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Messages - Neil Waldhauer

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Off Topic discussions / Warpstock
« on: March 04, 2025, 02:56:37 am »
Warpstock is the in-person conference in North America. The next conference will be held later this year in a city in the USA.

I'm curious is recent changes in US policy make any difference to people outside the USA regarding travel to the USA to attend Warpstock.

I would like keep Warpstock away from politics. Supporting Warpstock neither endorses nor opposes any USA policies. Further, Warpstock is not intrinsically political. The current USA administration has never expressed a view about OS/2.

We'd like to continue to offer the Warpstock conference.

In UEFI mode, I also have to run at 3840 x 2160 x 16. In Legacy mode 3840 x 2160 x 32 works OK. VESA BIOS in 4K mode is flakey on several of my computers. This is one area where a video driver would be a plus.

I spoke with the mouse driver developer, and you can ignore the message in the mouse control panel that says the mouse driver is not correctly installed.

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 25, 2025, 04:50:29 am »
Rich: thanks! Typing "" works here, too. doesn't work does work.

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 24, 2025, 04:58:04 pm »
I tried dooble and firefox on Each gives a blank page. I also deleted the .dooble directory again, and dooble still shows a blank page.

Thanks for the shell suggestion. Worth trying if I can get a reliable test scenario.

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 23, 2025, 01:41:38 am »

After correcting the URL, the PGE site seems to render fine with both firefox and dooble5.  I've not tried dooble6.  Both the firefox and dooble.  This box is not quite fully updated.  Both browsers are not the most recent versions.

With firefox, I typically recommend testing with a fresh profile, just in case.

Thanks! I had not bothered to check with Firefox for several years. The website had not worked for a long time. Today it works in Firefox. They do fix these websites, apparently, sometimes.

After succeeding in Firefox, I tried agian in dooble, but this time I deleted %HOME%\.dooble. Dooble is able to operate the website, aslo.

I'm sorry to have to delete my profile all the time, but since dooble does not have much for bookmarks and nothing for passwords, deleting the profile doesn't have much of a downside.

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 22, 2025, 06:07:37 pm »
Why does render for you, and not for me?

Does something on-disk get corrupted? Should I delete .dooble from the Home directory?

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 22, 2025, 04:39:36 pm »
The Qt5 Dooble is simple, download, unzip and use, or first install the rpm, latest is in the Arca exp repository that you should have access to as a tester. The zip is newer and can jsut replace the rpm binary. There is also some updated Qt5 DLL's to fix the Window Title in other locales in the same directory, only works with the latest.
For Qt6, you need Paul's Qt6 stuff installed, see,3252.0.html which includes Martins script for starting Dooble.
Blocklist and filters are in the dooble directory on the same site if you want to install them for ad blocking.

With the "simple download" and QT from Arca Noae/Netlabs release, some websites work. This one, https:\, gives a blank page. Because many modern websites yield a blank page under both dooble and firefox, I thought I'd ask if there is something I can do to get a page like this to render?

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: February 19, 2025, 09:52:47 pm »
I think I'd like to try dooble again. Is there a web page or other resource describing how to download and install dooble?

Events / Re: ArcaOS 5.1.1 is out.
« on: February 19, 2025, 03:41:20 am »
This is a small thing, but I think it's kind of cool. If you boot the new ArcaOS 5.1.1 installer in VirtualBox, notice that the mouse is integrated. You can move them mouse between the host and guest seamlessly, because Amouse now supports running under VirtualBox.

That's a more accurate description. Thanks.

So, this could probably be fixed by a volunteer. It would have to be someone who wanted to promote the Warpstock meeting and the OS/2 community.

Warpstock 2025 will be announced once the details are done. It would be nice if we could gather a larger group to attend the meeting.

As in, I can't find any activity on the Warpstock site about 2025, and I'd like to see more activity and thought going into the next one. Issues, actions, etc.:

1. update the Warpstock site ... it shows Warpstock 2023 still !?!?
  - put something up about 2025
  - put something up about the "process" (board has various open or closed meetings, etc.)
  - is it just me, or is the Warpstock site slow (as in molasses slow)?

It is just you. Current information has been up for some time now. I'm not sure why you can't see it.
Warpstock 2025 is likely next fall. We have time.
We could use a volunteer to keep the website fresher.

2. call for ideas, early, and often
  - start to flesh out the sessions/tracks sooner, to build "sales" and enthusiasm

I notice that you published your comment here, not on, where there is a forum to discuss ideas.
We have fewer presenters every year. It's not because we don't ask.
Warpstock 2024 had fewer presenters than the time slots.
This may represent a slowing of OS/2 development.

3. have a remote-in capability, just as valuable as in-person (I'd pay for this)

We have had a remote-in capability for several years. But it's free. Charging for it would be a lot of work. Ideally we'd need a new volunteer to run it.

4. how can we help?

And so on ...

If you want to help, you can join the team -- use the forum on the site.
If you want to see more presentations, maybe consider preparing one yourself.
And thanks for your comments. Warpstock is a volunteer effort. With more volunteers, it could be better.

Hardware / Re: Printer Suggestion for ArcaOS
« on: February 05, 2025, 03:28:28 pm »
I've used HPLIP on an HP M252dw for many years. HP printers work OK. Toner costs are high. If HPLIP can be updated, then the HP is a reasonable choice.

The HP is easy to use to print from my phone.

I see some legacy operations where installing CUPS would not be appropriate. The HP is a good choice for printing with the original IBM Laserjet drivers.

Setup & Installation / Re: Installing CUPS on MCP
« on: January 26, 2025, 04:12:03 pm »
Well, I tried PRNDRV, and it was unable to fix all the broken parts of my install.

I'm continuing my experiment on my Warp 4 system. The MCP system will be restored to first boot and rebuilt. (Snapshots on VirtualBox make this easy)

I got a little further with Warp 4, but the import of the PPD fails. This is a built-in PPD from hplip installed from Netlabs stable respository.

I thought about the failure, and then ran CUPS.PDR through PMDLL (Because I know a PDR is a kind of EXE). I do this on ArcaOS, and I get UCONV.DLL depending on UCV32.DLL. There is no UCV32 on MCP or Warp 4. Can you help me find a copy of the up-to-date UCONV.DLL and UCV32.DLL?

Applications / Re: PMMail fails sending messages
« on: January 20, 2025, 08:54:22 pm »
PMMail send works here with SMTP port 465 SSL/TLS.

This is the version of stunnel I am using.

stunnel 5.58 on i386-pc-os2-emx built by Paul Smedley on Jun 16 2021

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