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Topics - Greg Pringle

Pages: 1 [2]
The software is "free" but a donation is required to get a copy.
Sounds like a church having a concert where the concert is free but
a donation is required to get at ticket.

This practice does not violate the rules because it can be considered
the price of distribution but it is not clear  up front.

I have donated money the past but was not listed as a contributor by bitwiseworks
so they had an issue letting me have the latest Open Office. Reluctantly they
agreed without a donation so after they let me have it I sent another donation.

It looks like is not getting enough money to pay for the
work they are doing.

Programming / Java Thread Memory
« on: July 21, 2016, 07:24:27 pm »
Has anyone else noticed that every time a thread under java 1.6 for os/2 is run and ends the memory goes down by 4 k ?

I use Theseus4 to check memory usage by process and after a new thread ends there is 4 k more memory
used by the java vm. This is true when the thread is started directly or as a runnable class or an inner class.
It seems to be true for both low and high memory. Garbage collection seems to have no effect.

When using java 1.3 for os/2 the memory stabilizes after a few starts and stops.

Hardware / Using various web cameras.
« on: June 06, 2016, 12:31:53 am »
There is a way to use most of the generic stand alone cameras. Almost all use the same internal software no matter who the "manufacturer" is.
There has been only 3 passwords for all the devices I have checked over the last 12 years. I hacked the cameras to find out how to use them.

Here is the a current setup which works for the current bunch. It has image and sound.
A batch file starts the process and calls a local "web page" to make it work.
The "DeviceSerialNo" is the password in this one.
Once the camera is setup (I use the other OS for that) it can be viewed with OS/2
The "RemotePort" number is what ever port has been configured in the camera.

@REM ===
SET JAVA_HOME=D:\java16\jre
SET SWING_HOME=D:\java16\jre
SET PATH=D:\java16\jre\bin;D:\java16\bin;%PATH%
set BEGINLIBPATH=D:\java16\jre\bin;D:\java16\lib\dt.jar;D:\java16\lib\jconsole.jar;D:\java16\lib\tools.jar;%BEGINLIBPATH%
@REM ===
cd camera
D:\java16\bin\appletviewer camera.html

<!-- Document fd3.html created on Thu Jul 29 15:36:03 2004 -->
<META NAME="generator" CONTENT="HTML Studio 1.50 for OS/2">
<!-- Body of the HTML document begins -->
        <APPLET name="cvcs" CODEBASE="" archive="aplug.jar" CODE="aplug.class" WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480>
        <!-- APPLET name="cvcs" CODEBASE="" archive="aplug.jar" CODE="aplug.class" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240 -->
          <param name="RemotePort" value=49220>
          <param name="Timeout" value=5000>
          <param name="RotateAngle" value=0>
          <param name="PreviewFrameRate" value=2>
          <param name="Algorithm" value="1">
          <param name="DeviceSerialNo" value="YWRtaW46">

Programming / Memory issues in Java
« on: January 08, 2016, 02:24:32 pm »
I have been a java programmer since 1997 and used IBM Java 1.3 for OS/2 with good success. It is hard to crash. On the other hand the current Java 1.6 is easy to crash and even bring down the whole system. All you need to do is fill up memory with a series of threads holding vectors. There is no warning to the doom. I found this because I had some bad code which would store arrays in vectors with cross pointers to the arrays so the vectors would not actually leave memory after closing the thread holding the vector. (a nasty memory leak) On other systems (not OS/2) the results were an eventual hang of java. On OS/2 the results were a crash of Java and sometimes a crash of the system. At least now I have a test bed for leaks.

General Discussion / Yum issue
« on: April 14, 2015, 05:12:29 pm »
Why would yum return:
Error: no such table: packages

It does this no matter what is entered. It has worked in the past.

It will do it with any command like:
yum update *


Hardware / Intel DH77EB suffers from 512 MB limit, is there a solution?
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:52:42 pm »
I have an Intel DH77EB motherboard which has eCs 2.1 installed. To get it to work I had to install the updated ACPI. The system runs but only reports 512 MB  of memory. It has much more. I had heard this could be a Boot Loader issue. Can anyone shed more light on the status of this?

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