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Messages - Greggory Shaw

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26 ... 30
General Discussion / Some changes -
« on: February 17, 2015, 10:01:32 am »
I couldn't find out why the load time in 12+ seconds, and I needed to clean up the site anyways. Turns out it was the last thing I checked it was the PHP I added last week. Please email me if you are still have load time problems.

Also -  Vote for your motherboard:
onLY four votes so far - don't make me track you down.

And send some best practices for OS/2:

New - posted notes/info in the header look for new posts !


Hardware / VOTE - for the top 3 OS/2 motheboards !
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:32:26 pm »
VOTE - for the top 3 OS/2 motheboards !

Webpage -

1) Must still being produce (check new egg, it will show out of stock if discontinued).
2) Comment on the motherboards sound & lan results
3) Video card used.

Live Voting - (if submit button doesn't work, use 'enter' key).

Live Results -


Hardware / Re: Here's my $366 ($288) OS/2 only build !
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:35:40 am »
Amazing proposal!
Any hope for a laptop ?


Thanks, the laptops are definitely Sigurd Fastenrath area !  Maybe I'll email and see if he can keep me updated. I had his fine work in mind while mak9ing this hardware list.


Hardware / Re: Here's my $351 OS/2 only build !
« on: February 11, 2015, 01:50:28 am »
I beleive this is the best for OS/2 any thought ? It also works with Windows 7 and probably Linux !

Does anyone have one of these cards ?

AMD ATI Radeon 9550 256MB DDR2 3D S-Video DVI AGP Video Card


Hardware / Here's my $366 ($288) OS/2 only build !
« on: February 10, 2015, 11:56:21 pm »
Here's my $366 OS/2 only build, $288 if you use your old case & PSU !

Keep in mind that it's a OS/2 only build no dual boot.

After looking around I found that the parts for this build that are new and still being produced, or can still be found new in the box. I plan on putting together a hardware webpage with the top 3 options for OS/2 in each hardware category.

I'm guessing any Intel Duo Core 2 will be good enough for OS/2, this motherboard uses (Core 2 Extreme / Core 2 Duo / Pentium D / Celeron).

So, all recommendations are welcome ! The current hardware pages are getting old and I think a new format would be good. I went through all of them before posting here.

Any thoughs ?


Web applications / Re: New OS/2 news system & format ?
« on: February 06, 2015, 07:06:08 pm »
Does anybody have experience with the drag and drop files to browser using html5 -

It would be nice to just drop a file on a standard submit news page (developed and used by everyone) and it be upload to Hobbes or any server.

Web applications / New OS/2 news system & format ?
« on: February 05, 2015, 06:49:41 am »
OS/2 Newspaper style - jQuery Pinterest Grid

Is anyone interested in this style format for news. Yes, not styled yet it's just a demo.

And using one page that submits new to all new site -

Does anybody have experience with the drag and drop files to browser using html5 -

It would be nice to just drop a file on a standard submit news page (developed and used by everyone) and it be upload to Hobbes or any server specific.

1) One html5 page
2) Drag & Drop once
3) A standard used by all

Interested in helping ???


Programming / Re: Need PHP help for !
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:12:55 pm »
1) I would like to filter out the .txt files in column one.
2) Add a html link for the filter out .txt item to column two.
2b) Parse the 'Short description' from the README.TEMPLATE & display it !
3) Filter an item by name or partial name.

Well, one was easy:

// parse short description
$myFile = $myFile = '' . $fileinfo['name'];
$lines = file($myFile); //file in to an array not recommeded for large files, use $lines[4] to print short desc.

// get extension
$ext = pathinfo($fileinfo['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

// filter txt files
if ($ext !== 'txt') {

// rename extension
$textName = preg_replace('"\.(zip|wpi)$"', '.txt', $fileinfo['name']); // rename zip/wpi to txt

// split short description line in two, to print $pieces[1]
$pieces = explode(":", $lines[4]);

// print file listing here

// filter item
  $string = $item['title'];

  if(stristr($string, ' newsletter') === FALSE) {
     // filter in match 

Funny note: always work with proofed data ! While I was working on this Hobbes processed the incoming directory.  I went over the code 3 or 4 times wondering why only the README.TEMPLATE was showing.

Applications / Re: jEdit 5.1.0 filebrowser
« on: February 04, 2015, 07:36:50 pm »
Just want to let you know that an updated  jEdit 5.1.0 with fixed file dialog and other

Thank you so much, I love jEdit !


Programming / Need PHP help for !
« on: February 04, 2015, 09:00:42 am »
Need for help with PHP for my site !

I have some php code for a Hobbes listing on my site that needs some help:

1) I would like to filter out the .txt files in column one.
2) Add a html link for the filter out .txt item to column two.
2b) Parse the 'Short description' from the README.TEMPLATE & display it !

3) Filter an item by name or partial name.
4) limit the items to be printed.

It would also help me with a new news format I'm working on, RSS to html format.



