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Messages - Mark Szkolnicki

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Multimedia / Re: Updated Uniaud32 build
« on: September 16, 2024, 05:21:59 am »
Heh Martin!

Hello Mark
Detailed instructions on how to do all that are present in the PDF attached called Testing Guide for UniAud32. It is the last version I created (v1.2) as I got too busy after that to do any more updates to a variety of Testing Guides.
Can I have your permission to post your PDF content on the OS2World wiki?


As always, you have blanket permission, Sir, if it helps the cause. Go For it!

When I have the time, I always want to contribute - as you know, I've tried to add a lot of items, testing and perspective in the past - unfortunately, I've found my interests far exceed the time I have available.



Multimedia / Re: Updated Uniaud32 build
« on: September 16, 2024, 05:14:30 am »
Heh Sigurd!

Hi Mark,
thank you very much for your exzellent Tipps and Hints, as well as the PDF. Due to being busy I gave it all a first shot, found out there is with switch A:2 an "Auto mute" ID6, but had no luck so far.

I will come back to this later for sure, but this will take some weeks, as I have, besides my daily work, have to finish the 4th book of my nith-part fantasy Story. There is a new part each year, it should be ready at 24.9.24 (I have a faible for numbers, i.e. the first part is available since 21.9.21, the fifth will be at 25.9.25 and so on, German calender format) , so I have to Focus on this topic for the next couple of days.
It is free if charge, but unfortunately only available in German.

Thanks again!

Thanks for the kind words.

I will say in my spare time, I'm currently writing a fiction novel, based on a character created by Science Fiction / Fantasy writer and Grande Dame of both, Andre Norton, abandoned after two novels in the late 50's / early 60's. That's in addition to writing two non-fiction Emergency Response Plans at the moment, one for a facility in Pennsylvania (wind farm) and a corporate solar operation in North Carolina (Actually 20 facilities there but one plan).

So I hear you - I'm 65 but certainly not retired - just don't know how to stretch life to include 40 hours a day, 9 days a week.



Multimedia / Re: Updated Uniaud32 build
« on: September 12, 2024, 03:28:33 am »
Hi Sigurd!

Been very busy this fall with a variety of items but was looking in today and saw your post.

Hi Sigurd,

  Had a look at your logs, and from what I can tell, only the switch /A:2 is going to have a chance of working because the other two are HDMI ports which will not work with AOS (unless a video driver is created that supports it). Check your BIOS and see if there is a setting to use the RealTek audio on your computer (this is what /A:2 enables). Also check if you have a headphone jack, and see if you get sound there. It could be that some laptops use HDMI for their speakers so would force using external speakers or headphones with that unit with OS/2.


Hi David,

thanks for looking into this. I will give your hints a try and report!

May take a day.

Thanks again!

Further to Davids suggestions, I was wondering when you added the /A:2 switch to the UniAud 32 statement and ran PMUniMix. Does it show a variety of volume controls for your realtek card (I'm assuming you have PMUnimix installed)? If so, did adjusting the volume controls make any difference?

The reason I ask is because I ran into a problem where, installing Paul's latest UniAud driver of the day a couple of years ago, I could get no sound to play. Trying various methods of physical troubleshooting, no sound was still present at all.

So I skimmed a number of Linux forums for a week or so, researching problems with the drivers, and finally found a problem exactly like mine.

It seems that driver has a function embedded called AUTOMUTE. With the Realtek driver on my motherboard UniAud set the function to enable by default, essentially muting the sound through the chipset. Don't know if all Realtek sound chips operate in the same way.

Using the UNIMIX -names command (not PMUnimix), I was able to find the Automute ID for the sound system, and used UNIMIX to change the switch to "disable". Sound was perfect after that.

However, after reboot, sound again disappeared, and Automute needed to be disabled again. I created a file and added it to STARTUP.CMD so that the AUTOMUTE function was disabled automatically, upon every reboot.

Detailed instructions on how to do all that are present in the PDF attached called Testing Guide for UniAud32. It is the last version I created (v1.2) as I got too busy after that to do any more updates to a variety of Testing Guides.

Don't know if thats the problem your encountering, Sigurd, but if it is the suggestion may help out and Best!


Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 16, 2024, 11:39:50 pm »
Heh Lewis!
Sorry for the bumpy ride with the (temporary) transition to maintaining our own metadata at the mirror.s I managed to fat-finger my edit to the update script which caused us to bypass the actual download of new packages (D'Oh!).

