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Messages - Andi B.

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Hardware / Re: USBCOM big problem
« on: January 06, 2025, 10:17:32 am »
12.14 driver packages fixed PL2303 devices for me. From the ticket -
> /Z is normally needed if you don't have RTS/CTS wired.

So I misunderstood the usbcom.txt - '/Z Forces CTS handshaking and forces DSR and CTS on.'. 'Forces handshaking' sounds to me like I need CTS active driven from the link partner. I would call left unconnected CTS/RTS/DSR/DTR as 'no hardware handshake' or 'ignoring hardware handshake lines'.

And since then my config.sys look this for up to four devices. Mind before I needed 4 lines which are remed out here. Now only one USBCOM.SYS handles all up to four devices. HTH
Code: [Select]
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM5 /Z
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM6 /Z
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM7 /Z
REM ! DEVICE=P:\util\USBCOM_PL2303\usbcom.sys /V /M:1 /N:COM8 /Z

In another ticket I found someone needed /DCD parameter to get a device to work. The documentation for this was (is) misleading (wrong) on this too. (ticket 3485 for those with access)

Programming / Re: DISKIO - storage device detection logic
« on: January 04, 2025, 07:08:15 pm »
Not sure what you're really want to know but DataSeeker uses DosQueryFSAttach() to distinguish between different drive types. I think I copied this from 4os2 code back then but not sure anymore. Anyway contains the code which finds out if the drive is a disk, floppy, network, CD/DVD, or .... Also if removable or not. Looks like -

    apirc = DosQueryFSAttach(sTemp, 0, FSAIL_QUERYNAME, p2, &cbBuffer);
    //TRACE1(" apirc=%4d ", apirc);
    if ( apirc == NO_ERROR )
      //TRACE1("%-8s ", p2->szName + p2->cbName + 1);
      if ( p2->cbFSDName > sizeof(DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName)-1 ) p2->cbFSDName = sizeof(DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName)-1 ;
      memcpy(DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, p2->szName + p2->cbName + 1, p2->cbFSDName);
      DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName[p2->cbFSDName] = '\0';

      switch ( p2->iType )
        case FSAT_CHARDEV:   // Resident character device
          DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_FLOPPY;

        case FSAT_PSEUDODEV: // Pusedu-character device
          if ( IsMediaRemoveable(uDrvNo) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_REMOVABLE;
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_RAMDRIVE;

        case FSAT_LOCALDRV:  // Local drive
          if ( !strncmp (DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, "CDFS", 4) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_CDROM;
            if ( IsMediaRemoveable(uDrvNo) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_FLOPPY;
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_HARDDISK;

        case FSAT_REMOTEDRV: // Remote drive attached to FSD
          if ( !strncmp (DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, "RAMFS", 5) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_RAMDRIVE;
          else if ( !strncmp (DriveInfo[uDrvNo].fsName, "CDWFS", 5) )
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_RSJ;
            DriveInfo[uDrvNo].type = DT_NETWORK;

This seems to work with the current version 20241210. At least with my very limited testing until now. Sorry couldn't test before. But now I've to setup a new Debian box which I need rdp and with your suggested settings keyboard works better now.

Still not working is <Alt Gr> <e> EURO character and even worse @ (Alt Gr + q). Or better said I've not found a way to insert these. The way with <Alt> + number keys don't work too. No clue if this is a general limitation of rdp or some setting or....

Programming / Re: DISKIO - Dhrystone benchmark calc
« on: December 21, 2024, 07:27:41 pm »
-Wall - with one project I've '/Wppt- /Wppc- /Wext-'. No clue what it does but at that time I thought I've do disable these.

Programming / Re: DISKIO - Dhrystone benchmark calc
« on: December 21, 2024, 02:35:31 pm »
Code: [Select]
Is my printf use of '%lld' incorrect?Which compiler? You don't get any warning when compiling with -Wall?

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 09, 2024, 08:43:27 am »
What other device drivers, especially the IFS stuff, are you loading? What size cache are you defining for these?

The symptoms you describe all look & feel like the "out of memory" stuff I was seeing when testing the very large (>1G) JFS cache sizes here.
I usually let the IFS stuff as it is defined by ArcaOS installer. For older systems I also don't have big JFS cache. HPFS386 is remed out since long as it produces similar problems.

