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Topics - Martin Iturbide

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 34
Virtualization / Win-OS/2 - Open vbesvga.drv video driver
« on: February 07, 2025, 03:48:15 am »

Currently my Win-OS2 full screen session (1920x1080) has a "slow-choppy" mouse and you can not move the mouse pointer down from the middle of the screen. (ArcaOS 5.1 BIOS running on a VirtualBox host. )

On the "OS/2, EComStation & ArcaOS Discussion group" facebook page, it was posted something about this new video driver for Windows 3.1:

It has some instructions on how to install it, but if I follow the procedure and it gives me an error when I load Windows 3.1.
Unsuitable settings for current driver / hardware
Press any key to about booting Windows...

If I only remove from the modified system.ini all the [VBESVGA.DRV] part...
...Win-OS2 full screen runs with the newer vbesvga.drv and vddvbe.386. But the screen resolution is smaller (1024 × 768), mouse now works fine and I can go to the bottom part of the screen with the pointer.

Do you think this drivers can be useful for our Win-OS2? Can we benefit in some way from this driver? Any other suggestion on how to make this drivers work at 1920x1080?


Virtualization / DOS VDM does not loads
« on: February 05, 2025, 07:01:54 pm »

I have here ArcaOS 5.1 on VirtualBox as a guest. DOS VDM (Windowed and full screen) used to work fine, but now don't. I don't remember any change I did that may affect the DOS VDM.

When I run it, I see a quick popup of the window and then it quits.

I got this error on the popuplog.

02-05-2025  12:58:38  SYS3170  PID 004a  TID 0001  Slot 0089
EAX=00000000  EBX=00000000  ECX=00000000  EDX=00000002
ESI=00004dbd  EDI=00000000 
DS=c000  DSACC=****  DSLIM=******** 
ES=c000  ESACC=****  ESLIM=******** 
FS=0000  FSACC=****  FSLIM=********
GS=0000  GSACC=****  GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=e10e:0000ffff  CSACC=****  CSLIM=********
SS:ESP=9f4c:00000322  SSACC=****  SSLIM=********
EBP=00009f4c  FLG=00020246

Even that I can revert back the VM, I want to know any suggestion of what I did to broke those, or if there is a way to fix it back.


General Discussion / ?
« on: January 30, 2025, 12:49:19 am »

It is just me, or is down?
Last weekend I was using the site to get some software to organize it for the HobbesArchive and stopped working in my face. I thought it was something temporal for one or two days, but I still have no access.

Is the site working for you?


General Discussion / Podcast: Cheers to Myself !!!
« on: January 09, 2025, 07:19:35 pm »
Yes, this is so wrong.

I found out that you can create a Podcast with AI, so after some little testing, why don't create a 20 minutes episode about myself. So normal, right?

I took my wiki profile page and put it as input on NotebookLM (free)

This is the podcast it generated:

I liked the podcast, and even if it feels self indulgent, the AI said nice words about me.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
But it feels that this podcast is really the story of all of us, not just me.

Just a little mistake there, I didn't graduate from college at 19, I graduated at 1999, maybe there is something wrong on my wiki page.


General Discussion / OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« on: December 04, 2024, 04:10:37 pm »

Do you think it is time to review again our Santa's list for the platform?

On December of 2023 I sent this file to Lewis (Impress file attached) like a summary of the wishlist forum discussion. Please remember that this does not mean that all of this has to be done by Arca Noae. It can also provide some inspiration to other developer/porters to help out the user needs.

