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Messages - Joop

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Applications / Re: strange behaviour with Thunderbird
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:17:28 pm »
You could be right Greggory, have to find the motherboard manual, I have it  somewhere so I can buy the right ones, but don't think it will be that cheap as you say.

Applications / Re: Java applications
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:13:30 pm »
All of our multi core machines have 4 Gb and the minimum ram on the others is 2 Gb.

-Duser.home=f:\java-apps\projectlibre-162 -Xms128m -Xmx768m -jar projectlibre.jar
If you have 2 or 4Gb memory then you don't have problems with -Xmx768m, there is enough room. VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT is an important item in it. For Java however you need physical memory. May be its time to change motherboard, its over 10 years now, but still functional and okay up to now.
You can make your own icon with pictogram editor, its somewhere in your OS/2 installation part. I regularly use wptools checkini with /c. But thanks for the hints, will try it.

Applications / Re: Java applications
« on: September 15, 2015, 03:31:05 pm »
I tried that, but at first Java didn't start. I'm still unsure what causes the problem, looks like or a program error in projectlibre or a program error in Java. I show the details, may be we can make something from it, if its an error in our version of Java. Following the setup given in the distribution will definite fail in OS/2-eCS with latest Java in my system with 1Gb memory and VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT set to 1536.

If you go for this line;
java -Xms128m -Xmx768m -jar projectlibre.jar 2>projectlibrebugs.txt (with or without 2>projectlibrebugs.txt)

you can get this;
POD Version: 1.6.2 local version 1.6.2 updated=false java version=1.6.0_27
Invalid item: ProjectLibre it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it's only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: Palette it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it's only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: LookAndFeel it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it's only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: FullScreen it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it's only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: Refresh it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it's only shown in a toolbar
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x1d13a038, pid=143, tid=9371668
# JRE version: 6.0_27
# Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (20.0-b12 mixed mode os2-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [JZIP+0xa038]
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# I:\PROGRAMS\test\hs_err_pid143.log

 and the file hs_err_pidxxx.log looks like this;
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x1d13a038, pid=83, tid=5439509
# JRE version: 6.0_27
# Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (20.0-b12 mixed mode os2-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [JZIP+0xa038]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x00d08800):  JavaThread "SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-11" [_thread_in_native, id=5439509, stack(0x04370000,0x04480000)]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x00000014

EAX=0x000007af, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x0446d3a0, EDX=0x00000000
ESP=0x0446d320, EBP=0x0446d368, ESI=0x000007af, EDI=0x00000000
EIP=0x1d13a038, EFLAGS=0x00012202

Top of Stack: (sp=0x0446d320)
0x0446d320:   01000000 01000000 01000000 01000000
0x0446d330:   01000000 01000000 01000000 00000000
0x0446d340:   00d08920 00b89820 0446d368 1d350091
0x0446d350:   00b89920 01000000 00000000 00000000
0x0446d360:   00d08920 00b89820 0446f438 1d1313c9
0x0446d370:   00b89820 00000000 000007af 00000000
0x0446d380:   0446d3a0 000007af 04000000 04000000
0x0446d390:   00000000 000007af 0446d3a0 04000000

Instructions: (pc=0x1d13a038)
0x1d13a018:   66 69 6c 65 00 8d 76 00 55 89 e5 83 ec 48 8b 55
0x1d13a028:   0c 89 75 f8 8b 75 10 89 7d fc 8b 7d 14 89 5d f4
0x1d13a038:   8b 42 14 8b 52 18 89 45 d0 89 55 d4 09 c2 75 0f
0x1d13a048:   8b 5d 0c 8b 4b 0c 8b 5b 10 89 4d d0 89 5d d4 8b

Register to memory mapping:

EAX=0x000007af is an unknown value
EBX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
ECX=0x0446d3a0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00d08800
EDX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
ESP=0x0446d320 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00d08800
EBP=0x0446d368 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00d08800
ESI=0x000007af is an unknown value
EDI=0x00000000 is an unknown value

Stack: [0x04370000,0x04480000],  sp=0x0446d320,  free space=1012k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  [JZIP+0xa038]
C  [JZIP+0x13c9]

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j  0x21139f95

[error occurred during error reporting (printing Java stack), id 0xc0000005]

There are some lines in it which sounds not logic to me. In the picture below you can see that free memory is not the issue; 900Mb+ free (before loading Java and the program). The only thing I can think of is that Java code and -Xmx768m won't go in my situation with VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=1536.

