Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« Last post by Remy on Today at 04:19:38 pm »Hello
Today I was trying Dooble (Qt5) with Element (chat program). In the past it used to load (good or bad), but now it says the software it is incompatible.
- link: https://riot.im/app/#/room/#os2world:matrix.org
I thought it was something about the App, I visited their chat, and they told me that it may be something wrong on the React component of Dooble. But at that moment I tried Dooble for Windows to see if has the same issue and it don't. It loads Element without any issue and without any warning.
Is it something that we are missing on our port, something qtwebengine?
Try changing Chrome/83.0.4103.122 to Chrome/108.0.5359.181