'mem -v' - my last tests on a pretty vanilla ArcaOS system I build up last week leads to 'out of memory' even when trying to open 4os2 or cmd windows. Sometimes afterwards it magically worked for one session but no more. -> very weird behavior with VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=3072. Reminds me on same experience a few years ago with another system.

So for me I can't get any system to work only near reliable with 3072. Wild guess, it may interfere with my 3840 x 2160 resolution. My observations lead me to guess there is a memory problem with the WPS or gradd or VMAN or ... with this high resolution too.

Administrator - this now runs very off topic. Maybe you wann split this thread. Thanks.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 08, 2024, 10:30:46 am »
it again gives the "Couldn't load xul.dll". This is with VIRTUALADDRESSLIMT = 3072.
With VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2560 it boots ok until it is about to start the desktop and then it goes black.

Now I've here two systems which behave very strange when trying to use VIRTUALADDRESSLIMT = 3072. I've not a single system/installation which works okay with this setting. I've the same intermediate 'out of memory' errors loading some programs. That's what in my config.sys about -
Code: [Select]
REM 20210711 VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT=2560 to 3072 because of qt browser
REM 20210711 neither simplebrowser nor Seamonkey nor ndpiso plugin works with 3072 -> 2900
REM 20211023 changed to 0xXX00 as Dave suggested in AN Testers from 2850 to 2816

I've to add OpenOffice and VirtualBox also give such errors sometimes with 3072.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: December 07, 2024, 09:29:54 am »
Max resolution offered by Panorama is 1280x1024.

Is there a "safe" way to get a higher resolution or do I simply have to experiment.
My tests with a new system tought me to -
- better use AMD
- better use DisplayPort
- don't connect both (or 3) outputs at the same time (DP, HDMI, DVI VGA) especially from cold boot.
- don't disconnect output from monitor, don't use KVMs (no KVM works here reliable either DP nor HDMI)
- HDMI output here only offers 1400 x 1050 sometimes. When DP is connected too it magically offers full 3840x2160 but system traps when selected afterwards while boot.  Of course I use short high quality cables only.
- DP usually offers full resolution (or most complete list)
- Panorama with integrated AMD Ryzen only offers 2560x1440 altough the system runs 3840x2160 perfectly well with other OSes (except Win7 which only can do 2560x1440 cause Ryzen 7 is not supported anymore with AMD Win7 driver).
- AMD RX550 works better with Panorama (and Win7) then integrated GPU
- 3840x2160 on one system (UEFI) leads to trap 000e in VMAN while 2560x1440 works.

You can also look at the tickets in mantis to find the log file of video (gradxx?) which is written at boot up to see what Panorama driver has to say. Or look into 'testlog generic' output.

Hardware / Re: Monitor suggestions
« on: November 15, 2024, 04:13:11 am »
I find it strange that there is so much problems with OS/2 video.  I have a dell 30inch 2560x1600 monitor that runs without any problem.  No problem with video cards, I don't have one, it runs from the built in video of the Ryzen 3 processor.
I observe different problems with OS/2 video output nowadays.

1) The BIOS decides which output is to be uses or not. Not used are sometimes switched off here. F.i. when  at boot the HDMI output is attached on my RX550 (?) the Display Port output is switched off. And vice versa. When both are attached I think DP is used and HDMI is switched off. But when something is attached to the internal Intel GPU (DP or HDMI or VGA) in parallel to the outputs of the extra graphic card, things go to complicated to describe very fast.
2) Integrated Intel GPU on my system does work but not with 4k. So it's kind of useless on my 3840x2160 Monitor. Needed to put in a extra graphic card and needed a ticket and work from David A. to get this card to work at full resolution.

3) Ryzen 7 integrated GPU does not work in 4k with ArcaOS too. Of course it works with the other OSes I've installed. No clue if David can fix this, need to create a ticket for that.

4) Output (DP or HDMI) is switched off when I switch the KVM to another source. But it is not switched on again when I switch back to ArcaOS. So you don't see any output anymore from your running system until reboot. Of course the other OSes switches back on the output (tested with DP and HDMI on Ryzen 7) when the KVM switches to that input.

There are even more problems with video on our platform I don't wanna go into detail. Some of them are nice to have things which result from the way we are used to work nowadays. But the above are the most annoying.