Code: [Select]
- Wifi Support
- Audio and Camera support for a Videoconference tool (Web based).
- Bluetooth support for Keyboard and Mouse.
- 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express.
- Dual Screen Support
- - Intel HD dual screen support. (To mirror screen or extend screen)
- - Easier Hot plug to projectors. (To mirror screen or extend screen)
- Video support for HDMI and DP output
- Video support for USB-C output
- Audio support for HDMI or DP output
- Hibernate support for PCs  / Laptops.
- Standby support for PCs  / Laptops.
- Special Keys support for volume (mute, mic) and brightness support. (Most common in laptop computers)
- Qt 6
- OpenJDK 18 (Java)
- GTK+
- Node.js / Atom (for stand alone Node.js applications)
- OpenGL Support
- Otter. Web browser
- Falkon. Web browser
- Eclipse. Development IDE
- The GIMP.  Photo edition tool
- Inkscape. Illustration tool
- Audacity. Sound recording editing tool
- QEMU. Machine emulator and virtualizer.
- Openscad . The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller.
- R. Statistics, 3-D and dynamic graphics
- TeX live. Recent version of the TeX typesetting program, successor o teTeX.
- Kate. Text editor.
- Notepad++. Text Editor
- Peazip. Archiver tool
- OBS. Video streaming, desktop recording.
- KDevelop. Development IDE.
- Lazarus. Development IDE.
- wxWidgets.  C++ library GUI API (Update it)
- LibreOffice. Since OpenOffice seems to be evolving to slow
- Upplay. A Qt-based UPnP audio Control Point
- Audacity. Audio Editor
[b]Platform Improvement Wishlist[/b]
- Memory Management
- Improvements TCP/IP Stack to support IPV6
- GUI Improvements
- ArcaOS Developer Kit

What do you think? Did something else change from December of 2023 to today?
Is there some other new requirement that showed up on 2024?


Setup & Installation / Article: Booting to ArcaOS Desktop on a USB Stick
« on: December 01, 2024, 01:38:48 pm »

Peter Rehfisch shared his article with me and gave me permission to republish it on the OS2World Wiki.

You can read it at:

I still need to get some time to give it a try. This is something that it is on my TODO list. Feedback about the article is welcome.


Multimedia / TUF Gaming X570 PRO (wifi)
« on: December 01, 2024, 01:30:17 am »
Hello Tamas, welcome to the forum.

With your hardware report, I had created this wiki page:
Let me know if you want me to add/correct something, and If you want me to name you as the reporter.

Thanks !!

Games / RetroArch Port
« on: November 13, 2024, 06:11:55 pm »

Mentore ported RetroArch (1.19.1) and I just noticed today, which is awesome.

I installed "yum install SDL2 SDL2_net" it runs but I don't know if the cores (emulators) need also to be ported, or it will be download the cores from a site.

I tried to download the Core list from the app, but it is not downloading. Remains in 0%.

Anyone here with more experience with RetroArch?


Hardware / Epson L4150 Scanner - USB
« on: October 31, 2024, 06:14:28 pm »

Yes, I want to try it one more time. I want to see if the embedded scanner in the Epson L4150 printer will work on ArcaOS.
I failed in the past, but I stopped trying - "USB Scanners and ArcaOS"
...and I want to try it before the lights runs out.

- Thinkpad T14S
- ArcaOS 5.1.0 UEFI
- AN USB Drivers 12.16
- Installed sane-backends and sane-backends-drivers-scanners 1.0.28 from RPM.
Code: [Select]

Bus 000 Device 001: ID 04b8:1135 Seiko Epson Corp.
Bus 000 Device 002: ID 13d3:5406 IMC Networks
Bus 000 Device 003: ID 06cb:00bd Synaptics, Inc. Prometheus MIS Touch Fingerprin
t Reader
Bus 000 Device 004: ID 8087:0026 Intel Corp. AX201 Bluetooth
It is "04b8:1135"

Code: [Select]

  # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
  # result is different from what you expected, first make sure your
  # scanner is powered up and properly connected to your computer.

  # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that
  # you have loaded a kernel SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

could not fetch string descriptor: Input/output error
could not fetch string descriptor: Input/output error
found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x1135) at libusb:000:001
found USB scanner (vendor=0x06cb, product=0x00bd) at libusb:000:003
  # Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
  # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

  # Not checking for parallel port scanners.

  # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports
  # can't be detected by this program.
0x04b8 should be the one.

Run ScanImage:
Code: [Select]
[C:\]ScanImage -L

_um_free_maybe_lock: Tried to free block twice - block=2003e220 lock=0x1
pid=0x0049 ppid=0x0047 tid=0x0001 slot=0x0082 pri=0x0200 mc=0x0000 ps=0x0010
Creating 0049_01.TRP
Moved 0049_01.TRP to C:\var\log\app\67237450-0049_01-SCANIMAGE-exceptq.txt

The external process was cancelled by a Ctrl+Break or another process.

