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Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Remy on Today at 04:19:38 pm »

Today I was trying Dooble (Qt5) with Element (chat program). In the past it used to load (good or bad), but now it says the software it is incompatible.
- link:

I thought it was something about the App, I visited their chat, and they told me that it may be something wrong on the React component of Dooble. But at that moment I tried Dooble for Windows to see if has the same issue and it don't. It loads Element without any issue and without any warning.

Is it something that we are missing on our port, something qtwebengine?



Try changing Chrome/83.0.4103.122 to Chrome/108.0.5359.181
Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Martin Iturbide on Today at 03:56:48 pm »

Today I was trying Dooble (Qt5) with Element (chat program). In the past it used to load (good or bad), but now it says the software it is incompatible.
- link:

I thought it was something about the App, I visited their chat, and they told me that it may be something wrong on the React component of Dooble. But at that moment I tried Dooble for Windows to see if has the same issue and it don't. It loads Element without any issue and without any warning.

Is it something that we are missing on our port, something qtwebengine?

Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« Last post by Martin Iturbide on Today at 02:06:30 pm »

Any first impressions about ArcaOS 5.1.1 ?

Here it works fine in my VirtualBox VM (7.1.6 - Windows Host). I did a clean install and I can not find any new issue.

OSNews posted something about it:

Applications / Re: FTP
« Last post by Martin Iturbide on Today at 01:57:59 pm »
Came on Rich, you are a man of certain age and you don't need to go further with this crazy file rant and now talk about my "arrogance".

I prefer to apologize and see you go happy.

Programming / Re: GCC - updates
« Last post by KO Myung-Hun on Today at 12:20:54 pm »
One interesting nit is that when attempting to build something with cmake/ninja in parallel mode, I get:
Code: [Select]
c++.exe: fatal error: cannot execute 'C:/usr/local1501/bin/../libexec/gcc/i686-pc-os2-emx/15/cc1plus.exe': spawnv: Resource busy
compilation terminated.

'ninja -j 1' seems to work OK.

I've encountered this when building gcc v14.2.0 with 'ld.exe'. In my case, adding '-Zomf' to LDFLAGS when building gcc fixed this problem.
Applications / Re: FTP
« Last post by Rich Walsh on Today at 06:01:38 am »
No problem. Rich being Rich.

No, Martin, there is a BIG problem: your arrogance. You did a lousy job of "fixing" something that was none of your business, then you act like I have no reason to complain? Where's your apology?
Quick test - I works :-)

Not much time for extensive test, but €@²³µ work now. Thanks.

Excellent! Thank you.
Applications / Re: FTP
« Last post by Martin Iturbide on Today at 02:54:11 am »
No problem. Rich being Rich.
Programming / Re: GCC - updates
« Last post by Paul Smedley on Today at 12:10:49 am »
One interesting nit is that when attempting to build something with cmake/ninja in parallel mode, I get:
Code: [Select]
c++.exe: fatal error: cannot execute 'C:/usr/local1501/bin/../libexec/gcc/i686-pc-os2-emx/15/cc1plus.exe': spawnv: Resource busy
compilation terminated.

'ninja -j 1' seems to work OK.
Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« Last post by David McKenna on February 17, 2025, 10:26:56 pm »
 Thanks Dave - I got a new ISO and this one installed fine and shows it is 5.1.1 in my VirtualBox. Now to install on some real hardware...

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