So starting the "Martin"  way with nothing ie;
java -jar projectlibre.jar 2>projectlibrebugs.txt (with or without 2>projectlibrebugs.txt)

will start the program. But again, this is odd, why specify -Xmx768m memory in batchfile and sh-file? So in the end I think that this way of running the program will end somewhere in the process, because the program wants more memory than available in the detected maximum heap.
If started this way you get this;
POD Version: 1.6.2 local version 1.6.2 updated=false java version=1.6.0_27
Invalid item: ProjectLibre it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even i
f it's only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: Palette it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it'
s only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: LookAndFeel it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if
 it's only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: FullScreen it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if
it's only shown in a toolbar
Invalid item: Refresh it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it'
s only shown in a toolbar
Loading I:\PROGRAMS\ProjectLibre\test.pod...
Loading...Done in 360 ms
Deserializing...Done in 400 ms

Also the file projectlibrebugs.txt (in my example) will hold some kind of log, so don't be alarmed when it grows in size.

Finally a picture from the screen. At first the loaded file with not that much of data did crash Java once in my system, so I think you need more memory than the 1Gb in my system or used VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=1536, but setting the last one higher can give problems in other area.

Is it always going the hard way?

Applications / Re: strange behaviour with Thunderbird
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:32:39 pm »
Found probably the problem. But its weird. After I have had Java active, FF, PMView and Embellish, all closed down. I get back free shared memory, its going up to 267Mb or so. Then I start TB as the only active program (besides whats loaded standard by OS/2-eCS) and its loaded. Up to the very last moment suddenly my free shared memory is consumed from 267Mb to about 8Mb. After that TB is building its screen, but due to not enough memory it can't perform. When I run TB just after start it performs as it should. Most of the times it does so after running FF, but sometimes it fails like above. The problem is its not hard this or that. Sounds to me still some incompatibility in loaded libs.

Applications / Re: Java applications
« on: September 14, 2015, 08:28:18 pm »
Monday, 14 September 2015 02:42 | Written by Martin Iturbide | Print | Email | Hits: 133

ProjectLibre version 1.6.2 has been released (2016/09/07). This is project management software with support for Gantt diagrams, which requires Java 1.6.

There is no way you can run this program in OS/2-eCS with Java version 6. Its compiled with version 1.8 aka 8.

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.4
Created-By: 1.8.0_25-b17 (Oracle Corporation)
Main-Class: com.projity.main.Main
Class-Path: lib/openproj-contrib.jar lib/openproj-script.jar lib/openp

If you run it with the options given in the zip you will get "hs_err_pidXX.log" files where XX is a number. If you run it from a command session then that session will hang, Java is not properly closed. Its very hard to close the session, sometimes you have to reboot.

Applications / Re: strange behaviour with Thunderbird
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:16:16 am »
Thunderbird 10.0.11 only used libc065 as an external dependency so it's hard to see how Firefox would interfere.
How are you starting? Have you marked anything to load high?
I don't think FF will interfere, but I suspect that the successor of Libc065 is not downwards compatible or works different in memory. I saw this only after I had installed FF31 with the necessary libs. I start TB with Run and I use an ENV file. As far as I know I have only Java set to load high or I missed the setting in config.sys, on the other hand, there is not much left with 1Gb for setting high. May be I have to delete XUL.mfl and the directory startupCache because they are corrupted in some way.

Applications / strange behaviour with Thunderbird
« on: September 12, 2015, 06:28:49 pm »
Now I know that Thunderbird is not the latest with version 10.0.11, but up to installation of Firefox 31.8.0 it worked fine. After installation of Firefox 31.8.0, better said the needed libs, I experience strange behavior, even if Firefox 31.8.0 is not used. I still use Firefox 24.8.1. If I start Thunderbird after I have used FF it sometimes looks like a part is not loaded or so. Memory mostly shoots up to over 900Mb, but in some cases this stays below the 700Mb. In that case the screen is not build properly. Only where your mouse pointer hits the screen is revealed. So if you do this with your complete screen you end up with all kind of blocks and the frame of Thunderbird is missing. Fortunately I can go to the part of the menu to end this session. Restart of Thunderbird has no effect. The only way is a restart of OS/2. After that Thunderbird works as it should, but it has to be used before FF is started. This sounds to me that some needed lib for FF latest is not completely downwards compatible or some sort. So I have the question if other OS/2 users do have this experience. I'm on OS/2 1.2 Dutch, 1Gb memory and some rotating metal. I don't expect that some part of the memory on the graphics card or main memory is wimpy as all other programs do work normally.

Internet / Re: icedtea hangs?
« on: September 04, 2015, 09:01:23 pm »
Do you have 100% CPU with plugin-container.exe using most or all? If so go to about:config and make sure that dom.ipc.plugins.enabled is set to false.
Thanks for your answer.
No, it rises to a certain point halfway, some hick-ups and after that it drops complete to 0. Like something was loaded, but something is not responding. I get this behavior on the official Java test site. Sometimes I see a screen with password is needed, what password?

Otherwise I believe there is an issue open at the bitwise github issue tracker about problems with the icedtea plugin. Basically it needs work.
Read it, some of the things sounds familiar.I will try it with version 17.