Setup & Installation / Re: TCP/IP 4.3 patches
« on: November 13, 2024, 11:46:09 am »
Isn't there a tcpip32.dll shiped with ACPI package? Or was it the AN kernel WPI? I think it checks if the right one is installed. I vaguely remember we need a patched one for stable SMP. 

Hardware / Re: Observations on intel vs AMD
« on: November 11, 2024, 10:58:34 am »
So if you want to dual boot to two operating systems, one using UEFI and one using Legacy or CSM, you would have to put those operating systems on separate drives and use the BIOS supplied F11 boot menu.
On my new Asrock B550M Pro4 with Ryzen 7 I choice to UEFI boot from the first MBR NVMe which starts the AN Launcher there. From there I can choose to start an ArcaOS installation on the MBR drive (L:\) but also the ArcaOS installation on my second GPT NVMe (D:\). I also can start GRUB/Debian on the 1. NVMe and Win7 on the second GPT drive.

Bottom line I don't need to go into BIOS to choice between OSes on MBR or GPT disks. In also have EFI partitions on both NVMe drives which I can choice in BIOS. But I think that is was not a good idea and pretty pretty sure not necessary. I can choice in BIOS to boot non UEFI from disk 1 which would start Airboot there. But this is useless as the UEFI AN Launcher makes a better job on mixed MBR/GPT disks with an EFI partition.

Setup & Installation / Re: Switch from CSM to UEFI
« on: November 03, 2024, 09:46:59 am »
v 2.52. Included with ArcaOS 5.1.0 EN. Built 2023-08-23. Maybe that's to old. But I really tried. Even looked into the help without any hint.

I even cleared start of the disk with DFSee and started again. But could not find how to select GPT when creating the first partition.

I think there's a basic misunderstanding here: neither MiniLVM nor PTE _create_ a GPT disk. They are partition editors that know how to manipulate an *existing* GPT disk. To create one, you must use 'InitDisk.exe' or DFSee.

After a reboot, MiniLVM will clearly identify which disks are GPT and which are MBR. 'PTE' will only display GPT and will ignore MBR (IIRC). The other partition editors ('lvm.exe' and that java thing) are useless for GPT because they can't see the actual GPT disk.
Does make sense now. But maybe you understand the confusion. Usually we used the standard tools (fdisk, lvmgui, MiniLVM) or DFSee to create all partitions and volumes. There is also the strong advise to only use ArcaOS tools to create volumes. I guess most of us know about these mentioned tools.

But I for myself never heard about (maybe I've heard but didn't recognize) InitDisk or PTE until a few days ago. Although I created one of my disks with GPT layout, probably during one of my ArcaOS installation trials, I didn't know InitDisk is needed.

So thanks for clarification.

Setup & Installation / Re: Switch from CSM to UEFI
« on: November 02, 2024, 01:43:17 pm »
Too old of a minilvm? Note that the latest is called the "Installation Volume Manager" and seems to handle GPT fine.
v 2.52. Included with ArcaOS 5.1.0 EN. Built 2023-08-23. Maybe that's to old. But I really tried. Even looked into the help without any hint.

I even cleared start of the disk with DFSee and started again. But could not find how to select GPT when creating the first partition.

Setup & Installation / Re: Switch from CSM to UEFI
« on: November 01, 2024, 08:40:48 pm »
Rich thanks for clarification.

I tried to setup this new 8TB drive with MiniLVM as GPT but couldn't find out how to do. Maybe I have to create an EFI partition there? But I've already 2 EFI partitions on other drives. I really tried with MiniLVM but it does not work (for me). I can't convince MiniLVM to create a GPT layout. I also can't add another 2TB partition on this 8TB drive with MiniLVM cause there is no free space anymore. PTE can't do this too.

PTE - looks a bit strange cause the big font. But it worked for at least one nearly 2TB partition.

I'm building up a new desktop system because I think it's time to replace my 4 core Intel one with a newer 8 core AMD. Bought an Asrock B550M Pro4 and a Ryzen 7 5700G. The system isn't nearly setup as I like but I think I should share some findings. This was the first time I played (have to play) with UEFI boot and GPT disks.

I have to say -
Concrates to ArcaNoae. I was surprised that handling EFI partition, UEFI boot with the AN Launcher and even creating a GPT partition on a 8TB drive works with ArcaOS5.1. Some things work even way better than with other tools/OSes.