Anyway, all fixed now. The last metadata update on the mirrors of netlabs-rel and netlabs-exp was timestamped at around 5:30am EDT, which corresponds with the timing of the cron job. We also managed to pick up some more recent files.

A word of caution:

The mirror of netlabs-rel and netlabs-exp have nothing whatsoever to do with arcanoae-rel, arcanoae-exp, and arcanoae-sub. The Arca Noae content is unique to the arcanoae-* repos. None of the arcanoae-* repos are mirrors of anything else, nor are there any mirrors of their content anywhere.

Also, one might note that there are a handful of qt5 5.15.2 packages available from arcanoae-rel which are not available from netlabs-rel (or, obviously, the mirror thereof). These packages were necessary to allow qt5 to upgrade cleanly on ArcaOS, as bww did not provide them (e.g., the qt5 metapackage for 5.15.2). It is not possible to upgrade qt5 with *just* the packages at arcanoae-rel, nor was that ever the intent of Arca Noae.

Hopefully, the Netlabs repos will be back up and available soon.

Thanks for posting this, Sir - as to the Netlabs-rel site, it seems to be back up, as of this morning - sent you a second e-mail on that one. I don't think netlabs-exp was ever down.

Best as always!


Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 16, 2024, 08:57:51 pm »
Mark I can confirm  what you are seeing.

Thanks Eugene!

The array of available files I'm seeing is somewhat different than what was previously there, or at least I think so.

I also sent an e-mail to Lewis today, as I had a few questtions.

A fine weekend to you, Sir and Best!


Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 16, 2024, 07:20:30 pm »
Hi All!

I re-enabled netlabs-rel this morning to run some tests and all the previous RPMs and more seem to be available again.

Can anyone else confirm?

I also went over to the ANPM wiki today and tried the "official stable release" URL for arcanoae-rel, and found only the same 12 files listed, reason unknown. As an emergency planner I think Lewis and the Arca Noae folks should make sure that the stable RPM's are also maintained regularly on arcanoae-rel as well as at least an emergency  back-up, if it hasn't been in the past.

Mirrors are fine, but the problems Adrian has been having pointed out a serious flaw in maintaining ANPM.

Plan to have an email chat with Lewis in future and Best!


Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 16, 2024, 04:31:59 pm »
Hi Martin!

Hello Mark
I think we corresponded in the past a few times over the last couple of decades when you were doing OS/2 News and Rumors

I think that on this case you are confusing Steve Levine, OS/2 software developer, with Steve Wendt, creator of the OS/2 News and Rumors site. But anyways, both Steve had done excellent work within the community.  :D


You are indeed correct Sir and I apologize to Steve for the error, and I will correct the post.



Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 16, 2024, 01:56:58 am »
Hi Steve!

A couple of comments which hopefully will reduce the confusion rather than increase it.

The correct repository URLs can be found at

The link to the Arca Noae mirror of the netlabs-rel repo is at$releasever/$basearch/

which decodes to

The repo URLs that contain only apply to Arca Noae supplied packages.  They cannot be used to install netlabs supplied packages.

The netlabs-rel repo is at$releasever/$basearch/
which decodes to

The mirror content is close but not exactly the same as what's at netlabs.  It's supposed to be, but perhaps the netlabs server issues caused the mirror operation to fail in some ways.  This would be a question for Lewis.

Lewis is building the yum metadata locally until netlabs is fully back in service.  This metadata will only include files that the mirror contains.

If someone needs to install a specific package not known to the mirror, you can download the rpm package from the netlabs repo and use anpm or rpm to install it.  For those using the pentium4 platform, the netlabs rpms are at

These do not seem to be affected the netlabs server issues.

I don't think we corresponded in the past, Steve - Martin pointed out that I confused you with Steve Wendt in a previous incarnation of this post, so I've corrected the error - sorry if it caused any confusion

I'm not a programmer per se - but I am an Emergency Response Troubleshooter, and have been a beta tester for years. So I was musing on your post here and decided to try a number of experiments.

I created repositories for both the mirror and the decode links you posted, in ANPM separately (4 separate repositories), as a test for both the 2rosenthals/arcanoae and netlabs links. I then enabled each separately, while disabling all the other repositories I had. What I got in each when it ran was the "Disk Image is malformed" message.

IOW I was not able to create a more definitive files list of downloads, using any of the four links you provided. Someone else may want to try what I did, to confirm what my findings were this evening. I trained as a scientist, so it doesn't mean that what I did did not work - if someone else gets a repo working, with the links you provided, I would be more than happy to test again.

