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Messages - Dave Yeo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 340
General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:49:19 pm »
Have you looked at the old port?
This built with VACPP and has the Presentation Manager fixes. IIRC, the build system was redone.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 09, 2024, 04:44:54 pm »
I think the problem is that IBM never finished the high memory support, or perhaps just buggy. PCI space, which is at the top of the 4GB address range, has grown with newer hardware. You put a video card in that uses address space for its large frame buffer and its BIOS and it takes up a bunch of address space. The JFS cache seems to be implemented up there too. So with 3072 virtualaddress space, it interferes with PCI address space and/or JFS address space and you get an unstable system. So you need a smaller virtualaddress space to be stable.
mem /v should tell you how much memory is accessible to the system, which should point to how much virtualaddress space you can use. Here, it is 3,502MB and using 3072 seems fine.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: December 09, 2024, 02:48:34 am »
Profile corruption? If you remember the page that triggered the exception, you could go to \home\.dooble\WebEnginePersistentStorage\IndexDB and move the entry out of the way and see if that helps

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 07, 2024, 05:22:34 pm »
So things work fine after a cold boot but not a warm boot? Strange and perhaps you should open a ticket.
Firefox failing to start after a warm boot is also strange and something I've never heard of. Unluckily the error message isn't very informative on exactly what didn't load. Have you looked in popuplog.os2 for anything related? What is your VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT in config.sys? Perhaps test with 2560. Did you ever run ffturbo install? If not, try running it.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: December 07, 2024, 05:08:26 pm »
Thanks Dave, Rich and Paul for this fix! Works well here with Dooble using either QT6 or QT5.

 Dave, in regards to OpenGL, Paul said QT needs either gl2.h or egl.h to build OpenGL functions. You had made a build of PortableGL whose samples worked well here so I was wondering if PortableGL provided either of those files...


No, PortableGL nor any other OpenGL library I've looked at have those headers.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: December 07, 2024, 05:07:10 pm »
Latest Dooble itself does not need the setting, it is for other Qt apps or if you want a different code page with Dooble.
Still it shouldn't crash and doesn't here. Look in popuplog.os2 for a exception report and try running "dooble.exe 2>&1 | tee dooble.log" without the quotes and see if dooble.log has anything interesting in it.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: December 07, 2024, 04:14:46 am »
Also, for both Qt5 and Qt6, the environment variable "QT_PM_CP" can be used to change the code page that the window title uses. To quote Rich,
Paul, setting the CP to 1208 in the environment should also enable
you/someone  to test the QT6 sample apps without having to change
a line of code.

Code page 1208 is UTF8.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: December 07, 2024, 04:11:11 am »
This build, is the same as the previous build except it has fixed window title for non-English titles, best shown with Remy's page, languages depend on the window title's font having the correct glyphs. Example,, which here shows the Russian in the title bar.
Currently Qt6 is missing the code that allows fixing the window list.
Also need and
Thanks to Rich for coming up with the patches and Paul for building the Qt6 DLL's.

Web applications / Re: Dooble releases, Qt5 builds
« on: December 07, 2024, 04:05:48 am »
This build, is the same as the previous build except it has fixed window title and window list for non-English titles, best shown with Remy's page, languages depend on the window title's font having the correct glyphs. Example,, which here shows the Russian in the title bar and question marks for the missing glyphs in the window list.
Also need I'd advise backing up the original DLL's in @unixroot and replacing them. Don't lxlite the plugin (qos2.dll) as there is metadata that will be lost if using lxlite on it. Qt5core.dll has debug data that should probably be kept.
Thanks to Rich for coming up with the patches.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 06, 2024, 11:46:16 pm »
I'm now testing;

GPU: Asus Geforce RTX 4060 Ti 16GB, (Nvidia).
Monitor: Samsung Odyssey G8 G80SD 32" 4K OLED.
Connection: HDMI

Max resolution offered by Panorama is 1280x1024.

Is there a "safe" way to get a higher resolution or do I simply have to experiment.

Change video cards? Nvidia is known to not be friendly with no way to patch its BIOS for higher video resolutions. You could open a ticket but I think you will be told the same thing.

General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« on: December 06, 2024, 08:33:52 am »
What about mesaGL? I don't remember its current status. A slow renderer would still be better than no renderer at all...

I visited it, seven years back, and got it compiling and the examples ran good. [
Problem is that it is old. Gives gl.h while now it is gl2.h that is required.

General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« on: December 05, 2024, 08:31:43 pm »
OK, it uses GTK. That would be a huge job to port, much like Qt. While nice to have, I can't imagine it being ported.
It can also run in a browser, so that might be a possibility, though even for that there's a good chance it needs something we don't have, webgl or node.js.

General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« on: December 05, 2024, 08:01:15 pm »
Really depends on what framework they're using. Having to implement something to use the Presentation Manager and the WPS can be a huge job.
You could always reach out to them and find out what would be involved in a port.

General Discussion / Re: OS/2 - ArcaOS Santa's List for 2025
« on: December 05, 2024, 07:02:12 pm »
Discussed a few times, and brought it up again (remotely at 2024 warpstock), but please add an entry for Winflector into the software section:

Looks like it is closed source.

Internet / Re: Dooble releases-Qt6
« on: December 04, 2024, 04:48:24 am »
Updated qos2.dll in - needs to be copied over \qt6-6.2.x\plugins\platform\qos2.dll


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