More details - I started with a 2TB NVMe Samsung 980Pro. I partitioned this traditionally as MBR with Airboot and setup a ArcaOS partitions. But also made an EFI partition. I also reserved 3 partitions for Debian (swap, root, home). Also reserved some space for Win7 (which I didn't use later on but...). After the ArcaOS installation basically worked I installed Debian 11 in the reserved partitions. This went fine. But I can't get Debian 11 to offer more than 800x600 resolution. Some of the describes ways on the internet to use newer Ryzen with Debian 11 didn't work for me. Btw. ArcaOS supports only 2560x1440 on this system instead the desired 3840x2160 (needs a ticket and I hope David can fix this). So had to switch to Debian 12. This now works with the Ryzen integrated GPU in full 3840x2160.

I've to say ArcaOS installation went smooth but Debian was even easier to install. Debian also honors my partitioning (made with ArcaOS), means it didn't destroy anything in contrast to OpenSuse.

Now the hardest thing to install was Win7. Original W7 installation media don't work with NVMe and don't support XHCI controller. So I had to find patched ISOs prepared for newer systems. These don't wanna install on MBR disk because MS allows UEFI only on a GPT disk. So I put in another 2TB Crucial T500 NVMe. I prepared this with the ArcaOS installation stick as GPT and made the partitions for Win. As I was there I also installed onto the GPT disk another ArcaOS test installation. This time with UEFI support (extra EFI partition).

I also installed reFind cause I read it should be a good UEFI launcher. After playing a lot with all the options I have to say I like the AN Launcher better. I couldn't configure reFind to suppress unneeded ArcaOS, Win and Debian entries. In contrast the AN Launcher is easy to setup. It's also cool that with ArcaOS you usually give a drive letter to the EFI partition and so you can edit the config files there easily. For Win you need extra (time limited) software to access this TTBOMK. Probably you can do this from Linux too but I don't know Linux good enough to find out how until now.

Bad thing about all this UEFI stuff is that when installing different OSes or try to start from a stick you constantly need to go into BIOS setup and rearrange boot order. Or maybe this is a bad habit of my Asrock board. But especially Win changes things to start only Win next time. So you have to change in BIOS the right disk (EFI with your launcher) constantly.

Good thing about AN Launcher is also it seems to have some kind of fall back mode. If selected partition does not exist it shows a list of partitions on different disk you can chose to start. Needed this a few times.

OpenSuse installation destroyed the LVM information on my first disk. So one of my ArcaOS installation couldn't be started anymore. Tried with DFSee to repair but gave up. Used the ArcaOS installation stick and surprise, surprise, the disk checking tool mentioned the problem and was able to fix it. Thanks ArcaNoae. Even for me as a long time DFSee user it was way easier to let the disk checker do it's work than playing with DFsee myself.

I also put into a 8TB disk drive. At first I created a standard 2TB partition with MiniLVM. But afterwards I found out you should better use PTE.exe for that. With that you can create GPT partitions which are needed for such big drives. Luckily every ArcaOS installation has included gpt.sys in config.sys. So you can use such partitions even when added later on.

I also put into temporarily a 1TB SSD (SATA Crucial MX500) which I used to transfer data. When trying to copy a few partitions with all in all about 700GB of data ArcaOS reproducible hangs. I thought David had fixed the AHCI driver for this (I had a ticket about and lot of work went into solving this) but it seems there are some situations where it still does not work. Crucial offers firmware xx46 which should fix some very rare hangs in corner cases so I updated the SSD firmware from xx45 to xx46 (this time used Win for that cause way easier than the other options). I thought I've already updated this drive last year but not sure anymore. I'm not really sure all problems are gone now but at least I could copy my 700GB in a few 100'000 files finally.

So still under construction and will take a long way to setup a final ArcaOS main partition (probably when DE arrives) also take some time to prepare the Win7 I need it and a lot to discover with Debian and OpenSuse. But the first steps are done and ArcaOS works on bare metal here. Writing this with Seamonkey, the copied profile from the old system, and even with this long text no hang until now ;-). Six of the eight cores usually sleeps at idle. Hyperthreading is disabled although I looked nice to see OS/2 showing 16 cores. When Seamonkey is running power consumption is about 70W. Without about the half. Win uses less, Debian even less. Btw. Win7 can't handle 3840x2160 too. Such a shame AMD don't support this GPU anymore although it's a few years old anyway. If anyone knows a trick for Win7 and still read until here, please...

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