issue at all.
Now : what is the difference?
All settings between the two virtual machines are identical, checked one by one in all sections.
The only difference is:
Windows 11  VirtualBox  is  7.1.4 r165100 (Qt6.5.3)
Linux Mint 22.1 Virtualbox is 7.0.16_Ubunbu r162802 (Qt5.15.13) .
The reason why it use to work well before, should refer to the time I upgraded the VirtulBox version in Windows. Also, cannot explain why all goes well in ArcaOS vm same Windows 11 Virtualbox.
Not easy for me finding a fix for this, unless succeed to downgrade VirtualBox in Windows.
Thank you



I interpret that to mean:

1) you are in web page (browsing) where there is an email link
2) you click on that link and expect that the email client window would pop up, thus allowing you to create an email
3) instead of this outcome you experience a trap/failure

Is that correct?

ah, ok.  more exactly:
I'm in SM window browser, I browse the web, then if I want to start a new mail message I can do it (compose message window selected from FILE menu opens, I write the message and send it). But I cannot touch the item Mail & Messages from WINDOW menu, the one which opens the email folders pane, at that point OS2 traps.

I've read your suggestions, first of all thank you for spending your time in focusing my issue.
Will now try to apply what suggested and let you know.

Roderick please need also to know how to turn all dll eventually high-loaded in a "standard" load status , ignoring which are them.

Dariusz, not understood what you're asking me to do: having both FF and TB installed and then what action...?

Do you have (into config.sys) ?

now tried this as well, no change.
Just to point, I have installed Thunderbird 45.8 pentium4 to see what happens, it behaves exactly the same: it let mi begin to configure a profile plus the account, then at the moment to display the folders pane, the system goes away (trap).
Also in Seamonkey browser, it perfectly works till the request to go in the email folders pane.
No problem, I will survive without.
Thanks all   :)

hi Dave  x:\os2\install\SMP directory only contains one file called @smpdir .
Just considering -but probably I'm far from the right evaluation- that it used to work fine since some time ago, if it was a kernel issue I believe should not work from the beginning

hi Pete, applied the suggestion.
Just to resume what was the situation changed in config.sys

THREADS=3072  corrected to 512 ,
VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2560 corrected to 3072 that I know being the maximum value possible
PROCESSES=...  no such line found, which I created on your indication  PROCESSES=128

then have given the command yum install for the prerequisites; after some packages found existing in their correct version, here what it did:

 bzip2                pentium4      1.0.8-1.oc00         netlabs-rel       46 k
 libvpx-legacy-6      pentium4      1.8.2-1.oc00.L       netlabs-exp      1.4 M
     replacing libvpx.pentium4 1.8.2-1.oc00
 libcx                pentium4      0.7.4-1.oc00         netlabs-rel       86 k
 libjpeg-turbo        pentium4      3.0.1-1.oc00         netlabs-exp      291 k
 libpng               pentium4      1.6.40-1.oc00        netlabs-exp      117 k
 libvpx               pentium4      1.13.1-1.oc00        netlabs-exp      1.5 M
 zlib                 pentium4      1.3-1.oc00           netlabs-exp       91 k
Dependencies update:
 minizip              pentium4      1.3-1.oc00           netlabs-exp       25 k


Install       2 Packages
Upgrade    6 Packages

Furthermore, assuming that SM Mail & Messages is same as Thunderbird, I also installed the prerequisites stated for TB 45.x (effective changed mmap 0.5-1 386 to mmap 0.5-1 pentium4)

but SM Mail & Messages issue remained same as before, also with SM started in safe mode.  It happens exactly as it should display the email pane folders
Thank you

thank you Martin.
Also tried with that SM zip content, at first run makes me create a new user profile and browser starts, then nothing to do as try to open Mail & Messages folder.
The issue -guess- is directly related to Thunderbird execution as same software of Seamonkey email window

made all what suggested, no improve.
Seamonkey.exe opens the browser, if start composing a new message (FILE menu) it let me do it, but goes in system trap as I try to open the Mail & Newsgroup window (WINDOWS menu) see message in the attached picture.
Repeat, it has worked OK since time ago, unfortunately I ignore after which software/installation has stopped to work properly.
I feel something related to QT5 stuff introduced for Dooble installation, but however made same on ArcaOS and no issue there
Thank you

Hi Dave

Memory issue? Are you marking the DLL's to load high?
believe not, I would need a refresh on how-to

Are you using smturbo?

don't know smturbo, can you advice the use?
And of course, have you tried a different profile

yes, seems not solving the issue.
Anyhow still do not understand why OK in ArcaOS5 and KO in WARP4.52 , unless ArcaOS5 itself applies highmem feature.
Thank you much

Hi all, have virtual machines both OS2 Warp 4.52 and ArcaOS 5 (virtualbox) , and recently discovered that now the email client of Seamonkey -assuming same as Thunderbird-, cause a system trap when calling the "email client" window from Seamonkey (no problem if I start a new message compose), only in Os2 W4.52, all ok in ArcaOS 5. Cannot understand the cause, SM version are same 2.42.9esr. dll issue in Warp4.52?  It has been working fine since some time ago. Maybe caused by a QT5 update made for Dooble ?
Do not know.
Thank you for any help

Comments, Suggestions & Questions / Re: Best Email Program on ArcaOS
« on: January 15, 2025, 08:38:15 pm »
as also Andy B. wrote, Seamonkey email client fits the need.
Just configure the account in IMAP mode to leave your messages on the server.
I have it working for GMAIL.
To make the client connection work, you will just be required to create a specific "App Password" for Seamomkey in the security section of your GMAIL account settings page.

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