Internet / icedtea hangs?
« on: September 04, 2015, 02:00:22 am »
I downloaded and followed the instructions. Downloaded and followed the instructions. Problem here is that 3 libs are with an older date. Don't know if mmap.dll, pthr01.dll and urpo.dll are that critical with different releases. I use the dll files with latest timestamps. I make use of run, so my env file contains this;
rem set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1

Start up FF 24.8.1 and in the about:config confirmation that the plugin is loaded. Go to the Java test site and it hangs. But what's wrong? The test site, because it test on version 8? Another site with a page witch needs Java 6 also hangs, I get the clock icon or similar. And you can wait forever.

Any ideas?


Applications / Re: Firefox 31.8.0 Beta 5 - First Impressions
« on: August 28, 2015, 09:23:42 pm »
Not true. DLLs were only unloaded on exiting an app. If you open
another app wich requires a DLL with the same name, the function were
taken from the already loaded DLL. That's the reason why program
packages should never hold commonly used and shared DLLs in there dir
tree. Only those DLLs should be better installed to a common dir.
I was referring to one DLL directory for programs. I downloaded shortly a program which should hold the latest in DLL, but I had already the same DLL with a higher version number and a different size. However inside you can't find version number, production date or anything which could identifying what is true latest file.

There exists the 8.3 limitation for DLLs. Therefore sometimes the
filename can't contain the entire version number.
This comes from a program written before even the PC-XT was born;
Version 3.35, Serial Number 6335S00194
Copyright (C) Brown Bag Software 1986-90. All Rights Reserved
So your statement won't hold.

but I see the need for clear identification of DLL's, so everyone can
copy the right one in the right directory.
That tool doesn't exist yet.
That tool is called brain, fingers, eyes and reading a clear instruction.

Applications / Re: Firefox 31.8.0 Beta 5 - First Impressions
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:19:02 pm »
and they don't even need to be in LIBPATH to cause problems (remember the '.' dot entry).
As far as I know the "." dot entry translates as active directory. So if you have DLL's in other drives, directories  which are not in your config.sys, then they should not disturb the process. I have more problems in identifying DLL's if they are the right version and with the latest distribution for FF needed dll's it seems that certain dll's are smaller, have lower version numbers etc. This gives a puzzle. Thanks to config.sys and the way it works we can update dll's in a very easy way which is not seen in other OS systems. But for some reason we don't want to make use of it. To do so you need to make a statement in what directory the OS/2 natives are hold (\OS2\DLL seems most logic) and all what's added afterwards and needed by programs (\ECS\DLL seems to me most logic). But as stated before, not one OS/2-eCS installation will be the same. So I don't see the need for a YUM, but I see the need for clear identification of DLL's, so everyone can copy the right one in the right directory. As those paths are already in the config.sys your ready after a restart. And we have to stick to that deliberate copy a file and a restart in order to stay free of unwanted software which comes thru your internet connection by accidental clicking on the wrong link or so.  Just my two cents...

Applications / Re: Firefox and thumbnails in profile directory.
« on: August 11, 2015, 02:02:57 am »
In about:config, create these Boolean settings,  (right click on page)
name: browser.pagethumbnails.capturing_disabled with value: true
name: pageThumbs.enabled with value: false
Thanks Dave, found the first myself, that seems to work. No new thumbnails are stored in the directory. This brings me to your second, is this one needed too?

Applications / Firefox and thumbnails in profile directory.
« on: August 11, 2015, 12:37:26 am »
With FF version 24.8.1 and version 31.8.0 I have in the profiles directory a sub directory thumbnails. With these two versions I have thumbnails in this directory, but its taking space like hell (about 30k/picture). I don't want thumbnails, but can't find where to switch it off. In the about:config there are two lines about thumbnails. One has a setting with a long number, but that could be a date, the other has setting 3. Is there a way to stop producing automatic(?) thumbnails. There might be a change that some add-in does this, don't know. I looked everywhere. Does anyone of you have an answer on this subject?

Applications / Re: Firefox 31.8.0 Beta 5 - First Impressions
« on: August 10, 2015, 11:58:42 pm »
I have just installed eComStation v2.2 Beta
That version is still not on sale.

Applications / Re: What happend to XUL.DLL?
« on: August 10, 2015, 11:51:42 pm »
question from a guy named JoopN (does this ring a bell?) way back in october 2009. With the help of this source code
Can't stand something like that. Found it, but that was with error=2 problem, yesterday I had an other search word. The solution given was java "-Dbrowser.cmd=firefox -Dbrowser.arg=@url -Xmx400M -jar JAlbum.jar", but that won't work. I never got the idea to replace @ with $, but I'm not sure, I've deleted all JAlbum before version 10.1.0 and with it also all setups for trying out. From version 10.1.0 and up it did work as on my page which is replaced yesterday. I can't keep track records that deep, sorry.

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