Hardware / Report Your Working ArcaOS-OS2 Hardware Month
« on: October 27, 2024, 01:56:11 pm »
Please report your working ArcaOS-OS/2 hardware to be included in the OS2World wiki and help other users.

Any laptop, motherboard, PC, or additional device that works well with ArcaOS and is not yet listed on the OS2World wiki is welcome.

Post your findings on this "OS2World Forum Thread" or in the "Warp Technical" mailing list, and please include the hardware report.

I need the testlog generic or pci.exe reports. To generate the hardware report, you can refer to this article:

-- Extracting Hardware Information from ArcaOS and OS/2

If you are reporting a USB device or a laptop with many internal USB devices attached, please also include the lsusb report.

Hardware / Mouse, Trackpoint, Trackpad, Touchpad - I2C Question
« on: October 27, 2024, 12:15:16 am »

At Warpstock I was talking to Lewis about ArcaOS mouse support, and how annoying is the issus that we love the trackpoint, but the trackpad (touchpad) is a problem to us because we don't have the "Ignore Palm rest" feature that the Thinkpad utilities support. Yes, we can disable the trackpad if it is available on the BIOS, but I said that it will be more elegant to have a way to disable with software (like in other platforms).

Lewis talk about that the Trackpoint and Trackpad is connected via I2C and that I may open a ticket to see if AMouse may support to disable the trackpad in the future.

But I want to know more about I2C.  (I guess is this one )
- Is there a way to list (just like pci.exe or lsusb.exe) the devices that are plugged in I2C ? Under OS/2, or even Windows.
I would like to know if there is a way to recognize which chipset is installed on my machine and see which models are the most common for us.


Programming / VisualAge C++ 3.6.5 (+ Fix2) - WarpIn or RPM?
« on: October 23, 2024, 07:24:06 pm »

I want to have an easy way to install VisualAge C++ on ArcaOS and I found it annoying to install with with Netscape and Feature Installer.

I'm being tempted to create my own IBM C/C++ Compiler 3.6.5 (+ Fix2) installer. But I don't know if I should do it on WarpIn or on RPM.

Will it be too crazy to create an RPM package for the "C/C++ Compiler 3.6.5 (+ Fix2)" ? can the compiler work on the /usr/bin and all that crazy FHS paths?

Or I should stick to WarpIn and create a directory for "C:\PROGRAMS\IBMCXXO" ?


General Discussion / Resource Compiler - Joke
« on: October 20, 2024, 06:12:56 pm »

There was a discussion on a mailing list commenting the issue that we have several IBM Resource Compilers that works in a different ways.

I was going to suggest standardizing everything by improving the open source Wacom Resource Compiler (wrc) to have the final resource compiler for the platform, but I remembered this joke.



At the Warpstock round table discussion, there was a little moment to talk about there should be some GUI improvements for ArcaOS, and I think it is good to write the down somewhere and discuss it on the open.

The question is, based in your experience with different OS GUIs, what do you think it could be interesting to have in ArcaOS ?

My ideas/suggestions will come in a while.


Applications / Dynamic Icons - Not Showing Thumbnail Icons.
« on: September 09, 2024, 11:14:37 pm »

I was wondering about this issue with Dynamic Icons.

- First I turn Dynamic Icon on for all the desktop. "System Setup - Workplace Shell" under the "Icon Size" tab, "Icon Display = Dynamic Size".

- Second, I set "SET BIGICONSPATH=C:\SYS\ICONS\BIGICONS" or any other icon theme.

The issue is that if you you can not no longer see the icon thumbnail (?) that PMView can do that to an PNG, BMP or PTR image. I think it puts the Thumbnail on the EAs or something.

Workaround 1: There is a work around to disable "Dynamic Icon" on the folder, but it is more like a workarround instead of how one will like to see the icons. And also the icons will get smaller to the default size.

Workaround 2: Remove the PNG, BMP, PTR images from the PNG Icon Theme. I like this one since the icons are not small, but for the other images that does not has "thumbnail" it will not show the icon of the theme.

Do you think it will be good to request the author to try to find some solution for this? Like trying first to display the "thumbnail" of the image file instead setting the default image icon first by default?

Any other workarounds? Did my issue makes sense ? (sometimes it is hard for me to explain desktop/GUI things  ;D)


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