Code: [Select]

= array('-'=>'file''1'=>'directory''l'=>'link');

// little helper functions
function byteconvert($bytes) {
$symbol = array('B''KB''MB''GB''TB''PB''EB''ZB''YB');
$exp floorlog($bytes) / log(1024) );
return sprintf'%.1f ' $symbol$exp ], ($bytes pow(1024floor($exp))) );

$c ftp_connect('');
$rawList ftp_rawlist($c'/pub/incoming');

itemize_dir($contents) {
   foreach (
$contents as $file) {
ereg("([-dl][rwxstST-]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)"$file,$regs)) {
$type = (int) strpos("-dl"$regs[1]{0});
$tmp_array['line'] = $regs[0];
$tmp_array['type'] = $type;
$tmp_array['rights'] = $regs[1];
$tmp_array['number'] = $regs[2];
$tmp_array['user'] = $regs[3];
$tmp_array['group'] = $regs[4];
$tmp_array['size'] = $regs[5];
$tmp_array['date'] = date("m-d",strtotime($regs[6]));
$tmp_array['time'] = $regs[7];
$tmp_array['name'] = $regs[9];
$dir_list[] = $tmp_array;

$buff $rawList;
$items itemize_dir($buff);
//$items = array_sort($items, 'date', SORT_DESC);

//the data you supplied. normally just an array 
$data $items

//show what we got going into sort 
//echo '<pre>'.print_r($data, 1).'</pre>'; 

function cmp($a,$b){ 

//get which string is less or 0 if both are the same 
$cmp strcasecmp($b['date'], $a['date']); 

//if the strings are the same, check name 
if($cmp == 0){ 
//compare the name 
$cmp strcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
return $cmp

//sort using a custom function 
//show what we got after sort 
//echo '<pre>'.print_r($data, 1).'</pre>'; 

//foreach ($data as $filename => $fileinfo) {
//      echo  $fileinfo['date'] . " - " . $fileinfo['name'] . " - " . $fileinfo['time'] . "  | " . //byteconvert($fileinfo['size']) .  " " . "<br>";
//  }

$dir = array();
$file = array();
  foreach (
$data as $k => $v) {
    if (
$v['rights']{0} == "d") {
$dir[$k] = $v;
    } elseif (
$v['rights']{0} == "-") {
$file[$k] = $v;

foreach (
$file as $filename => $fileinfo) {

<table width=\"100%\">
<col style=\"width:69%\">
<col style=\"width:31%\">

$fileinfo['date'] . " - " "<a href=\""
$fileinfo['name'] .""     $item->id_str ."\" target=\"_blank\">"
$fileinfo['name'] ."</a>" 
."</li>" "

<td float=\"right\">" 
"<a class=\"various\" data-fancybox-type=\"iframe\"  href=\""
$fileinfo['name'] .""
$item->id_str ."\" target=\"_blank\">Download</a>" ." | " "<a href=\"#\" class=\"togglelink\">Details</a>"   
"    <div class=\"toggle\" style=\"display: block;\">" 
$fileinfo['line'] ." </div>" " " ." | "
byteconvert($fileinfo['size']) . "


"directories: ";

foreach (
$dir as $dirname => $dirinfo) {

"<a href=\""
$dirinfo['name'] . ""
$item->id_str    "\" target=\"_blank\">"
$dirinfo['name'] . "</a>" " - " 
$dirinfo['time'] . "</li>" "

$dirname ] " 
$dirinfo['name']  . " | " 
$dirinfo['type']  . " | "
$dirinfo['group'] . " | " 
$dirinfo['month'] . " " 
$dirinfo['day']   . " " 
$dirinfo['time']  . "<br>";


Great job and thanks Pete !

Can I post this on my site ?


Hardware / Re: 20 Years OS/2 Warp - my new Video!
« on: January 19, 2015, 02:17:13 am »
Great video ! Thanks, I think I'm going to get a Sony next !

Multimedia / Re: Playing DVD
« on: December 06, 2014, 08:59:50 pm »
I've tried VLC and SMPlayer, but most DVDs will not play. Is it some kind of encoding problem?

It almost looks like it is scanning from track to track, but no output.

An old DVD from when DVD were a new thing plays just fine on either program.

Try my MPlayer package and

I think only one didn't work.


Setup & Installation / Re: Help ! How to: Installing MPlayer/2 !
« on: November 02, 2014, 11:39:05 pm »
Martin you can add this Article to the Os2world wiki if you like, I wrote it for there anyways.


Applications / Re: Is OS/2 Warp 100% compatible with DOS apps?
« on: November 02, 2014, 10:50:55 pm »
Some where on both there's an old migrate app and a database that list Apps compatible with Os2 (large amount of games).  If it's in the database it will create WPS object with predefined settings from the database.

I was thinking about writing a Drag & Drop install Rexx script to use that database for the more popular apps on Hobbes since most of those apps won't change.


1) try DosBox or
2) computer /w an old ISA slot with a sound blaster card - not sure but I think the sound in DOS/WIN sessions /w PCI sound cards doesn't work, someone here should be able to explain that issue better.


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