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Messages - Remy

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 54
Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 18, 2025, 04:19:38 pm »

Today I was trying Dooble (Qt5) with Element (chat program). In the past it used to load (good or bad), but now it says the software it is incompatible.
- link:

I thought it was something about the App, I visited their chat, and they told me that it may be something wrong on the React component of Dooble. But at that moment I tried Dooble for Windows to see if has the same issue and it don't. It loads Element without any issue and without any warning.

Is it something that we are missing on our port, something qtwebengine?



Try changing Chrome/83.0.4103.122 to Chrome/108.0.5359.181

Applications / Re: WPS-Wizard Installation Fails in ArcaOS
« on: February 16, 2025, 04:13:17 pm »
Did you read the readme.1st file ?

The readme says it requires Cairo and Innotek Font Engine (Freetype 2). I think I have both installed by default on ArcaOS, but I'm not sure if those are the right versions.

Just in case I tried installing the "Innotek Font Engine", rebooted and got the same install error.


I only see Cairo2.dll and Cairos2.dll under ArcaOS but it seems it needs cairo146.dll !

Applications / Re: WPS-Wizard Installation Fails in ArcaOS
« on: February 15, 2025, 03:05:56 pm »

1st: This is an experiment on a VM. I'm not suggesting you to install WPS-Wizard on your machine, since WPS-Wizard is has it's issues. I don't recommend to try WPS-Wizard on a functional/important/Production OS/2 machine.

Now to my issue. I tried to install WPS-Wizard on my testing ArcaOS 5.1 VM, but the install.cmd script gives me errors while trying to register the classes.

Current directory is C:\programs\wps-wizard

Registering class CWWizzSettings...
Registering class CWMenuFolder...
Registering class CWLaunchArea...
Registering class CWObject...

Error while registering class CWObject
Deregistering class CWWizzSettings
Deregistering class CWLaunchArea
Deregistering class CWMenuFolder

 An error occured. WPS-Wizard is not installed properly.

Use a tool like checkini to check/repair your INI files.

Press <ENTER> to quit.


I'm using this version:

I already tried CleanINI and clean the stuff on WPS, but I got the same results.
Is there a way to install it on ArcaOS?


Did you read the readme.1st file ?

Setup & Installation / Re: How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 14, 2025, 11:05:20 am »
I tried both cmd:

a.  yum list installed *       (the one I suggested - sorted result with pkgf name, release and status) 
b.  rpm -qa                         (the other nice cmd suggested under the post - unsorted result) 

Same package count here (no difference)

Setup & Installation / Re: How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 13, 2025, 05:32:40 pm »
Hello Remy

Some time ago people on this forum help me create this article:

It has a different scope, and maybe it is outdated for switching to i686 to Pentium 4 (Maybe there are easy procedures today), but there is a REXX script that may help you proving the information of what was installed on your system using the same "yum list" command.

Check it out to see if it works for you.


It looks like you are missing some installed packages (e.g. ASPIROUT  AN base installed)
Because you do a grep install (fist line which may contain INSTALL is taken too like: in french Paquets installés)
I think that first comment line may always have less than 3 words.

May I suggest something close to your rexx but not using a temporary output file during the process:
/* REXX to get just package names from RPM installed output */

rc = SysLoadFuncs()
Parse Arg fileout

rc = SysFileDelete(fileout)
list = ''

NEWQ= 'YUM'||time(S)
oq = RXQUEUE('Set',NEWQ)

address cmd 'yum list installed * 2>&1 |RXQUEUE 'NEWQ' /FIFO'
Do queued()
   parse pull pkgs
   If words(pkgs)>2 then do
      parse var pkgs package'.'.
      list = Strip(list || ' ' || package)
rc = Lineout(fileout,'yum install -y 'list)

call RXQUEUE 'Delete',NEWQ
call RXQUEUE 'Set',oq


Setup & Installation / Re: How to reinstall files missing from /usr/bin?
« on: February 13, 2025, 11:56:12 am »
Hi Pete !

Did you check with yum command ?
You can get a list of all installed packages using:
yum list installed *
or yum list installed * >mylist.txt   (save into mylist.txt)

Then check yum help
yum --help

There is a re-install packages option.


Hardware / Re: no Drive visible for inatallation
« on: February 01, 2025, 12:58:43 pm »

New PC with nvme.
Has the nvme GPT partition ? If yes, you must have latest ArcaOS.
Try to boot from a DFSEE bootable media and check what it report.   

Applications / Re: General Software Testing
« on: January 30, 2025, 12:44:40 pm »

I found this VSE/ESA Workstation Interface:
I'm guessing it is a utility to send commands to a mainframe, right?
It comes with a .VRP and some .VRX files, are those the source code of it for VX-REXX ?


To answer your first question.

