« on: January 19, 2025, 06:47:25 pm »
A snowy winter day, so been doing some investigation of QT 6.8.1 to try to understand some of the problems it has. One thing I did is compare the names of DLL's in QT 6.2.11 with the ones in 6.8.1 and found some discrepancies.
In the \lib directory, there are 3 files missing from 6.8 that are found in 6.2: Qt6NetAu.dll, Qt6PosQk.dll, and QtQmlCoe.dll. Probably their names were changed somehow in the latest build - there is a posquick.dll and Qt6QmCoe.dll in 6.8 I believe are the equivalent for QtPosQk.dll and QtQmlCoe.dll. Can't find an equivalent for Qt6NetAu.dll in 6.8.
In the \qml directory there are several name changes in 6.8.1 from 6.2.11:
\QtCore\QtQmlCoe.dll in 6.2 is Qt6QmCoe.dll in 6.8
\QtPositioning\Qt6PosQk.dll in 6.2 is posquick.dll in 6.8
\QtQml\qmlplugn.dll in 6.2 is qml.dll in 6.8
\QtQml\Base\ directory does not exist in 6.2 or 6.8, but does exist in 6.6
\QtWebchannel\Webchann.dll in 6.2 is Qt6WebCQ.dll in 6.8
I would think these kind of changes might be why some apps compiled for 6.2 fail if run in 6.8.
On top of that, there are some qmldir files missing the 'plugin' or 'optional plugin' directive in the \qml directory in 6.8, and the strange addition of another 'QML' directory there which just doesn't look right to me. Most of the qmldir files with missing directives are in new directories not found in 6.2. They are:
\qml\qml\qmldir - calls out a plugin 'qmlplugn', but no DLL is in the directory.
\qml\test\controls\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive
\qml\QtNetwork\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive.
\qml\QtQml\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive
\qml\QtQuick\Controls\FluentWinUI3\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive
\qml\QtQuick\Controls\FluentWinUI3\impl\qmldir - missing a 'plugin' directive
I tried adding the directives manually, and it seemed to help the examples a little bit, but still get the 'stack overflow' error. The missing DLL in \qml\qml bothers me the most - it seems out of place and I don't have the DLL qmldir wants...