The only one which still seems to work was the original link Dave Yeo posted - and still only contained the 12 files mentioned previously.

I have corresponded with Lewis in the past occasionally, but as you probably know I'm not part of the global ArcaNoae development team, so I may report this directly to see if he has any bright ideas.

Thanks for the additional information, Sir and Best!


Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 14, 2024, 03:10:40 pm »
Hi Digi!

Try disabling$releasever/$basearch/

All my Arca related entries are based

Yes, it works without 2rosenthals. But there are not enough packages on

I see what you and David are talking about now - in ANPM your referring to the "available" files that you don't have installed - I also get 12 files listed - I was looking at the "installed" files, of which I have roughly 250 installed, and as of last week I could update them.

I still have one update listed in the installed files - QT5. When I attempt to download that I get the following window message:


Error with transaction check vs depsolve:qt5-multimedia is needed by qt5-15.2-1,oc00.noarchqt5-qtwebsockets is needed by qt5-15.2-1,oc00.noarch. Please report this error at


So I agree with you - something is broken in the repo referenced, mirror or otherwise.



Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 14, 2024, 02:44:43 am »
Heh David!

Even the 2Rosenthals repo doesn't work for me - same 'disk image is malformed' error as with the netlabs-rel repo - even after a yum cleaning. So the bit rot seems to be spreading. The ArcaNoae-rel repo Dave suggests only has about a dozen or so files listed (which was already installed here).

 This situation is very bad...


Are you sure that the Netlabs-Rel repository is really disabled?

The only reason I ask is that I decided to also update the 5.0.7 partition to 5.0.8 on my system, and in the process it decided to re-enable netlabs-rel, giving me the image is malformed window yet again.

Disabling the Netlabs-rel repository yet again, and enabling 2rosenthals, everything went back to normal again.

One has to be disabled (netlabs-rel) while the other is enabled (2rosenthals) - otherwise you get the same message - at least I experienced that, twice.

Also are you using this link Dave provided in the new repo (and BTW the new repo listing does not have to be named 2rosenthals - I did that myself as Lewis has been a huge supporter of all of this, essentially creating ArcaOS - the name can be anything you like, but the Repo URL that works for me remains:$releasever/



Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 10, 2024, 12:20:39 am »
Lewis has rebuilt the database at so can disable netlabs release and enable the mirror at$releasever/. See for more info
Edit: Might need a "yum clean" to get working

I have done a number of updates to the 5.0.7 partition where I made the ANPM filelist update modifications, so everything copacetic so far - I don't know where those files reside but haven't run into any problems so far.


Applications / Re: ANPM database error
« on: August 09, 2024, 11:41:53 pm »
Lewis has rebuilt the database at so can disable netlabs release and enable the mirror at$releasever/. See for more info
Edit: Might need a "yum clean" to get working

Tried Dave's and Lewis's instructions this afternoon, and was able to get the ANPM file listings again, by:

1) going into ANPM
2) Going to Manage - Repositories on the menu
3) Right clicking on netlabs-rel and changing status to disable
4) Then clicking on Repository - Add - Yum Repository
5) When the information fill-in box comes up, putting in a name (I used 2Rosenthals)
6) Dragging the link Dave provided to the URL box (the drag spawns a URL object which can be placed into the box)
7) Pressing Save, closing the fill-in box

I did not need to exit ANPM and restart or do YUM Clean-up - ANPM went through its filelist update sequence and the file listings reappeared.

Haven't tried to update or add anything yet, but at least that got past the "File malformed" problem.



Utilities / Re: YUM Issue - Error: database disk image is malformed
« on: August 08, 2024, 12:45:17 am »
Hi Martin!

Thanks, I didn't noticed that reply.

It seem that Netlabs is having some issues, because the EDM/2 wiki database comes and go too.
Let's hope it can be fixed soon.


I tried to sign up for TRAC a few years ago but was not able to access it -  but I still get the e-mails from Netlabs.

I got this one today from Adrian Gshwend @ Netlabs:


Hi everyone,

Update from my side: I couldn't send the ZFS volumes to a new server due to checksum errors. I'm not 100% sure yet why these happen but I now know which files were corrupt. Fortunately nothing serious, it was only 4 in total and 3 of them were in ZFS snapshots.

The fourth file is a trac DB (java project) and it looks like I could recover a proper version from snapshots as well.

I'm now checking the filesystem again, which takes around 3 days due to my disk io performance problems on that particular VM.