Yes it is an interface (GUI) to send/retreive command/results from a mainframe VSE system.
VSE is nearly a mainframe DOS system, successor of DOS/VSE - ESA was replaced by Z since a long time.
IBM mainframe operating systems: z/VSE, z/VM (also named hypervisor), z/OS, z/Linux (or more commonly Linux on zseries), z/TPF

Somme rexx functions allowing automated processes on a host could be done throught rexx ehllapi and pcomm (personnal communication) too

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 30, 2025, 12:01:54 pm »
Using latest Dooble QT6 build.
(with QT6.2.11)

The translate option not always well working as it is supposed too

Source link:

Link generated by Dooble translate tool link (not working - error):

The link generated using google translate web page:

'.' dot into hostname should be converted into '-'   (this is well done)
'-' into hostname should be duplicated   (this isn't done !)
'/' first slash following hostname should not be duplicated   (this is not done)

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 30, 2025, 01:57:44 am »
Using QT6 6.2.11 with latest Dooble, I have a font issue on the cookies popup windows of Credit Mutuel
The first ligne isn't correctly displayed which should be "Crédit Mutuel"


Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 24, 2025, 01:58:07 pm »
I'll grep the webengine code, I'd suspect it may already use clock_gettime
Here's one case where we're not using clock_gettime:

Will change these and rebuild qt6weben.dll enables clock_gettime fro libevent and libxslt.

Dooble can still load os2world but that's the extent of the testing.

Seems to be better in general use (no hung when no youtube or videos)
Something I saw very often !
Playing a youtube video, swap to an other video (if ok, swap to an other) -> first symptome, sound not playing, ten video controls no more responding and video stops, high cpu and short after, system full hung (reboot needed)
My observation looks like it is going into bug when a internet session is not responding ! at this time, sound is impacted etc...
Questions I didn't have an answer
Q1: are any processes to kill hung sessions (following timeout) without impacting other sessions and running processes. Are these sessions freed from OS/2 view ?
Q2: Priority level handling between network flow and sound/video ?
- My drivers: ArcaOS uniaudio and MMRE network driver 

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 21, 2025, 10:52:31 pm »
You have checked where the setting is used but is there no code using hires while it should not ? (setting ignored, missing code to ignore the const  ::))
Placebo  ::)  just tell it to my system which I have to reboot 2 or 3 times per day using Dooble.... (frozen, hung)

* Firefox is outdated for many sites *


Note: I have no skills into this code. Doing several searches on internet, I found some qt developers using webengine having resolved hires timing issues using process cycles instead (is it possible ?)   

Even if qt6 on OS/2 *is* using hires timing (I have NFI) I cannot understand how that webengine flag is making any difference. The link I posted is where qtwebengine interprets flags - it cannot interpret the flag on OS/2, so the flag is ignored.

I am also *not* a programmer. I can barely write a hello world in C without googling it. How about you inject a deliberate typo into the flag you;'re using with hires and see if you still see the same 'improvements' - that might confirm Dave's thoughts on timing.

Will give it a try and post back

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 21, 2025, 11:23:08 am »
May it be possible this constant isn't well taken into some parts of the codes ?

I searched the entire code base, that link I posted is the only place where webengine flags are interpreted, and the timer variable is only interpreted on Windows.

I have no idea how this could possibly make any difference, other than the placebo effect.



Hi Paul,

You have checked where the setting is used but is there no code using hires while it should not ? (setting ignored, missing code to ignore the const  ::))
Placebo  ::)  just tell it to my system which I have to reboot 2 or 3 times per day using Dooble.... (frozen, hung)

* Firefox is outdated for many sites *


Note: I have no skills into this code. Doing several searches on internet, I found some qt developers using webengine having resolved hires timing issues using process cycles instead (is it possible ?)   

Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 20, 2025, 08:43:56 pm »
Hello Remy,

Ok, read it.
I don't understand why when adding this switch, Dooble is more stable while it should have no effect but it has here !
(adding this switch, I'm able to use Dooble without setting priorities. Without it, I need to add priorities settings)
May it be possible this constant isn't well taken into some parts of the codes ?

Could it be that this SET statement impacts other apps on your system which in turn have an impact on the QT stuff?

I have a few apps here that would fit the bill:
1) FF - where I no longer have this set, while in earlier versions I did
2) PUMONITOR - by default I'm using the hires timer to gether runtime statistics
3) DISKIO - the version I am currently working on is using this approach

Now of course if you are running/testing the QT apps w/o anything else on your OS/2 box currently running, that would at least limit that spillover effect that other apps might have.

Hi Dariusz,

I did a try removing auto started application and just left as is from a new install.
Same Dooble result here!

One time, I could see a blocked named pipe established by webengine (Theseus) just before system hung (reboot required)
Many troubles about sound (sound no more working, sound issued into a short loop etc... uniaudio installed)


Programming / Re: Qt6 Application Testing
« on: January 20, 2025, 02:59:16 pm »
It looks like disabling hires timer makes QTwebengine more stable.
Could it be possible a problem exist into C++ about hires timer ?  (under windows, they had to increase precision)

This switch is doing nothing on OS/2.


Ok, read it.
I don't understand why when adding this switch, Dooble is more stable while it should have no effect but it has here !
(adding this switch, I'm able to use Dooble without setting priorities. Without it, I need to add priorities settings)
May it be possible this constant isn't well taken into some parts of the codes ?


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