Hopefully I can then send the data to the new, faster VM & get rid of the traps as well.




I know what we're talking about is not related to TRAC, but other corrupt files on that server may be what the problem is, as ANPM updates the fileslist summary file before allowing any downloads - I tried ANPM this morning and got the same message.

Not knowing what lies "under the hood" so to speak with the ArcaOS process, when ANPM performs an update prior to offering us files, I'm just suggesting that perhaps ANPM is attempting to access update files on the same Netlabs server, and the problems there may be wider than what was thought - perhaps the problems Adrian is facing are not just with Trac, if that is one of the download sites for ANPM. They may be having corrupt files or checksum errors as well.

I'm sure Lewis and Co, are also trying to see what the problem is as well.

Just being a bloodhound, when it comes to troubleshooting - its just in my blood and Best!


Applications / Re: ArcaOS v5.1 and VirtualBox OS/2 Version
« on: July 19, 2024, 05:15:02 am »
Heh Dave!

Surprised you're not busy with it being fire season. Moon was red last night here from the smoke.

Actually, you could call it cheating or not.

After about 20 years of helping the fire folks, I decided to sit things out this year - the fires, as much as they look bad are not like last year where we were burning out responders at a rate I never saw before. I was involved  because I am experienced (very) in three provinces, but my wife of 27 years this year has a problem at the moment that requires my assistance, that cropped up in February - she heard a crunch in her right foot and was finding it painful to walk - her doctor sent her for an x-ray and found nothing so assumed she just needed some physio, which made the problem much worse, to the point she could barely walk.

Bottom line, as a scientist, who thinks you should be diagnosing before suggesting treatment, she finally went to emergency three months later, after walking on it constantly and doing other things, and, after doing an MRI, they found a stress fracture in the navicular bone in that foot.

So shes in an air boot at the moment, and can't drive or do much walking, needing a lot of help, which somewhat limits our options, as we are out 22 km south and east of Sherwood Park, in a rural hamlet - the fracture clinic here is assessing her every two weeks, but I hope the delay did not cause this to continue for months. She is off to Winnipeg to visit our daughter (actually my step-daughter, age 52 - Anne was married before) end of July, so hope it will be better soon.

Rest assured, Sir, having trained over 40 individuals in similar roles to me over the years that you're in good hands out there and across the country - those young lions and lionesses are very competent - I admit I have little influence on that, but I am proud to have known and worked with all of them, Brothers and Sisters in Arms.



Applications / Re: ArcaOS v5.1 and VirtualBox OS/2 Version
« on: July 18, 2024, 05:34:11 pm »
Heh All!

Hi Mark, I ended up downloading in Linux, where it only timed out once. Building, I ran into a problem with OpenSSL where the API has changed and it seems non-trivial to figure it out, at least for me. Guess I should download the official source and see how they fixed it.

Well the old saying goes "The difficult we do right away - the impossible takes a little bit longer."

After doing what seems like a difficult Times Crossword puzzle, I finally found out what the problem causing the error message in VBOX 5.0.51 was. It was an easy fix but not obvious.

I had to reinstall an ArcaOS 5.0.8 partition for other reasons, so I used it as the test partition for the investigation. After getting it running, I then used ANPM to install all the missing libraries required to allow VBOX to run, based on previous instructions for v5.0.6 and 5.0.51 - and got the exact same error message.

So obviously the problem was not specific to ArcaOS 5.1.0 itself. I then examined the contents of all the ANPM libraries being installed, and saw the working DLL and .EXE and other ancillary files were being installed in the OS partitions \USR\BIN and \USR\LIB directories. I then went to the directories of a working VBOX set-up and copied the files, then transferred them to the new \USR partitions .......... and VBOX worked!

Doing detailed analysis of all the files present, I saw one file that was missing from the non working OS partitions - libvpx4.dll.

It seems it is a depreciated file now - installing the latest libvpx from ANPM (1.8.2-1) only installs libvpx6.dll. I confirmed that was the problem by first installing libvpx4.dll to another non working partiition, which allowed VBOX to run, then renaming libvpx4.dll and rebooting - trying to run VBOX that way, I got the same error message as previous.

There is a package available on ANPM called libvpx-legacy-4. which can install the file separately. There is also a package available that installs libvpx2.dll, but that is not needed to get VBOX to run. They can all coexist peaceably together in the same partition

So a depreciated dependency was the problem, and it seems my computer related investigative skills are still up to par, even at age 65 this year. Check off another problem solved, kids, and Best!


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